spore evolution

Chapter 121 Tree Demon

Chapter 121 Tree Demon
Chen Tianhao himself didn't feel any special feeling, and turned his head to look at the team behind.

The winged people didn't look special either, but they didn't know whether it was because of the attraction of the big tree or the fatigue caused by the long walk.

The most obvious one is the water storage beast in the center. The water storage beast is the same as the flash thunder beast just now. It seems to be stupid. It keeps trying to move forward, but it is firmly controlled by the wingman in the middle, and nothing happens. The situation where the Lightning Beast left the team like this.

After looking at the situation of the team, Chen Tianhao didn't know for a while whether he should continue to approach. Obviously, this towering tree relied on mental power or hypnosis to attract creatures to its side.

Winged Man is not affected now, which doesn't mean that there is nothing wrong with the closer distance.

Now this distance is still too far away, and his identification device is not far enough to identify the situation of the towering tree.

However, looking at the situation of the towering trees, I am afraid that it is far beyond the level of the authenticator, except for some simple information industries.

He decided to stay where he was and check the situation.

Before he could carefully observe the situation of the towering tree, a burst of mechanical voices came and went in his mind.

He is already very experienced in this, there is nothing else around, only this towering tree, which must have triggered the side quest about this towering tree.

A closer look at the taskbar, sure enough.

"Discover side quest: Defeat Dryad."

"Task completion conditions: 1 times to defeat the dryad, and the current completion status is 0/1."

"Task rewards: points: 200 points, skills: charm, telepathy."

Hey, the rewards are good, there are enough points, and there are two skills, Charm, this should be the control skill of the towering tree, it should be called Dryad now.

There is also telepathy, which seems to be a very strong skill from the name.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to complete the conditions. If you defeat the Dryad once, how do you count as defeating the Dryad?
Fortunately, seeing that the condition for completing the task was to defeat the dryad once, Chen Tianhao saw the hope of completing it. If this task was the same as killing the desert worm, he would run away without even thinking about it.

Just kidding, how can I kill this 50-meter-high creature with a three-meter-tall winged man? Even if there are twice as many people, there is no possibility of killing it.

But now it was actually defeated, which made him want to complete the task.

Defeat has many meanings.

Some people are greedy for life and afraid of death. Maybe you have just made a move, and before you meet him, he will admit defeat. This is a kind of defeat.

Some people are more ordinary. When you knock him to the ground, he concedes defeat, which is a defeat.

Some people, no matter how you knock them down, they will stand up again and again. You can only completely kill the opponent, which is a kind of defeat.

So there are many meanings of defeat, Chen Tianhao doesn't know what kind of judgment the system gives, and he doesn't know what kind of character this tree demon is, is he greedy for life and afraid of death?Still brave.

It would be great if I could use the appraiser to see the situation of the Dryad. The distance of the appraiser is limited, and the maximum range is only 500 meters. Now there is still one kilometer away from the Dryad, and I still need to advance half the distance.

It's just that the whole team is not suitable to move on now, so he asked the wingmen to wait in place, and went to the tree demon by himself.

The Lightning Beast also wanted to follow, but after being glared at by Chen Tianhao, it stayed where it was and waited perversely.

It makes sense for Chen Tianhao to decide to go alone. Even though Yiren didn't show signs of being charmed within the range of just one kilometer, the 500 meters is the limit of Yiren's range. If the entire team is charmed by the tree demon He couldn't save them one by one.

Charm should be related to spiritual power, Chen Tianhao thinks that his mental power is good, and he should be able to resist the other party's charm.

Although Chen Tianhao is confident, he is not stupid.

In the process of slowly moving forward, he also kept staring at the other party to check in case of emergencies.

Looking over from his side, the dryad was just like an ordinary tree, with lush green leaves spreading out, nothing special at all. No one knew that this towering tree was actually a peerless dryad.

800 m.

Chen Tianhao didn't feel any discomfort, the charm of the tree demon seemed to have failed, and he continued on his way.

600 m.

He still didn't feel the charm, but he didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he felt a voice flashing in his mind.

500 m.

The sound that had passed by in a flash never appeared again, and he also stopped at a distance of 500 meters, which is the limit identification range of the authenticator.

Point the detector at the towering tree in front of him, and instantly, the information of the towering tree appeared in front of his eyes.

Name: Dryad.

Level: epic monster
life value:? ? ? (The authenticator level is too low to authenticate, please upgrade the authenticator.)
attack:? ? ? (The authenticator level is too low to authenticate, please upgrade the authenticator.)
speed:? ? ? (The authenticator level is too low to authenticate, please upgrade the authenticator.)
Introduction: A creature who accidentally obtained the Meteorite Fragment achievement, possesses charm, telepathy, and shapeshifting skills.It was originally an ordinary plant, but because of the accidental acquisition of meteorite fragments hidden deep in the ground, it turned into a different tree, from a plant to a living thing.Because the place where he lived was covered by wind and sand, he had to leave his original home and search for a new home.

There is more information about the dryad than Chen Tianhao imagined. Although the dryad is also an epic monster, it seems to be a little weaker than the two epic monsters we encountered before. The three-headed devil and the desert worm only have names. Everything is a question mark.

But the tree demon gave a brief introduction, but even so, I am afraid that the tree demon is far beyond Chen Tianhao's strength.

In addition to charm and telepathy, it also has the ability to transform, but it does not have the ability to transform. It is impossible for this towering tree to move.

Dryads are evolved from ordinary trees. Are there ghosts and ghosts in this world?

Magic skills, super huge creatures, it seems that everything is evolving into the world of demons and ghosts.

After receiving the tree demon's information, Chen Tianhao turned around and walked back, ready to go back and think about how to complete this task.

Charm, telepathy, these two skills, he didn't want to give up easily.

Chen Tianhao, who was about to go back, found that in another section of the tree, a group of creatures were heading towards the tree demon.

Chen Tianhao was very familiar with this group of creatures, they were the desert demon wolves that sneaked up on him the night before.

At this time, the Desert Demon Wolf looks very similar to the Flash Thunder Beast, probably controlled by the Dryad's charm skill.

Chen Tianhao stopped his steps, he planned to see what was going on.

Seeing these desert demon wolves, the mission that was thought to be hopeless now has hope of completion.

(End of this chapter)

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