spore evolution

Chapter 125 The Tsundere Dryad

Chapter 125 The Tsundere Dryad

The branches were like the tentacles of an octopus, continuously spreading towards the desert wolf.

Something happened that made Chen Tianhao's scalp numb. These branches, when they touched the dead desert wolf, were like straws.

These branches sucked one by one, and the desert wolf was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the flesh and blood passed through these branches to the trunk.

"It's too scary, so this is how the dryad eats?"

Chen Tianhao has seen many creatures eat, but this is the first time he saw a plant devouring a creature like this.

"If I let these branches touch me, I'm afraid it's only a few breaths, so I have to explain here." Chen Tianhao felt that the difficulty of this side task was rising sharply.

Sure enough, every epic monster is not easy. It is really impossible to be the leader in this evolutionary trend without any skills.

In just one or two minutes, all the desert demon wolves on the ground were wiped out, leaving only the wolf fur of that desert wolf on the ground, as if telling the world that there used to be a group of desert demon wolves here.

"Why didn't the dryad attack these desert demon wolves from the very beginning? Judging from the abilities of the dryad, it should be easy to deal with the desert demon wolves, right?"

Although the tree demon's branches did not attack him, he still focused on those branches, fearing that the same branches would suddenly appear from the side.

Those branches, after dealing with the desert wolf, quickly returned to the trunk, as if they had never been there.

The space returned to silence again.

In this way, there was silence for a while.

Chen Tianhao was really bored, and said to the surroundings: "Hey, why don't you put away the tree wall, and I'll leave here without disturbing each other."

There was still no movement around, and the big tree next to it seemed like an ordinary big tree.

However, Chen Tianhao knows that this is a monster that can eat people, and Chen Tianhao is not sure of defeating the tree demon. Here, the task of killing the desert wolf has been completed, and it is time to leave.

Chen Tianhao came to the tree wall, and an electric ball appeared in his hand. Since the other party didn't want him to leave, he could only leave in his own way.

At this moment, a faint voice appeared in Chen Tianhao's mind.

He shook his head, thinking that he had an auditory hallucination, and continued to strengthen the electric ball in his hand. Ordinary electric balls were not enough to penetrate the tree wall.

"Hi, how are you?"

A voice appeared again in Chen Tianhao's mind, although it was still very faint, he could hear it clearly this time.

Is this the voice of the dryad?

Apart from the dryad, there were no other creatures around. Chen Tianhao had already searched the land inside and out.

"Hi, how are you?"

This time the voice was clearer, basically the same as talking in the ear.

Chen Tianhao absorbed all the electric balls in his hand, it is shameful to waste them.

He was surprised. Since the dryad would greet him, he wanted to talk to the dryad, but he didn't know which way he should speak. Finally, he came under the trunk and said to the trunk, "Hello."

Just as Chen Tianhao finished speaking, a winged face suddenly appeared on the tree trunk and said, "Hello, great, can you hear me?"

Chen Tianhao was taken aback by the sudden appearance of his face. He came here to talk to the tree trunk. He just didn't want to be so embarrassed talking to the air on the other side of the tree wall. He never expected that a winged figure would appear on the tree trunk. Face, and upon closer inspection, isn't this his own face?

It's not that he didn't think that there would be a face on the tree trunk, and he often saw it when playing games in his previous life, but when a face appeared on the tree trunk, he was still frightened, especially in front of his own eyes. A face exactly like his own.

After Chen Tianhao calmed down, he walked up to the tree again and said, "Hi, I can hear you."

"It's great, finally there is a creature that can hear me." The trunk shook for a while, and even the leaves on the tree were rattled.

The sudden movement made Chen Tianhao think that the tree demon was going to attack him.

Finally there?Does this mean that he was the first to hear the voice of the dryad?
Chen Tianhao asked suspiciously: "Do you mean that I am the first person to hear your voice?"

"Yeah, I've talked to many creatures before, but they ignored me, and you are the only one who cares about me." At this time, the tree demon seemed to be a chatterbox who had been alone for a long time, and suddenly a person came to listen to him. his words.

In an instant, a series of voices came from the tree trunk, while Chen Tianhao sat quietly under the big tree and listened to the other party's words.

Although he didn't know what happened to the tree demon, but at present, Chen Tianhao felt that the other party would not attack him, and he could know more about the tree demon from the tree demon's words.

If anyone can see the scene here, they will definitely be stunned by the scene here.

In a dark space, one person and one tree started talking like this, but no one realized that it was still so dark in this space.

Through a long speech from the dryad and Chen Tianhao's inquiry, he finally learned a lot of information that was not on the authenticator.

The dryad was originally an ordinary tree. In an accident, his tree roots touched a stone hidden deep in the ground. That stone was different from other stones, and there was a steady stream of energy provided to the dryad.

Chen Tianhao knew that the dryad might have encountered a piece of meteorite fragments, and it was definitely not a simple meteorite fragment that could turn ordinary trees into dryads, it was probably the most top-level existence.

After the meteorite fragments supplied energy, all the roots of the tree demon stretched to that place, and the tree demon was growing rapidly. After an unknown period of time, the tree demon showed its own consciousness.

The tree demon who had just gained his own consciousness saw the trees around him that were exactly the same as him, so he greeted the trees next to him, but he was disappointed that the trees around him didn't respond to his words.

Day after day, year after day.

The dryad finally absorbed the energy of the meteorite fragments, and he completely turned into a dryad.

Although the other trees ignored him, he continued to grow in the same place as the other trees, and he did not consider leaving this place.

He also tried to communicate with other creatures, but still got no response.

Until some time ago, a huge sandstorm covered the entire oasis.

The dryad grew branches crazily, so that he was not blown away by the storm, but the other trees were not so good, they were blown away by the sandstorm to nowhere.

Even the lake on which the oasis originally relied was submerged under the sand.

Without companions and without the lake water on which to live, the Dryad had no choice but to leave his original homeland.

When he took back the roots hidden deep in the ground, he realized that he was different from those trees.

Before meeting Chen Tianhao, the dryad had been walking in the desert for a long time. He had met many creatures and communicated with them, but none of them answered him, and finally became the nutrient for his survival.

In fact, the dryad didn't intend to kill those creatures from the beginning. He was very eager to communicate with other creatures. When he met other creatures for the first time, he would always communicate with them first, until he confirmed that the other party really couldn't communicate with him. It became his food.

He is a proud tree demon. He feels that creatures that cannot communicate with him are not of the same level and can only be used as food. Only creatures that can communicate with him are of the same level.

This is also the reason why the dryad didn't kill Chen Tianhao immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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