spore evolution

Chapter 131 Serious Injury and Control

Chapter 131 Serious Injury and Control

"I'll go, it can't be fake, right?" Chen Tianhao couldn't help doubting himself.

But the movement of his hands was not slow, and he immediately swung his fist and slammed it fiercely at the desert worm in front of him.

He felt that his fist was blocked a little, and then, it pierced deeply into the muscle of the desert worm.

For Chen Tianhao's bone spur attack, the desert worm didn't feel any pain at all, as if Chen Tianhao's attack was just a mosquito bite.

Before Chen Tianhao's bone spur could be pulled out, he had already rushed to the sky along with the desert worm. In just a while, the desert worm had already brought him to a height of more than ten meters.

Fortunately, Chen Tianhao can fly for a short time, and the height of more than ten meters will not cause him any harm. If it is replaced by other non-flying creatures, if it falls from this height, even if it is not dead, it will be seriously injured.

After the lightning beast dodged the attack, it also immediately attacked the desert worm.

His sharp bone knife slashed the desert worm's body one after another, and the muscles were instantly torn apart, but this wound was nothing to the huge body of the desert worm.

The sharp bone knife of the Thunder Beast lost its effect at this moment, but he still ignored it and continued to use his own bone knife to increase the scars on the desert worm.

After the dryad escaped, he didn't stay idle.

Just like Chen Tianhao, he slammed his fists hard at the desert worm beside him.


The tree demon's fists hit it firmly, and its fists were not comparable to Chen Tianhao's strength.

A huge force passed along his fist, and the huge force smashed a hole in the outer muscles of the desert worm.

Ripples appeared in the muscles of the desert worm, which spread out in all directions like water waves.


The desert worm made a whining sound, a huge cry, piercing through the heavens and the earth.

The loud cry made Chen Tianhao couldn't help covering his ears with his hands. This was the first time he heard such a loud cry.

It can also be seen that the dryad's attack caused great damage to the desert worm.

At this time, the desert worm has risen to the apex, and then began to descend from the highest point.

The desert worm looked at the creature below it angrily. It never thought that the creature it considered food would cause him great harm.

How long has it been uninjured since he evolved, how many years?decades?Hundreds of years?
Damn, I'm going to swallow you.

Desert worms don't just rush to the ground to devour them. They also have other attack skills. It's just that when other creatures encounter it, they only care about running for their lives. Where will they attack it? However, all attacks need to return to Only on the ground can it be implemented.

From a long distance, Chen Tianhao could feel the astonishing aura of desert worms, as if they were going to devour this world.

The other Wingmen escaped from the attack range of the desert worm.

Seeing Chen Tianhao over there, he wanted to go over to help, but felt the overwhelming ferocious aura of the desert worms, and suddenly stopped again, wandering around.

Suddenly Chen Tianhao felt a shaking under his feet, which made him staggered, unable to stand firmly on the sand.

Then I saw the sand under the desert worm flying around like popcorn.

Is there any movement underground?When the desert worm broke out of the ground, he had withdrawn the energy of consciousness, and now he was not clear about the underground for the time being.

This is not the first time he has encountered tremors. At first, he naively thought it was an earthquake, but later found out that it was not an earthquake, so his first reaction was that something new had happened underground.

Before he could react, what was going on.


There was a muffled sound.

Immediately afterwards, the desert worm let out a miserable cry.

The cry this time was much louder than the one just now, and in that cry, Chen Tianhao could even hear its painful sound.

The desert worm, which was in free fall, smashed hard into the sand and submerged in the sand after a while.

What's going on?

The dryad's attack did indeed cause damage to it, but the way it looks now clearly shows that it has suffered more serious damage.

The more painful the desert worm was, the better it was for Chen Tianhao, and only then would he have a better chance of defeating him.

Suddenly Chen Tianhao seemed to remember something, and immediately dipped his consciousness into the ground.

At about 200 meters underground, Chen Tianhao saw that the desert worms were in a different position, as if they had been seriously injured.

Chen Tianhao was overjoyed, and immediately understood the cause of the injury.

His electric ball attack is not invalid, the energy of the electric ball needs to touch the living things to explode.

The mouth in the middle of the desert worm is hollow inside. The desert worm keeps rising, and the electric ball waits until a long time before it touches the desert worm.

So the explosion just now was caused by the electric ball.

He couldn't help but be disappointed when he saw that his strongest attack was just a simple scar on the desert worm.

It seems that this group of winged people can only be killed by insects.

Suddenly he found that as the desert worm continued to rise, the desert worm actually separated at the circle of wounds.

A stream of blood, dragged by the desert worms, dyed the surrounding black sand red again.

Chen Tianhao was instantly overjoyed. It turned out that his attack was not ineffective, but very effective, blowing the desert worm in half.

The upper half of the desert worm has not died for a while, but Chen Tianhao is full of hope at this moment, and now he has great confidence to kill it.

Chen Tianhao's thoughts returned to the ground, and he found that at this time, after the desert worms fell from the top, they had already started to burrow into the ground, and they didn't even care about the tree demon attacking at the side.

At first, I thought it was normal behavior, similar to when he met him before.

Now that his electric ball has blown the opponent into two pieces, the desert worm must want to escape.

It would be troublesome if it re-entered the sand, so I could only watch it escape.

Chen Tianhao hastily shouted at the attacking tree demon, "Second brother, transform yourself, control the desert worm, and don't let it enter the sand."

At this time, only the dryad had a chance to stop the desert worm.

Hearing Chen Tianhao's shout, he immediately stopped the attack.

The dryad's hair began to grow crazily, turning into thick branches.

The crazy branches are like flexible tentacles, entangled with the desert worm.

The strength of the desert worm was so strong that the dryad was actually carried up a little bit by it at first.

The tree demon was so scared that he quickly started to grow roots underground, and then he stabilized his figure.

However, the power of the desert worm was a bit beyond the tree demon's expectation. Although he stabilized his figure, the desert worm was still slowly pulling forward.

The Dryad had no choice but to increase his strength, and finally, the injured wound of the desert worm was less than five meters away from the ground, and was firmly controlled by the Dryad on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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