spore evolution

Chapter 119 The Mysterious Green Dot

Chapter 119 The Mysterious Green Dot

The sun's rays shine on the desert, evaporating the desert like an oven.

Chen Tianhao walked in the desert, it was like walking in a steamer, he took a super long sauna for free.

The young Winged Man in the middle of the line suddenly left the line, ran to the front of the line, held Chen Tianhao's right hand with both hands and shouted: "Boss, there are green plants in front again."

This young winged man was exactly the young winged man who had been following Chen Tianhao before. Obviously, he still remembered Chen Tianhao's saying that as long as he found green plants, he could eat and drink as much as he wanted.

After setting off from the oasis, Chen Tianhao placed the young winged people in the center of the team with the water storage beasts, which could play a certain protective role.

"Green plants? Where's the green plants?"

Chen Tianhao looked around, but found no so-called green plants.

"Really, I won't lie to you." The young winged man's voice raised a few degrees involuntarily, and then anxiously pointed to the front right of the team, "Look, it's right there."

Chen Tianhao looked in the direction of the young winged man, but found no green plants, not to mention green plants, not even a single green spot, only the barren yellow sand.

It only took half a day to set off from the oasis. Although the temperature in this desert is extremely high, it should not be too hot to cause dizziness and hallucinations.

He remembered saying the same thing before he met the desert worm last time. At that time, he thought that the young winged man was just hallucinating from the heat, but then he found an oasis in the direction pointed by the young winged man.

It seems that the young winged man does have a special ability to discover the scenery far away. Although he doesn't know what's going on, the position the young winged man is pointing to is only a little away, so he can still go to see it. Look.

If green plants really appeared in that place, it would prove that the young Winged Man did have unusual eyesight, which might be able to help him get out of this desert.

In the desert, you can go wherever you go, why not try your luck there.

"Let's go and have a look over there."

With a wave of his hand, Chen Tianhao walked towards the direction pointed by the young winged man.

Seeing that his opinion was adopted, the young Yiren seemed very happy, instead of going back to the middle of the team, he stayed beside Chen Tianhao.

It's too boring in the middle of the team, it's better to be next to the leader.

Chen Tianhao also needed his help to guide the route, so he didn't drive him back and let him stay beside him.

Hearing that an oasis appeared in front of him, the speed that had already slowed down increased a bit. Compared with the hot weather in the desert, it was more refreshing to stay in the woods inside the oasis, especially the cool lake.

Chen Tianhao couldn't see the situation in front of him, so he could only rely on the direction specified by the young winged man to correct his way forward.

The group traveled another five kilometers in the desert. After the young winged man pointed the way again, Chen Tianhao finally saw the situation ahead.

At an unknown distance ahead, a little bit of green finally appeared in his field of vision.

Chen Tianhao looked in surprise at the little green that appeared in front of him. The little green that appeared on the horizon was far more than five kilometers away from Chen Tianhao. The five-kilometer range of the eagle eye refers to the ability to see specific things clearly within the five-kilometer range. Beyond this distance is not Saying that you can't see it means that you can't see specific things clearly.

Just like human eyesight, a person with good eyesight can see a small object hundreds of meters away, but it does not mean that humans cannot see a little color in the distance, even if the specific shape cannot be seen clearly at that distance, it does not affect his vision. color.

Chen Tianhao saw the green dot in the sky at this distance, which means that the young winged man has discovered the green dot in a farther place. The young winged man is really not deluded, but actually saw it.

Chen Tianhao also did not expect to find the second oasis so quickly. This oasis looks about the same size as the previous oasis, and it is not a place where he can stay for a long time.

An oasis represents life, as long as you reach that oasis, you can rest in peace without worrying about the desert worms in the dark.

The group continued to move forward.

Strange, why hasn't this oasis changed?

After discovering the green dot on the horizon, Chen Tianhao has already led the team to advance a few kilometers again.

Logically speaking, the green dot should keep getting bigger, but the green dot has not changed much, as if the green dot is alive and is constantly moving.

Only this explanation can explain that the green dot has not changed after Chen Tianhao has advanced several kilometers in the desert.

No way?
Is this green dot a creature?

Thinking of this, Chen Tianhao was also startled into a sweat, and felt a burst of cold air rising from the soles of his feet in this hot weather.

If it is really alive, then is this creature a giant like the desert worm?

If it is really a giant, and now I lead the whole team to run in front of it, isn't this a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?
Chen Tianhao hesitated for a while, wondering if he should continue to the green point.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible for such creatures to appear, but the appearance of desert worms has impacted his limited biological cognition. This is no longer the earth. Desert worms have appeared, so what's so strange about this green dot being a living creature.

While Chen Tianhao was thinking, the young Yiren's voice sounded beside him: "Boss, can we take a break? I was too tired from running just now."

The Lightning Beast also said beside him: "That's right, brother, let's take a rest."

The quick rush just now was too much for him. He was originally a creature living in the oasis, and he had never stayed in the desert outside. This was the first time he walked in the desert, and the long and fast journey was also difficult for him.

Chen Tianhao came back to his senses and turned his head to look at the situation behind. Those adult winged people didn't have any big problems, but their faces were sweating a lot. The important thing was the young winged people and water storage beasts in the middle.

The adult Yiren took one step, and the young Yiren needed to take two steps to catch up with the adult's footsteps. The long and fast journey had exhausted them, and many young Yiren had already been supported by the adult Yiren next to them.

The water storage beasts are not much better. When they are full of food and drink and store a lot of water, their moving speed is also greatly reduced. The overload operation means that the food and water in the body are intensified.

Chen Tianhao kept his head buried in his journey, focusing on the dangers around him, but forgot to check the situation of the team.

"Okay, everyone rest where they are."

God Chen Tianhao ordered.

It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to find out if the green dot is a living thing.

(End of this chapter)

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