spore evolution

Chapter 117

Chapter 117
After the water storage beast found that there were no other creatures on the edge of the lake, it began to slowly eat the aquatic plants on the edge of the lake, as if the winged man next to it did not exist.

Looking at the water storage beast in front of him, Chen Tianhao also had a headache. He didn't know how to tame the water storage beast. When he came here, all the water storage beasts in the team had been tamed by the former Yiren.

Now let him tame the water-storage beast, and he is frowning for a while, is he using consciousness to communicate?Or communicate with voice?
Chen Tianhao tried two methods. The Water Storage Beast regarded Chen Tianhao as a transparent person, but looking at their eyes, he felt a little bit afraid of the Lightning Beast.

The water storage beasts are usually relatively docile creatures. Although the lightning beasts have been subdued by Chen Tianhao, they don't know about the water storage beasts. They only know that the lightning beasts are the most powerful creatures here. As long as they guard against the lightning beasts, they will be fine. .

Seeing no response from the water storage beasts, Chen Tianhao gave up temporarily, turned around and asked, "Do you have any way to subdue these water storage beasts?"

"I haven't subdued other creatures. Usually, I just kill them directly. How about I give it a try?"

Seeing Chen Tianhao's disappointed eyes, the Thunder Beast asked back.


Chen Tianhao didn't have any other better way for a while, so let the Lightning Beast try.

The Lightning Beast nodded and ran in front of the Water Storage Beast. The Water Storage Beast, which was grazing leisurely just now, panicked and ran away.

Chen Tianhao saw the Thunder Beast roar, and the Water Storage Beast stopped in its tracks, and obediently came to the Thunder Beast.

After a while, the Lightning Beast came over, "Brother, it's okay, they agreed to obey my order."

"so fast?"

Chen Tianhao looked at the water storage beast in front of him in surprise, just coax it?There must be other reasons, only obeying the orders of the lightning beasts, but it doesn't matter, the lightning beasts obey their own orders 100%, and the water storage beasts obey the orders of the lightning beasts, which is equivalent to these water storage beasts obeying own order.

With the addition of these water storage beasts, the number of water storage beasts in the Yiren team has returned to twenty.

Chen Tianhao let these water-storage beasts join the water-storage beasts he brought along, and let them drink water and graze grass by the river to store up water for the road later.

After finishing the water storage beast, Chen Tianhao aimed at the remaining creatures.

These creatures will be an important source of food for him on the rest of his journey.

With the addition of the Thunder Beast, the other Winged Men didn't move, and only Chen Tianhao and the Thunder Beast took care of the rest of the creatures.

Under Chen Tianhao's instructions, these creatures didn't die that badly. Most of them were fatally stabbed in the neck, leaving intact furs. After these furs are dried, they are perfect warm items.

So far, in the entire oasis, except for some fish in the middle of the lake, there are no living things in other places.

Perhaps after the desert worms leave the desert, the oasis here will become vibrant again, but this is all in the future, and now there is no sign of life in this oasis.

After cleaning up the surrounding creatures, Chen Tianhao took the Lightning Beast to look for some hard wood.

The Wingman's weapon is about to increase its range. With weapons, the ordinary Wingman's combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved, so that the ability to survive in the desert will be higher.

For weapons made of wood, you can only choose relatively simple wooden guns.

The bone knife of Shanlei Beast is more useful than expected. After one day, he chopped down all the hard trees around him, and made these trees into wooden guns. He also used these trees to make several wooden cups.

Seeing the formed wooden cups, those wingmen cheered again. After experiencing the usefulness of wooden cups, they all fell in love with wooden cups.

The wooden cup was lost in the desert, which made them sad for a while.

The Wingmen were happy, but the Thunder Beast was suffering. He never stopped cutting sand sheep every day. He felt that he had never been tired before.

After making the last wooden gun, immediately lay down on the ground to rest.

The wooden spears are all manufactured to a standard length. The diameter of the long spear is about three centimeters, and the length is about two meters.

Chen Tianhao picked up a wooden gun and waved it there a few times. Suddenly, there was a whirring sound. He raised the wooden gun and swiped hard at the nearby trees. The trees shook for a while, and a few yellow leaves fell from the trees.

The barrel of the wooden gun, except for a little bit of bark, has no other problems.

The hardness of the wooden gun was beyond his expectation, and he swiped it a few more times, but there was still no problem.

If this gun head is replaced with another sharp gun head, it may immediately become a murderous weapon.

Taking back the wooden gun, he began to teach the Yi people how to use the wooden gun.

He also knows only a few simple ones, and taught Yiren how to use some simple guns he had seen on TV before.

Yiren has a strong learning ability, and after only teaching for a while, each of them has learned well.

This time, if he encounters the Desert Scorpion again, it will be much easier. Even if he encounters the Desert Demon Wolf, with these wooden spears, he will never be seriously injured again.

They were attacked by desert demon wolves the night before, not only killed two Winged Men, but also injured several Winged Men to varying degrees. They haven't recovered yet, and the combat effectiveness of these Winged Men has dropped a lot.

The Yiyi people have learned almost the same, and it is already dark.

Traveling at night is not a good habit, so he decided to start again at dawn tomorrow.

In the evening, there was another barbecue. After a busy day, the Thunder Beast jumped up from the ground when it saw the barbecue, picked up a skewer and ate it.

"A foodie is a foodie, as long as there is something to eat, you won't be tired immediately."

Chen Tianhao scolded with a smile.

In fact, his current image is not much better than that of the Thunder Beast, with a meat skewer in his left hand and a freshly made wooden cup in his right.

The other Yi people were also rejoicing, eating meat skewers and drinking the cool lake water one by one.

After eating, the Yi people are still busy with barbecue, which is prepared for tomorrow's departure.

The barbecue prepared for tomorrow's departure is different from the barbecue that is eaten now. He is roasted in a large piece on the flame.

A large piece of meat is easy to carry. It can be placed on the back of the water storage beast. It only needs to be cut off when eating. If it is too small, it is not easy to carry, and the quantity to carry is not enough.

Of course, such a large piece of meat is not easy to roast, and the taste of the roast is much worse, but it is already good to eat barbecue in the desert, so how can we ask for more.

After working for a long time, Yiren finally cooked the last piece of barbecue. After putting the barbecue away, he found a place to sleep by himself.

The surrounding creatures have been wiped out, and the desert worms can't come here, so Chen Tianhao can finally sleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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