spore evolution

Chapter 123 Forced Entry

Chapter 123 Forced Entry
In the space created by the tree demon, wolves howled everywhere, one after another.

When the leader of the desert wolf was attacked at the beginning, he also counterattacked the surroundings. It attacked the front with its sharp claws. In an instant, it felt that something was wrong, but it still grabbed it hard.


It was another desert wolf that was caught. The leader's claws were extremely sharp. The desert wolf was caught with five deep scratches. Under the pain, it also turned around and stretched out its sharp claws behind it. A gust of hostility emanated from it, and it was bound to wipe out the enemy who injured him.

The leader of the desert wolf finally knew what was wrong the moment the opponent turned around.

After being demonized, the desert wolf's dark green pupils brought a glimmer of light in this pitch-black space.

With the dark green eyes and the limited light, the leader finally knew that what was in front of him was not the enemy, but his own people.

Dodging to avoid the opponent's sharp claw attack, at the same time quickly entering the demonized state, roaring to the surroundings, the sound was like thunder, awakening the clansmen who were killing each other.

Each of the desert demon wolves stopped their sharp claws and looked around vigilantly.

It only took one or two minutes from the tree demon creating a dark space to the leader of the desert wolf waking up the wolves with a roar.

But in just one or two minutes, nearly half of the desert demon wolves had already died at the hands of their own clansmen.

The desert wolf was too close to the space created by the tree demon. After being drawn by the branch of the tree demon, the first thing to do was to attack the surrounding area. Many desert demon wolves were attacked by several desert demon wolves at the same time. Immediate death.

Others were not much better, with more or less scars on their bodies. Most of the scars on their bodies were made by their own race, and a small part was caused by the branches of the dryad.

At this time, the leader of the desert wolf was looking around angrily and vigilantly. He didn't understand how he came here. He only remembered that he was resting in his lair, and came to this strange space in the blink of an eye.

It didn't know how it got here all the way, except for the two demon wolves that were awakened on the way, but those two demon wolves had already died at the hands of its companions.

The surviving desert wolf looked around vigilantly, and realized that it was under a tree with the green light from its eyes after being demonized.

The desert demon wolves searched for their enemies everywhere, but no matter how they searched, they found nothing suspicious.

The only suspicious thing was the big tree next to them, but they never imagined that it was this big tree that caused them to look like this.

The leader of the desert wolf, now he just wants to leave here with the rest of his tribe.

When they usually face the enemy, they can go forward bravely, but that is when they face the enemy that can be seen.

Now that they haven't even seen the face of the enemy, half of the tribe has been lost, so how can they move forward bravely.

The demonized state can only last for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the collective will fall into a weak state. At that time, I am afraid that there will be no chance to fight back.

The leader led the other demon wolves to search for an exit in the space. This space is not very big, with a radius of only 50 meters.

There was no exit, and it was surrounded by thick branches. It also tried to break through the branches directly, but the branches were like a wall, densely surrounded, and it couldn't be cut off with a few swings of its sharp claws.

A sense of fear continued to spread among the desert wolves.

It is not terrible to have an enemy, what is terrible is not knowing who the enemy is.

At this time, half of the demonization time of the desert wolf had passed, and the leader of the desert wolf was walking around anxiously inside.

Chen Tianhao was very surprised. The dryad simply surrounded the space, causing the desert wolf to lose more than half of it. However, what he wanted to see did not happen.

He didn't know how the tree demon would treat the desert wolf in the end, but he saw that the leader of the desert wolf had entered a demonized state, and after the demonized state was over, it was a good time to complete the task.

"Just creating a dark space like this may be a fatal blow to other creatures, but to myself, it is no different from broad daylight." Chen Tianhao secretly weighed the gains and losses, "Now go, be the first to strike." Killing the leader of the Desert Demon Wolf will be the first to complete a side mission, and you won’t be afraid to confront the tree demon head-on, it’s worth it.”

The most important thing is that Chen Tianhao is not afraid of death, as long as he enters the space and kills a desert wolf leader first, he will earn money.

Chen Tianhao agitated the energy of the energy core, spread it all over his feet, and rushed towards the tree demon at the fastest speed.

The Yi people in the outermost area were startled by Chen Tianhao's sudden riot, thinking that something had happened to Chen Tianhao, they took a closer look, but found no enemy, they carried out Chen Tianhao's order well, and continued to wait in place.

In fact, even if they came over, it would be useless, more like the desert wolf, they would fall into the charm of the dryad, but it would make it more difficult for Chen Tianhao to complete the task, which is why Chen Tianhao didn't let them get too close.

After using the energy infusion, Chen Tianhao's speed became very fast, and the distance of 500 meters only took tens of seconds.

On the way forward, Chen Tianhao had always been prepared to resist the charm of the tree demon, but when he came outside the tree demon, he did not feel the feeling of charm. It seemed that after using the energy of consciousness, the charm effect of the tree demon had no effect on him. He is invalid.

He stood outside the tree wall of the big tree and didn't know how to get in for a moment. He knew that the desert wolf inside hadn't caused any damage to the tree wall with its sharp claws. He didn't think his sharp claws would be much stronger than the opponent.

It seems that there is only one way, and that is electric ball attack.

Chen Tianhao started to condense the electric ball in his hand, and two seconds later, the electric ball had already formed in his hand.

With a big wave of his hand, the electric ball flew towards the tree wall in front of him.


There was a thunderous sound, and a round hole four meters high and four meters wide was blown out of the tree wall, and the thickness reached [-] centimeters. No wonder the desert wolf couldn't get out of it.

After the tree wall was blown up, it actually began to grow slowly again. Seeing this, Chen Tianhao immediately dodged in.

The leader of the desert wolf was also frightened by Chen Tianhao's electric ball.

After the sound, a hole appeared in front of him, and he was very pleasantly surprised. When the demonization state ended, he finally found the hole to escape.

However, before he was happy for too long, he saw a creature coming out of the hole. Is it an enemy?
And the hole that suddenly appeared was also closing rapidly, and before they reached the edge of the tree wall, the tree wall had already closed again.

If it wasn't for Chen Tianhao standing in front of it, it would doubt whether there was a hole in the tree wall.

(End of this chapter)

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