spore evolution

Chapter 116 Roast Sand Sheep

Chapter 116 Roast Sand Sheep

"Come on, cut down this tree."

Chen Tianhao pointed to a tree more than ten meters high and ten centimeters in diameter beside him.

The Lightning Beast responded, raised the bone knife in its hand, and pointed it at the tree trunk.

A cold light flashed, the trees stood still, Chen Tianhao just wanted to open his mouth to ask.

The Lightning Beast pushed lightly and creaked, and the tree trunk fell down.

With a bang, the tree trunk fell, startling the Winged Man who was dealing with the field next to him, thinking that an enemy was coming, and instantly aroused energy to fill his whole body.

Seeing that the movement was caused by the cutting of trees by the leader, everyone put down their attacking state and continued to do their own things.

The bone knife of the Lightning Beast is sharper than expected, and Chen Tianhao is more confident in making various tools.

Chen Tianhao began to direct the Thunder Beast to make wooden sticks for barbecue. The people depend on food, and it is king to get the food first.

Chen Tianhao took the first freshly baked wooden stick, and happily threaded the meat on the wooden stick. At this time, the firewood pile was already on fire, and the flame rose quickly. He put the barbecue on it, and started the oasis. First roast.

The Lightning Beast looked at the fire next to it in horror. He had never seen a creature that could make fire. Occasionally, the fire was struck by lightning from the sky. The awe of the flame.

For Chen Tianhao's ability to make fire freely, his heart is full of reverence. This is a creature that can make fire by itself. In his impression, fire is a weapon of heaven. He regards the flames occasionally produced by lightning as a weapon of heaven.

"Keep chipping all the wood like this."

Chen Tianhao said to the Thunder Beast, just one stick is not enough, more wooden sticks are needed.

He kept flipping the wooden stick in his hand so that the meat could be grilled more evenly. In this hot desert, the temperature next to the fire rose sharply, but it couldn't stop his heart to eat fresh barbecue.

With the previous experience, the Thunder Beast quickly whittled the remaining wood into wooden sticks, and there were already winged people beside it, helping to skewer the pieces of meat on them and put them on the fire to roast.

A scent came from the barbecue in Chen Tianhao's hand.

"It smells good."

The Lightning Beast came to Chen Tianhao's side with a skewered meat skewer, and took a deep breath.

At this time, Chen Tianhao's barbecue had already been grilled, and he took the grilled meat skewers and handed them to the Lightning Beast, and asked, "Want to eat?"

The Lightning Beast nodded, reaching out to get the meat skewers.

Chen Tianhao immediately put the meat skewers away, "If you want to eat, grill it yourself."

Immediately, he carefully ate the barbecue. The sand lamb was different from the barbecue he had eaten before. It didn't have the smell of sheep as he had imagined, but it was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

The Thunder Beast looked resentfully at the barbecue in Chen Tianhao's hands, imitating the way Chen Tianhao had just barbecued, and began to grill the first barbecue in his life.

The grilling technique of the Thunder Beast was beyond Chen Tianhao's expectations. He thought that it was the first time that the Thunder Beast grilled, and it would definitely spoil the barbecued meat.

Unexpectedly, Shanlei Beast learned the movements of his barbecue just now, and it grilled in a very good way.

Soon, the first barbecue of the Lightning Beast came out of the oven.

Having watched Chen Tianhao eat with gusto, he picked up the meat skewer in his hand, regardless of whether the meat skewer had cooled down, and took a bite.

The hot piece of meat kept jumping in the mouth of the Thunder Beast, but he was reluctant to spit it out.

"Delicious, so delicious."

At the first bite of Sha Mutton, a wonderful feeling completely different from raw meat spread throughout his body through his taste buds.

Since he occasionally ate a creature that was struck to death by lightning, the delicious cooked food made him unforgettable, and he thought it was the food given to him by God.

When he ate the first bite of the roasted mutton, he felt that this was the food given by God. He didn’t feel much when eating the mutton raw, but after the mutton was roasted, it was so delicious. Word.

He quickly wiped out the meat skewer in his hand and grilled the second skewer.

Chen Tianhao saw that he had just finished eating the first skewer of barbecued meat, and the Thunder Beast had already finished it, so he also picked up the second skewer and continued to roast, secretly having a competition with the Thunder Beast.

However, Thunder Beast didn't realize that Chen Tianhao next to him was secretly serious. He only had eyes for the delicious barbecue, and the strings of barbecue turned into the food in his stomach in his mechanical movements.

Chen Tianhao helplessly put down the barbecue in his hand, and gave up comparing with the Lightning Beast.


He burped deeply, his stomach was bulging, and he had almost eaten.

And the Thunder Beast next to it is still eating the barbecue in its hand quickly. Judging from his appearance, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop for a while.

Of the ten sand sheep, nearly half of them entered the stomach of the Thunder Beast.

After another half a day, the Lightning Beast reluctantly put down the barbecue in his hands. At this time, his stomach was about to turn into a ball.

Although the other winged people did not eat as exaggeratedly as the Thunder Beast, they were also very full. This was the first time they had such a refreshing meal after entering the desert.

After everyone was full, they didn't want to move for a while.

Originally, Chen Tianhao planned to ask the Thunder Beast to help make some weapons, but he temporarily dropped this plan.

The group found some places covered by reeds and leaves to rest.

The creatures living in this oasis are not only flash thunder beasts, sand sheep, but also water storage beasts, and several other creatures.

The native water-storage beasts were because Chen Tianhao needed them, so when they met for the first time, he let them go.

It's not that simple like the sand sheep, there is no way to escape, and the last batch of sand sheep in the oasis became the belly of the winged people.

Seeing the fate of the sand sheep, other creatures wanted to leave this place, but facing the huge desert worms outside, they felt more alive here. They only hoped that the flash thunder beasts would only kill a batch.

It's just that Shanlei Beast is willing, and Chen Tianhao is also unwilling. His goal is not to live in this oasis, but his goal is to take Yiren out of this desert and find a place with abundant food.

The situation of other living things in the surrounding area cannot escape Chen Tianhao's consciousness detection. He had a clear understanding of the surrounding situation as early as when the energy of consciousness returned to the best state. Now I am afraid that even the Lightning Beast does not have his understanding. This oasis.

It was after he learned about this oasis that he made up his mind to leave this place.

After resting for a while, Chen Tianhao called the Thunder Beast, and first came to the water storage beast's lair in the oasis.

The water storage beast is an important tool for Chen Tianhao to leave this desert, and there is no room for any mistakes.

Although he knew that the water storage beasts would not leave this oasis, and his consciousness had been paying attention to the group of water storage beasts, just in case, he came to the lair of the water storage beasts as soon as possible to get rid of these water storage beasts. Beasts are more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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