spore evolution

Chapter 132 Kill

Chapter 132 Kill

The desert worm controlled by the dryad could not continue to sink, and its huge body hit the sand, raising waves of dust.

The desert worm moved its huge body crazily. It had already firmly controlled it, but it moved a little distance away.

The dryad had no choice but to continue to strengthen his hands. The power of the desert worm was beyond his imagination, and he had already used all the energy in his body.

The energy core in the body is transmitting energy at a very high speed, and the dryad grows branches through the energy in his body for conversion.

At this time, the energy he used was a bit more than when Chen Tianhao saw it at first.

At that time, he grew into a tree, and only used a small amount of energy. Now it is only used to prevent the desert worms from entering the sand. He has used all his strength. At this time, the dryad has no extra strength to attack the desert worms.

If he knew that the part above the sand was just a part of the body of the desert worm, he would probably have lost his previous self-confidence.

Chen Tianhao dodged the huge monster that fell from the sky, saw the tree demon successfully stopped the desert worm's movement, and immediately shouted to the surroundings: "Brothers, come back quickly and kill this monster."

Although it was found that the desert worm was successfully restrained, but the frantically shaking body, as well as the expression of the dryad, knew that the dryad could not last long.

The more people the better, no matter whether the attack is effective or not, let's talk about it first.

The other Wingmen had been wandering around the periphery of the battle. After hearing the order, they immediately swarmed up. At this time, the head of the desert worm was under the sand, so they were not worried about the opponent's attack.

Chen Tianhao was right next to the desert worm, and took the lead in attacking the desert worm.

He had already used most of his energy just now, leaving only a little energy for dodging.

He can attack with his fists. The muscles of the desert worm are very strong, and his fists are useless at all. For it, this kind of attack is not as good as the bone knife attack of the Lightning Beast.

The Lightning Beast didn't stop attacking from the very beginning, and insisted on slashing at the desert worms with his bone knife. At the beginning, he could only use the bone knife to make scars on the desert worms.

When the desert worm was controlled by the dryad on the ground, the bone knife of the Thunder Beast finally played a role.

One cut was useless, so two cuts were used. The Lightning Beast used the bone knife to cut at the same place, but the place he cut was actually a small wound.

This wound may not do much harm to the desert worm, but after Chen Tianhao saw it, he had an idea, the Wingmen could not break through the desert worm's defense, but the Lightning Beast could.

For the first time, Chen Tianhao felt that the little brother he tamed was so useful.Immediately ordered to the Yiren around: "All the Yiren, go to the position of the Lightning Beast, use the weapons in your hands, aim at those wounds, and stab me hard."

Then, he said to the Thunder Beast: "Third brother, change your position and continue."

Those winged men immediately came to the position that had been cut by the lightning beast. At this time, the winged man's wooden spear could easily penetrate in, and it was no longer impossible to penetrate at all like just now.

The actions of the wingmen caused the desert worm to suffer more serious injuries, and the body of the desert worm shook even more violently, but its body was tightly entangled by the dryad, and it was impossible to break free.

Desperate to escape the area, the desert worm never returned to the surface.

This is convenient for Chen Tianhao and the others. With the help of the Thunder Beast, every time a wound is cut, the winged man will immediately cover it.

Chen Tianhao also arranged for the Winged Masters to use electric balls to blow up these wounds. The damage of the electric balls of the Winged Masters was not as high as Chen Tianhao's, but it was not much lower.

The Winged Man's electric ball made these wounds a lot bigger, much faster than other Winged Man's stabbing with a wooden spear.

It's a pity that there are only a few Winged Man mages in this team. If it was the same as his previous team, the desert worm would have died long ago.

Chen Tianhao took a wooden gun, pointed at the wound, picked and dug, every time Chen Tianhao moved, a piece of meat was peeled off from it.

Bright red blood flowed out continuously from the desert worm's wound, and most of the sand under its body was dyed bright red. The Winged Man attacking from the side was also stained red by the sprayed blood.

If someone who doesn't know the situation comes, I'm afraid that these winged people have been seriously injured.

Although the Wingman's attack speed was slow, as long as nothing else happened, the Desert Worm might have to explain it here.

"Second brother, if you persist for a while, the desert worm will die soon."

Chen Tianhao saw the tree demon's swaying branches, and knew that the tree demon was about to lose his grip, so he immediately comforted him.

The dryad is the most important thing. Only by relying on his branches to entangle the desert worms can he have a chance to kill the desert worms.

As long as the dryad lets go, the desert worm will definitely flee to the ground in the sand, and then there will be no more chances.

"Brothers, come on, speed up."

By speeding up here, Chen Tianhao is helping the Dryad and helping everyone.

Desert Worm jitters are getting smaller and smaller.

In this way, he saw the hope of victory, and the movements of his hands couldn't help but speed up a lot, and he kept picking out the snow-white meat mixed with blood.

Chen Tianhao discovered that many pieces of meat from the desert worm's body had been picked out, but its internal organs were never found.

In the nearly one-meter-deep wound, there was still a piece of solid flesh, as if a desert worm had no internal organs.

Chen Tianhao stabbed it with a wooden gun, a jet of black liquid gushed out from it, and Chen Tianhao was drenched by the black liquid.

"Ah, it hurts."

Immediately, there was a sharp pain from the place where the black liquid was splashed, and Chen Tianhao couldn't help but throw away the wooden spear in his hand.

Damn, this liquid is corrosive.

"Stay away from this black liquid."

Chen Tianhao cried out in pain.

Then, he immediately ran to the water storage beast and washed the black liquid off his body with clean water.

The severe pain made him no longer think about the importance of the water, he just wanted to wash it off quickly.


So cool.

The cold water was sprinkled on the body, and there was a sudden feeling of iciness, and the pain was also reduced a lot.

Chen Tianhao carefully inspected the place where the black liquid was poured just now, all the hair had been burned, and the skin on the surface was also red and swollen, as if it had been scalded by boiling water.

Wash off the liquid on Chen Tianhao's body with clean water, so as to protect him from the black liquid's further corrosion, but there are still bursts of stinging pain at the place where the black liquid touches, but this stinging pain is not so severe anymore.

Damn it, until you die, you still want to mess with me.

Chen Tianhao endured the pain and came to the side of the desert worm again, this time he only moved within one meter of the desert worm's body.

"Brother, are you ready? I can't hold on any longer."

The dryad said with difficulty.

The strength of this desert worm is far beyond his imagination, and he has almost used up all his strength now.

After looking at the situation of the desert worm, he replied, "Come on, hold on a little longer."

The movements of Chen Tianhao's hands sped up a bit, and even his little remaining energy was used up.

The dryad was really tired, usually fighting was more like what Chen Tianhao saw, using the darkness to kill the enemy.

He was so exhausted now that he couldn't resist letting go of the twigs that were entwined with the desert worms.

Chen Tianhao also saw the movement of the tree demon, and secretly called out: "Not good."

Suddenly, a series of pleasant voices rang in Chen Tianhao's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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