spore evolution

Chapter 120

Chapter 120
If the green dot disappears or becomes larger, it means that the green dot is a living creature, and then we can decide whether to approach it or not.

If the green dot remains unchanged, it means that the green dot is likely to be an oasis, but the possibility of living things is not ruled out.

Chen Tianhao took a piece of animal skin and put it on the sand. The previous animal skin was lost during the escape. This was remade in the oasis. The animal skin was not dried yet, and it was still soft. It was quite comfortable for the whole person to sit on. of.

The sand was very hot, and Chen Tianhao could even hear the hissing sound when the remaining flesh of the animal skin touched the sand, as if he was making a teppanyaki on the sand.

He used a wooden cup to catch the water regurgitated by the water storage beast, and drank it in big gulps. He was used to the water regurgitated by the water storage beast. Compared with life, this was nothing.

The others followed Chen Tianhao's example, holding wooden cups and sitting on top of the animal skins.

It was the first time for Shanlei Beast to drink the water regurgitated by the Water Storage Beast. When it saw the Water Storage Beast regurgitate the water, it was surprised for a while.

Although he knows the water storage beast very well, this is the first time he has seen the water storage beast regurgitate water. After all, there is a lake in the center of the oasis, and he can drink the water in the center of the lake at any time.

Like Chen Tianhao when he drank the water for the first time, the Shanlei Beast carefully took the wooden cup handed over by the Yiren. It was hard to imagine why there was such clear water in the water storage beast's stomach.

Then he took a sip of water cautiously, and found that the water was indeed the same as the lake water, even sweeter than the lake water.

The water storage beast is like a biological filter. After swallowing the lake water, the water it regurgitates is indeed cleaner and sweeter than the lake water.

In this scorching desert, even if you want to rest, you have to bask in the sun, so you can only stay where you are to recover a little bit of physical strength.

While drinking water, Chen Tianhao also looked at the distant green dot, watching the situation of the green dot.

During the more than half an hour of rest, the green dot did not change at all, and it still stayed quietly somewhere in the desert.

Regarding this situation, Chen Tianhao had an unspeakable feeling, in his heart, he seemed to hope that this green dot was a living thing, a living creature.

Seeing the green dot not moving and being happy, this may really be an oasis that can bring hope to his team.

After resting for an hour, Chen Tianhao led his team forward again.

This time the green dot didn't move anymore, and as Chen Tianhao approached, the green dot gradually grew bigger, as if the previous situation was just the result of Chen Tianhao's dizziness.

The distance between Chen Tianhao and the green dot is getting smaller and smaller. At this time, the green dot is no longer enough, and the green plants should be the right one.

The distance between the two sides is constantly shortening, and the shape of the green dot is also constantly enlarged in Chen Tianhao's eyes, and a rough shape has been formed.

Different from the oasis he encountered before, this green plant looks like only a towering tree from a distance. It is hard to imagine how such a towering tree can survive in this barren desert. It is an oasis.

When the distance between the two sides was only five kilometers, this towering tree finally appeared in Chen Tianhao's eyes.

The towering tree is about 50 meters high, with dense leaves scattered around it, and it looks about fifty.

Different from the trees in the oasis, it is straight and slender. This towering tree is like a big banyan tree, with branches and leaves spreading in all directions. If you can’t see the roots at the lowest end, now someone tells him that it is a green ball, and he has enough reason to believe.

The sudden appearance of such a big tree in the desert gave Chen Tianhao a feeling of uneasiness. The leaves of this towering tree were different from the leaves of the trees in the desert, but somewhat similar to the leaves that appeared in the dense forest.

But now that it's here, it's definitely impossible to give up because of this reason. I haven't seen many trees in the first place, so it's hard to guarantee that it won't appear here, as long as I'm careful.

Chen Tianhao kept approaching the towering tree.

Three kilometers.

two kilometers.

one kilometer.

The appearance of the towering tree has become more and more clear.

Compared with the towering trees, Chen Tianhao looked very small.

This towering tree is really a small oasis, covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters, but to his surprise, no other plants were found under the towering tree, as if the land Such a tree was born in it.

Even if there is only one tree, there should be other flowers and plants under the tree, but this towering tree is just a bare tree in this place, as if it was just planted on it.

Noticing this special phenomenon, Chen Tianhao deliberately probed his consciousness underground to see the condition of this tree.

No roots?

How can it be?

Chen Tianhao was shocked by the results of the consciousness detection, this towering tree had no roots.

A tree can't live without its roots, and without its roots, it can't take in nutrients. Without roots, it can only get enough nutrients from other places.

Is this really a living thing?Even a living thing, otherwise the absence of roots would be impossible to explain.

Although Chen Tianhao had already prepared to some extent for the towering tree to be a living thing before, but when he really confirmed that the towering tree was a living thing, he was also shocked beyond belief.

The towering tree at this time is like an ordinary tree, standing quietly in the desert, and there is nothing special about it.

If it weren't for Chen Tianhao's conscious energy, he could detect the situation underground, discover the fact that the towering tree has no roots, it would be impossible to discover the fact that the towering tree is a living thing.

There are no roots to absorb nutrients and water from the ground, so it can only be absorbed from other places. Chen Tianhao is a little curious about how this towering tree absorbs nutrients.

Is it to obtain nutrients by hunting the surrounding creatures?
Chen Tianhao, who was thinking, noticed the Thunder Beast beside him, quickened his pace and passed him, heading towards the towering tree.

Chen Tianhao hurriedly grabbed the Lightning Beast, and the Lightning Beast was shocked, and came back to his senses: "Hey, big brother, why are you pulling me?"

"I was just asking what are you going to do?"

Chen Tianhao put his hand down, he had already confirmed that the towering tree was a living thing, he didn't dare to let the team move forward for fear of any danger.

"Brother, that big tree seems to be attracted by something, just now I walked over there unknowingly." After the Thunder Beast was pulled by Chen Tianhao, the desire in his heart was a little less, although it could still Feeling the attraction of the big tree, but still able to control myself.

"Attraction? Is it the influence of mental power?"

Is this the way towering trees get nutrients?Attract living beings in the past, and then turn them into the nutrients they need by some means.

(End of this chapter)

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