spore evolution

Chapter 124 Obtaining Demonization

Chapter 124 Obtaining Demonization
The leader of the desert wolf saw Chen Tianhao appearing in his field of vision, regardless of whether he was his enemy or not, in this space, Chen Tianhao was the only outsider.

With a roar, the speed after the demonized state was so fast that it flew up.

Like an off-string arrow, it rushed towards Chen Tianhao.

The other desert demon wolves also rushed over from behind, and they were bound to tear Chen Tianhao to pieces.

They had no choice but to attack Chen Tianhao at this time, the demonization state was almost over, and now they still had a chance.

It is quite good to use the magic skill well, but the weakness after using it is life-threatening. Facing the unknown strength of the enemy, you have to try your best, otherwise, you can only wait for the opportunity to be slaughtered.

This is also a common tactic used by desert demon wolves. Using demonization skills will ensure that they will never die.

Facing the approaching Chen Tianhao, he was already prepared, he knew the location of the desert wolf in this space like the palm of his hand.

His purpose is very simple, just to kill the leader of a desert magic wolf, and other ordinary desert magic wolves don't need to pay too much attention to it.

When he used the electric ball to choose the attack position, he had already chosen the best position, which was why Chen Tianhao stood in front of the leader of the desert wolf as soon as he came in.

In fact, he can wait outside for an extra minute or two, so that the demonized state of the leader of the desert wolf will disappear and he will fall into a weak state, which will make it easier.

However, Chen Tianhao never saw the dryad make a move, and he was also afraid that the dryad would do it in advance after waiting for the demonized state of the desert wolves to disappear.

Facing the oncoming leader of the desert wolf, Chen Tianhao was not afraid, and an electric ball quickly formed in his hand.

With a light push of both hands, an electric ball the size of a football broke away and flew towards the leader of the desert wolf.

The electric ball illuminates this space, allowing the light to return to this space.

Whether the speed of the electric ball is fast or slow.

Facing the oncoming electric ball, the leader of the desert wolf also wanted to dodge, but it was already flying in the air at this time, without any leverage.

The strength of the enemy was beyond the expectation of the leader of the desert wolf. A terrified expression appeared on its face. Its hands and feet slid desperately, but it had no effect.


A loud noise rippled in this space, and the electric ball carried violent energy and hit the chest of the leader of the desert wolf.

The leader of the desert wolf was blown up and hit the desert wolf behind him, and then continued to retreat, hitting several desert wolf in a row before finally hitting the ground.

"Hey, you didn't die?"

Chen Tianhao was very surprised. The desert wolf behind him became the leader's meat pad, and he managed to save his life.

However, the chest of the leader of the desert wolf has been scorched black by the blast, and even the internal organs have flowed out. I am afraid that he will not live long.

The other desert wolves didn't seem to be frightened, they still rushed towards Chen Tianhao without hesitation.

Although these ordinary desert demon wolves can't pose too much threat to him, his primary purpose has not been settled yet.

With a dodge, he avoided the attack of the wolves.

While dodging, an electric ball the size of an apple appeared in Chen Tianhao's hand. This is the standard size of electric balls and can cause the same effect as ordinary grenades. Chen Tianhao has already used such electric balls proficiently and easily.

Another electric ball flew straight to the leader of the desert wolf on the ground.

The leader of the desert demon wolf had no strength to move at this time, and there were only a few clansmen around him who he used as meat pads and smashed to the ground, and they couldn't get up for a while.

He could only watch helplessly as the electric ball flew towards him and hit his chest again.


There was another loud bang, and the leader of the desert wolf on the ground was blown to pieces. Although the electric ball was small, the leader of the desert wolf had no power to defend, causing even greater damage.

Immediately, a robot voice appeared in Chen Tianhao's ear.

"Congratulations on killing the leader of the desert wolf."

"Congratulations on completing the side mission: killing the desert wolf."

"Congratulations on your points: 50 points, total points: 000 points."

"Congratulations on acquiring the skill: demonization."

"It's really great, I finally got this skill, and the task of coming here this time has been completed more than half."

After completing the task, Chen Tianhao was in a happy mood.

Facing the desert demon wolves rushing from all around, he gave up using the more powerful electric ball, but used electric fist, which was the ability he used when he landed on land.

Cover the fist with electric energy, and then strike the enemy. The effect is not as great as the electric ball, but it will cause paralysis to the enemy.

Before Chen Yi was able to discover that using the energy of the energy core to infuse his whole body to increase his strength was precisely because of the electric fist.

Facing those desert demon wolves, Chen Tianhao punched them one by one, and knocked them into the air, but did not cause fatal damage to them.

After falling, those desert demon wolves pounced on them again.

Chen Tianhao was facing three, four, or even more desert demon wolves every moment.


Facing the fearless desert wolf, Chen Tianhao also fought very frankly.Chen Tianhao was like a nimble monkey, constantly changing his figure among the desert wolves.

Not long after, the demonization time of the desert wolf was over.

Before they knew it, a large number of desert demon wolves had died under Chen Tianhao's fist.


Chen Tianhao's huge fist, with electric sparks constantly jumping on it, was extremely powerful, and the last punch hit the desert wolf who had no strength to run at all.

Although Chen Tianhao has been fighting against the desert wolf, the weakened desert wolf has no fighting power at all. He has been focusing on the tree demon next to him, but the tree demon has never made a move, which makes him very uneasy.

Afraid that the dryad would suddenly jump out from somewhere, but after he killed the last desert wolf, the dryad's attack still did not appear, not even the crazy branch.

"If you don't show up again, I will leave."

Chen Tianhao shouted to the surroundings, he felt that the dryad could hear his words, but he did not regard the dryad as an ordinary tree.

His voice kept colliding in the space, turning into a series of echoes, and finally dissipated slowly in this space.

In this space, there is no other sound except his voice.

"Strange, why does this dryad not react at all, not even attack decently." Chen Tianhao didn't really want to leave, he also wanted to complete another side mission here.

This side mission is no worse than the demonization skill just now.


The voice was very soft, but in this quiet space, Chen Tianhao could hear it clearly.

Chen Tianhao's consciousness has been searching around and making a sound, it is the tree demon's branch.

I saw branches falling from the sky, but these branches did not attack Chen Tianhao, but reached out to the dead desert wolves like tentacles.

(End of this chapter)

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