spore evolution

Chapter 129

Chapter 129
Although there was a distance of one kilometer, under the influence of Chen Tianhao's consciousness, the desert worm seemed to be right in front of his eyes.

Although Chen Tianhao had always been prepared and thought it was the desert worms, he was still taken aback when the desert worms suddenly appeared.

The prophecy became reality.

Just by looking at it, Chen Tianhao could already feel the astonishing aura of the desert worm rushing toward his face.

There is no oasis for him to hide in the surrounding area, and this battle must be fought.

The desert worm spit out a black corrosive liquid, and a large amount of yellow sand in front of it turned black under the action of the corrosive liquid. The desert worm easily pushed, and the black sand spread to both sides.

The speed of the desert worm was not fast, but the direction it was heading was where Chen Tianhao and the others were.

Chen Tianhao was sweating profusely at the moment, it didn't mean that Chen Tianhao was afraid of death, after he died, he could be revived on the body of other clansmen.

It's just that facing the huge desert worm, there seems to be a breathtaking force, which makes him feel nervous involuntarily.

The tree demon at the side noticed Chen Tianhao's abnormality, and asked with concern: "Brother, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Tianhao swallowed, and said with difficulty: "There are desert worms underground."

"Desert worm?"

The Dryad asked suspiciously.

Chen Tianhao was surprised that the dryad didn't know desert worms. Didn't the dryad grow in this desert? Didn't he encounter them?However, he still explained: "The desert worm is a very powerful creature that lives underground."

"Powerful creature, that's great."

When the dryad heard that the opponent was a powerful creature, he was suddenly very excited. He liked dealing with powerful creatures the most. Only powerful creatures were qualified to communicate with him, and creatures weaker than him could only be reduced to his food.

However, so far, only Chen Tianhao has been recognized by him, but he is not recognized by him for his strength, but for being able to communicate with him, so when he heard about the desert worm, he was very excited.

Chen Tianhao covered his face, "This desert worm is beyond your imagination, far bigger than your body."

After hearing this, the dryad said even more happily: "That's great, I like powerful creatures."

Chen Tianhao did not continue to entangle with the dryad. If the dryad could help, the chances of dealing with the desert worms would be even greater.

At this time, the desert worm seemed to be preparing for something, staying one kilometer above the ground, not rushing directly to Chen Tianhao, but following closely behind.

How is this going?

Chen Tianhao was already ready to fight against the desert worm, and was suddenly dazed by its actions.

Could it be that they want to say that the team will attack when they are most exhausted?

The first time I encountered it, I went straight to it.

If it doesn't come up now, even if Chen Tianhao wants to attack, it will be useless for the time being.

For the creatures in the ground, we can only wait for it to come up on its own, or else we are in a hurry.

Of all Chen Tianhao's skills, only his consciousness can penetrate the thick ground, but his consciousness only has the ability to observe, not to attack.

Since the desert worms didn't come up directly, waiting in place was not an option, so we continued to move forward slowly.

Put the main attention on the desert worm.

In this way, Chen Tianhao walked slowly on it, while the desert worms slowly followed it underground.

Chen Tianhao also tried running quickly to leave this range, however, he was fast, the desert worm was fast, he was slow, and the desert worm was slow, so he just followed him stubbornly and did not come up.

"Crap, if you want to fight, hurry up and fight, if you want to fight or not, you will be really angry."

Chen Tianhao couldn't help complaining.

"Brother, why hasn't the enemy appeared yet?"

The dryad was ready when he heard that there were powerful creatures underground, but after waiting and waiting, no other creatures appeared.

"Still following us underground, not coming up."

The Lightning Beast asked from the side: "Brother, what kind of creature are you talking about?"

The Dryad heard that the desert worm was underground, so he stopped playing with the Thunder Beast, which made the Thunder Beast very uncomfortable for a while.

Before Chen Tianhao could explain, the tree demon on the side answered first: "Under our feet, there is a powerful creature following us."

"What? Could it be that huge monster?"

After hearing this, the Lightning Beast was taken aback.

There are powerful creatures underground, could it be that terrifying creature?

In his memory, he never left the oasis because of the desert worms. After coming out this time, he never encountered it. He almost forgot the existence of that horrible creature.

Although the Thunder Beast didn't name the desert worm, Chen Tianhao also knew that it was the desert worm that the Thunder Beast was talking about.

He nodded with difficulty and said, "Yes, it is the creature you know."

After the Thunder Beast heard it, it turned around anxiously. He is also a creature who has seen the power of the desert worm. Although he is very confident in himself, he absolutely does not think that he can defeat it, even with his elder brother.

Seeing the panicked appearance of the Thunder Beast, the Dryad couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother, what are you afraid of? I have my brother here, and my brother will protect you."

If the Lightning Beast heard about it before, it would definitely turn back. Now he only wants to escape the attack of the desert worm, and ignores the tree demon at all.

Seeing that the Thunder Beast ignored him, the dryad didn't ask for boredom.

Without the quarrel between the two of them, the team suddenly became much deserted.

The Lightning Beast wanted to escape from here quickly, left the team alone, and headed in another direction.

Seeing the movement of the Thunder Beast, the Dryad shouted from behind: "Coward, run away."

As if the Thunder Beast didn't hear what the tree demon said, it continued to walk forward.

Chen Tianhao also saw his actions, but he didn't say much. According to the description of the system, the captured creatures are 100% loyal. As long as he orders them, the Lightning Beast will definitely come back.

But he was not sure about how to deal with the desert worms, and being able to escape was also a good thing.

However, the Thunder Beast hadn't walked a few steps, and returned to Chen Tianhao by itself, he couldn't bear to leave alone.

Now that he has decided to follow Chen Tianhao, he will continue to follow him even in the mountains of swords and seas of fire.

"Coward, why are you back again?"

Seeing the Lightning Beast go back and forth, the Dryad was still very happy, but when he met the Lightning Beast, he couldn't help but yell at him, as if he wasn't happy.

"Hmph, of course I came back to help Big Brother kill that creature."

The Lightning Beast also snorted coldly.

"Okay, stop arguing, we have to work together to deal with the desert worm."

Chen Tianhao tried to persuade the fight.

He was afraid that if he didn't persuade the fight, the two of them would quarrel endlessly again.

"Fake, everyone spread out and dodge."

Chen Tianhao discovered that the desert worms that were following behind him were now swimming up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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