spore evolution

Chapter 128 Meeting the Desert Worm Again

Chapter 128 Meeting the Desert Worm Again
Time passed quickly, and it was dusk at once.

Chen Tianhao walked slowly on the desert with a group of people. The setting sun shone on them, casting long shadows on the desert.

Chen Tianhao looked around, except for the yellow sand, there was no trace of any other living things.

Still in the range of desert worms, the range of desert worms exceeded his expectations.

After all, he had only been gone for half a day before, if possible, he really didn't want to stay here at night.

He now wants the desert worm not to appear, but also wants it to appear sooner. If it appears earlier, it can be predicted, but at night, it will be miserable.

"I'm afraid it's hard tonight for those who don't go to the village and don't go to the store." Chen Tianhao couldn't help but sighed secretly, then as if thinking of something, he turned to the tree demon who was bickering next to him and asked, "Second brother, do you know where this place is?" Is there an oasis?"

After subduing the tree demon, he decided to follow the original route without consulting him.

Hearing Chen Tianhao's question, the Dryad stopped fighting with the Thunder Beast, lowered his head and thought for a while, and replied: "No, the place where it used to live has been covered by sand."

"Okay, then I can only rest here tonight."

Chen Tianhao was a little disappointed, it seemed that he could only continue to work hard tonight.

The group of people began to rest at the same place. In fact, the Yi people were not very tired, after all, they had rested for a long time before.

Everyone rested after eating hastily.

The dryad didn't eat. He was a creature that would eat once and didn't need to eat for a long time. The water storage beast was somewhat similar to him.

Chen Tianhao's energy was very high, so he stayed to be the guard.

The Dryad felt that there was nothing to communicate with the Thunder Beast, and it would be more interesting to chat with Chen Tianhao, so he ran to Chen Tianhao's side.

Both the Dryad and the Lightning Beast were creatures that had just acquired a means of communication, and they knew only limited information. After a period of time, the freshness passed.

Seeing the tree demon walking to Chen Tianhao's side, Thunder Beast became upset and ran to the other side of Chen Tianhao.

The two creatures forgot that they came to chat with Chen Tianhao, and turned to each other again.

Chen Tianhao focused his attention on his surroundings, but when he saw the two of them bickering with each other, he would occasionally interject a few words.

Chen Tianhao is because he needs to beware of dangerous creatures that come and go at night, and the Lightning Beast is a creature that lives at night. I don't know what kind of creature the dryad belongs to, but judging by his sufficient energy, I'm afraid he doesn't need to rest.

In this way, three different creatures chatted happily in this dark desert late at night, which added some brilliance to this boring night.

The moon is already hanging high in the middle of the sky.

"Let's talk, I'll go to sleep first, pay attention to the threats around you."

Chen Tianhao couldn't help yawning, he wasn't as energetic as the two of them, he was already drowsy, his consciousness remained around as before, and he fell asleep.

And the Dryad and the Thunder Beast didn't know where they got so energetic, they kept arguing about it, as if they were happy enemies in their previous life.

But seeing that Chen Tianhao and the others had fallen asleep, they still lowered their voice a little bit, but they didn't stop.

Before they knew it, it was dawn, and nothing happened that night, not to mention the desert worms, not even the desert scorpions.

Chen Tianhao admired the vitality of the tree demon and the two of them very much. Anyway, when he woke up, he found that the two of them were still bickering. Looking at their full eyes, it was impossible to tell that the two of them had not rested for a day and a night. .

Ignoring the two of them, I ate something casually and started on the road again.

The struggle between the Dryad and the Thunder Beast seemed to never stop, even eating meat and drinking water.

A group of people walked in the desert, and Chen Tianhao spread his consciousness to 500 meters underground. In this desert, he was mainly worried about desert worms, and the rest of the creatures didn't care much.

Let the consciousness only spread underground, which can save a large part of the energy of consciousness, and will not miss the movement of the ground.

Suddenly Chen Tianhao felt bored in his heart, as if something happened.

He looked around, but found nothing special. Hawkeye was more useful in places without barriers. The five-kilometer field of vision was much wider than the detection range of his consciousness.

No?Then the uncomfortable feeling can only come from the ground.

But within the detection range of 500 meters, nothing special was found.

The detection of 500 meters is not his limit range, he probed his consciousness deeper.

Under the desert, perhaps only the desert worm could give him this feeling.

His consciousness has spread to a kilometer underground, but he still didn't find anything special, and everything seemed normal.

The sullen feeling in Chen Tianhao's heart was still there, he believed that the thing that caused him this feeling was somewhere underground.

In fact, it's not that he didn't discover a special place just now. The sand at the bottom of the desert has turned black. Chen Tianhao has seen this kind of sand before, and this kind of sand will be produced in places where desert worms walk.

Afterwards, as long as there is this kind of sand, it means that the desert worms have been there before. Chen Tianhao also uses this method to judge whether he has left the area of ​​the desert worms.

Damn it, there was still no trace of the desert worm, as if it was just Chen Tianhao's own psychological effect.

He also hoped that it was his own psychological effect, but he didn't dare to take it lightly, and kept maintaining the limit state.

Seeing the energy of consciousness constantly decreasing, Chen Tianhao felt distressed. If he hadn't recovered to his best condition when subduing the tree demon, he wouldn't have dared to use it at will.

Chen Tianhao stopped the quarrel between the tree demon and the lightning beast, and asked, "Second brother, do you feel any danger around you?"

He was afraid that his induction was wrong. It had been more than half an hour since he felt bored and panicked, and he hadn't seen any movement underground. The dryad had telepathy, so maybe he would feel differently.


The tree demon immediately shook his head.

Chen Tianhao asked the Thunder Beast again, and the Thunder Beast also said no.

"Strange, am I really worrying too much?"

Hearing that neither of them felt particularly threatened, Chen Tianhao couldn't help doubting himself.

Chen Tianhao intends to withdraw his consciousness to the position of 500 meters. The position of one kilometer is too wasteful, and it makes him feel distressed.

Just when Chen Tianhao was about to regain his consciousness, a huge monster broke into his consciousness.

It turned out that it wasn't that he was worrying too much, but that the desert worm was really underground, and he could clearly see that the huge, bottomless mouth of the desert worm seemed to swallow him up.

(End of this chapter)

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