spore evolution

Chapter 118 On the way

Chapter 118 On the way
There were no other threats around, Chen Tianhao slept very soundly this time, and slept until the sun was high.

When he came to this desert, Chen Tianhao has been busy on his way to save his life, and rarely encountered an oasis that was difficult to meet.

After waking up, I have been busy working all day. I will eat and drink here first before going on the road. Although it looks good here, there are desert worms outside, so it is destined to be dead.

Perhaps without the interference of other creatures, the oasis here may gradually expand into a larger oasis.

But who knows when this happened, now Chen Tianhao just wants to lead the Yi people out of this place, to find a bigger oasis, to escape from this desert.

Lightning Beast is usually a guy who sleeps during the day and moves at night. He worked hard all day yesterday and slept soundly at night. However, he woke up very early today. He knew that Chen Tianhao was going to leave today, and he was afraid that Chen Tianhao would leave him.

He has long been full of longing for the outside world. In the past, there were other creatures in the oasis that could be eaten by him. He didn't have the courage to break through the desert worms outside by himself.

Now the last creatures in the oasis have been killed, and there are no other creatures forcing him to leave the oasis. At this moment, he is both happy and terrified.

I am happy that I can finally leave this place to see a bigger world; I am terrified that if I follow my elder brother, can I really escape from the pursuit of that terrible creature?
Get up in the morning.

"Brother, when are you leaving?"

The Lightning Beast jumped up and down beside Chen Tianhao.

"Why are you happy, kid? It's much better here than outside."

Chen Tianhao looked at the clear water of the lake, and some strange fish could be vaguely seen swimming in the middle of the lake. If this oasis is big enough, maybe there is no need to run outside.

"Ah, then, big brother, do you want to go?"

The Thunder Beast thought that Chen Tianhao planned not to leave.

Chen Tianhao picked up a piece of palm-sized barbecue, which was baked yesterday and had cooled down, and took a bite, "Let's go, eat more, eat more, you won't be able to eat it if you want to eat it outside later." As he spoke, he took a piece of barbecue and handed it to the Lightning Beast.

The Lightning Beast took the roast meat and ate it in big mouthfuls. The cooled roast meat was not as delicious as it was when it was just roasted, but it was also better than the raw one. It was quickly processed with the lake water in a wooden cup.

After eating the barbecue like a gulp, let the water storage beast drink enough lake water, reaching the limit, the water storage beast has grown a lot in size.

A group of people walked through the oasis along the direction they were heading before, and came to the edge of the oasis again.

Every Yiren held the wooden spears made yesterday, and stood neatly behind Chen Tianhao. The Thunder Beast didn't take them. In his words, these wooden spears were all made of his bone knives, and he believed even more in his Chen Tianhao didn't force the bone knife.

Chen Tianhao returned to look at this oasis that had given him great help, his heart was full of gratitude, and then he looked firmly at the barren desert ahead, hoping that there was hope ahead.

Holding the wooden spear in his right hand, Chen Tianhao swung it upwards and shouted: "Let's go."

Seeing Chen Tianhao's movements, the other wingmen also shouted in unison.

A group of people set off from the oasis in a mighty way.


The sun is in the middle of the sky.

The fierce sunlight shone unobstructed on the desert, and the high temperature distorted the air above the desert.

A huge team was moving forward in the desert, and it looked like a giant beast in the desert from a distance.

This huge team is none other than Chen Tianhao who came out of the oasis.

At this time, four or five hours had passed since Chen Tianhao left the oasis.

Chen Tianhao was worried about the appearance of desert worms along the way, even though Chen Tianhao added weapons to the Wingmen, which greatly improved their combat effectiveness.

However, in the face of such a huge monster as the desert worm, it is not easy to defeat it with a wooden gun made of wood.

The body length of several hundred meters of the desert worm probably required the use of nuclear weapons and the like in the previous life to kill it.

Chen Tianhao has been spreading his consciousness in a range of one kilometer underground, subduing the lightning beast to restore his consciousness energy to full, and maintaining this state is enough for him to use a knife to leave the desert worm's range of activities. Of course, this range of activities is only Calculate according to the distance he walked yesterday.

I don't know if the desert worms went to other places to forage, or they didn't find Chen Tianhao and the others. Chen Tianhao walked for a long time, but he didn't find any traces of the desert worms. Of course, the lifeless desert around him also showed that this place is still a desert. The range of activity of the worm.

Although no trace of the desert worm was found, Chen Tianhao was also a little tired mentally, and he needed a high degree of concentration to constantly use his consciousness along the way.

It was much easier for the other Yiren, as long as they followed Chen Tianhao closely.

Chen Tianhao's new little brother, the Lightning Beast, was also quite relaxed. He was also very nervous about the desert worm at the beginning, but after walking for an hour, he completely forgot about the terrifying desert worm.

Without that fear, the Thunder Beast began to jump up and down in the team, like a monkey, full of curiosity about the world outside the oasis.

However, it didn't take long before he lost his sense of freshness. There wasn't even a tiny creature around here, and the sky was full of yellow sand. It would be better to be in an oasis. At least there were trees for him to play with, and other creatures for him to play with. He plays.

"Brother, how long will it take to reach the destination?"

The Lightning Beast was sweating profusely at this moment, and seemed to be about to collapse. It had consumed too much energy and water by jumping up and down before.

"I don't know, keep walking along this road until you see the oasis."

Chen Tianhao stared at the front with both eyes, as if he wanted to see through the front, but the eagle eye was used to the extreme, and there was still an endless sky full of yellow sand.

"Ah, how long was that?"

The six eyes of Shanlei Beast kept moving left and right, trying to find the oasis. Although he had many eyes, his vision limit was not as far as Chen Tianhao's. Even Chen Tianhao couldn't find the oasis, let alone him.

"Maybe we can find the oasis after walking for a while, who knows?" Chen Tianhao explained casually, and his main focus was on exploring the surrounding situation.

The fact that the desert worms have not appeared for the time being does not mean that the desert worms have disappeared. If one is not careful, the entire team may not be able to confess here. There is no oasis here to stop the opponent's attack.

Fortunately, so far, no trace of the desert worm has been found.

"Brothers, speed up."

Chen Tianhao shouted, only by leaving here as quickly as possible can he avoid the current fear.

The group exploded at a faster speed than before.

If you want a faster speed, you must first eat and drink enough. Only with enough physical strength can you cross this sky-filled sea of ​​sand.

(End of this chapter)

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