spore evolution

Chapter 122 Cannibalism

Chapter 122 Cannibalism
Chen Tianhao took back his steps.

After seeing the desert wolf appearing, knowing his side mission, he had hope of completing it again.

He is very envious of the demonization skill of the desert wolf. With this demonization skill, his strength can be enhanced a lot.

Although he was very happy that there was a possibility to complete the side mission, he did not act rashly. He was very surprised why the desert magic wolf that appeared at night would appear here during the day, and was even charmed by the tree demon.

He thought that he had been walking for a while before, and the green dot hadn't changed. This green dot must be a dryad.

Could it be that the dryad was chasing these desert wolves at that time?
It's very possible, but it took a long time from discovering the green dot to knowing that the green dot is a dryad. Why is the range of the dryad's charm so wide?
At this time, the desert demon wolf is like the flash thunder beast, as if fascinated by something, without looking back, its eyes are staring at the towering tree, even the two next to it accidentally bumped into each other, and finally fell on the ground None of the desert demon wolves on the ground caught the attention of the other wolves.

The two fallen desert demon wolves woke up from the enchanted state at the moment of the fall.

Seeing the state of the other desert wolves nearby, he realized something was wrong, and opened his mouth wide, trying to wake up his companions by howling.

However, before the two of them could make any more moves, they suddenly fell into the enchanted state again, stood up, joined the team in a daze, and continued to move forward.

Chen Tianhao saw that the desert wolf woke up when he fell, which was similar to when he woke up the lightning beast.

It seems that as long as there is external force, the charm of the tree demon can be broken.

However, the Dryad was able to make the Desert Demon Wolf fall into a state of charm again not long after he woke up. It seems that although the Dryad's charm has a small flaw, it is very powerful.

While Chen Tianhao was thinking, the group of desert demon wolves had already entered the coverage of the tree demon leaves.

Chen Tianhao was only 500 meters away from the dryad. At this distance, even without conscious energy, his eagle eyes were enough for him to clearly observe the situation of the desert wolf.

He has been waiting for the action of the dryad, and he doesn't know how the dryad attacked these desert wolves.

You must know that the enchanted state cannot attack the desert demon wolves, and a slight movement can make these desert demon wolves wake up from the charm, so the dryad must have other attack methods.

Judging from the information just obtained, after removing the Charm skill, there are still two skills left, and telepathy should be an auxiliary skill at first glance, which is not very helpful for killing wolves.

Then there is only deformation, which should be the only attack method of the dryad.

Chen Tianhao was looking forward to the battle between the desert wolf and the dryad. Only after knowing the fighting style of the dryad would he be more confident in completing the task.

It's just that what Chen Tianhao expected didn't happen. The desert wolf was already under the tree demon's leaves. However, the tree demon's attack did not appear.

The desert wolves were still in a state of charm, and the desert wolves lined up in a long line. For a while, they hadn't all entered the range of the tree demon's leaves.

At first, Chen Tianhao felt that the tree demon's coverage area was very large, but when the desert demon wolves advanced in a row, he felt that the tree demon's coverage area did not seem to be very large.

The first desert wolf was almost touching the tree trunk, and there were a few more at the end, which did not enter the range.


The first desert wolf touched the tree trunk, and bumped firmly. He instantly woke up from the charm, but he was still a little confused for a moment, why he was here.

At this moment, the last desert wolf also entered the range of leaves.

The moment the desert demon wolves all entered the range of the tree demon's leaves, the towering tree instantly came to life.

The branches and green leaves began to grow crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they had drunk a fairy medicine.

In a few seconds, the branches have surrounded the area covered by the leaves into a cage.

When Chen Tianhao was watching, he was already mentally prepared for the dryad's attack method, but when he saw the crazy growth speed of the dryad, he was also taken aback.

The tree demon's wildly growing leaves blocked Chen Tianhao's vision, and ordinary eyesight could not penetrate through the layers of leaves.

He quickly spread his consciousness to the tree demon. The energy of consciousness is a special energy that can replace the eyes to observe the surrounding situation.

In such a short moment, Chen Tianhao had already heard the roar of the desert demon wolf. This was the wolf howl of the demonized desert wolf. He knew this sound very well. The two Wingmen were seriously injured and died.

The sound of howling wolves is now heard, indicating that the battle between the tree demon and the desert wolf has begun.

Chen Tianhao's reaction was relatively fast, but when his consciousness spread to the battlefield, he was stunned by the scene inside.

When the dryad entered the domain of the desert wolf, he quickly used branches to create a cage around it.

This is a common practice of dryads. They use leaves to cover the sunlight, making the inside of the cage dark, and then use branches as weapons to attack the creatures in the cage.

The dryad's plan was good. While covering it, it used the branches as weapons.

Only a few of the desert demon wolves are awake, and the rest are still under the charm. The sudden branches made the desert demon wolves unable to dodge. Why do trees attack them.

The power of the tree demon's branches did not achieve a one-hit kill, but only slightly injured the desert wolf, which instead woke them up.

One by one entered the demonized state without hesitation, but the surrounding area was pitch black, and the dryad had already covered the sunlight with leaves.

Without sunlight, in a completely dark environment, the night vision ability of the desert wolf would not be effective.

After transforming, those desert wolves couldn't observe the surrounding environment and couldn't see the target to attack, so they fiercely attacked the surroundings with their sharp claws.

Those who just came in, the desert demon wolves were together. When they attacked the surroundings, they were attacking their own companions.

So when Chen Tianhao's consciousness spread here, he was also stunned. The desert demon wolves inside were actually killing each other inside.

In the space inside, there are no other unique things except that the desert wolf has no branches.

Chen Tianhao didn't see what happened in front of him, so he didn't understand why the desert demon wolves started killing each other.

And his desire to find out the attack method of the tree demon has also come to nothing.

The great chaos among the desert demon wolves had already begun, and not long after, the desert demon wolves began to die. The desert demon wolves did not die under the attack of the tree demon, but died among their companions.

They don't know that they are their companions around them. When a desert wolf falls, they will only think that they have defeated the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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