spore evolution

Chapter 133 The Great Harvest

Chapter 133 The Great Harvest

"Congratulations on killing the desert worm."

"Congratulations on completing the side mission: killing desert worms."

"Congratulations, you have scored 500 points, total points: 000 points."

"Congratulations on your ultimate muscle."

"Congratulations on obtaining the energy core (advanced)."

"Congratulations on getting the corrosive liquid (super)."

"Congratulations on your personal achievement—a millionaire. Points earned: 100 points. Total points: 000 points."

Chen Tianhao was confused by a series of voices. He just saw the dryad let go of the desert worm exhausted, and thought that he was going to escape by it.

I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

This injury is worth it, the originally hopeless task has been completed.

Looking at the system log, it is simply not too happy.

With more than 100 million points, Chen Tianhao became rich all of a sudden. The level [-] brain is already beckoning to him, and now he is only short of the exchange qualification of the level [-] brain.

Seeing that the desert worms were dead, Chen Tianhao slumped down on the sand, not caring that the sand on the ground was already dirty.

"You can stop, it's dead."

Seeing other people still stabbing the desert worm with wooden guns, he said.

The Winged Man immediately stopped the movement of his hands. Although they were not harmed, it took a lot of effort to keep stabbing the desert worm with the wooden spear.

The most tiring one was the Dryad. Half of the credit for being able to successfully kill the desert worm this time should be attributed to him.

If he hadn't dragged the desert worm desperately, it would have been impossible to kill the desert worm. This time, he spent all his energy to entangle the desert worm.

At this time, he has returned to the appearance of the Winged Man, the smaller the body, the less energy he consumes.

The dryad is already extremely weak, but it still has the energy to grow a branch.

He reached out a branch and inserted it into the desert worm beside him.

I saw the body of the desert worm and the position of the branch, as if it had turned into a liquid, flowing along the branch to the head of the dryad.

Chen Tianhao took a look and ignored him. He knew that this was the way the dryads eat. The desert worm's body was so big that he could suck it.


The dryad burped in satisfaction, and it had been a long time since he felt full.

Chen Tianhao opened his eyes wide and looked ahead. He was surprised to find that the huge body of the desert worm in front of him had disappeared.

If not, the minced meat on the ground, the blood all over the ground, let him know that he really killed a desert worm, he probably thought he was dreaming.

I'll go, the dryad has such a big appetite?

Chen Tianhao knew that the dryad had a big appetite, but he didn't expect that the desert worm's entire body was swallowed by him after he took a short rest.

You must know that the body of the desert worm is more than 500 meters long, even if it is blasted by Chen Tianhao's electric ball, it will still be more than 200 meters long.

Looking at the dryad's thin body, it was hard to imagine that the desert worm over 200 meters was already in his stomach.

The dryad's energy core must be very advanced, and the digestive system is also very advanced. Unfortunately, Chen Tianhao's appraiser is limited in level, and can only identify creatures with similar strengths. He cannot yet identify the specific situation of the dryad.

If it wasn't for the dryad being subdued by him as his younger brother, he would have killed him like he killed a desert worm to get the components.

After eating and drinking enough, the dryad came to Chen Tianhao's side, just saw Chen Tianhao's hungry eyes, and was startled, thinking that he had just swallowed all the desert worms, and said cautiously: "Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't want to either, but once I ate it, I couldn't help but finish it all."

"It's okay, it's mainly because of your hard work this time..." Chen Tianhao comforted the tree demon, but before he could finish speaking, the tree demon picked up another piece of meat scattered on the side of his eyes, "Hurry up and stop!" .”

Before the words fell, the minced meat had disappeared in the hands of the tree demon.

In order to prevent the tree demon from devouring the meat, he quickly grabbed the tree demon with his hands, turned around and told Yiren: "Hurry up and gather the meat on the ground."

Fortunately, there are still a lot of minced meat scattered on the side, which is enough for people to eat for the time being. This is epic meat, and it will definitely nourish you after eating it.

"Third brother, what are you doing? Why don't you act quickly? Do you still want to eat barbecue?"

Chen Tianhao saw the Lightning Beast resting at the side, and threw a series of questions over his face.

During this interval, Chen Tianhao's hands never left the tree demon, as long as he let go, he would definitely lose a few pieces of flesh.

Suddenly, he remembered that the other half of the desert worms were hidden more than 200 meters underground. Anyway, he couldn't get them, so he might as well let the dryad gobble them up, and save him from staring at the few pieces of meat all the time.

Chen Tianhao said in a deep tone: "Second Brother, do you still want to continue eating meat?"

"Of course I want to, where is the meat?" The tree demon nodded quickly, looked around, but found no other meat.

Although Chen Tianhao grabbed his hand, if he really wanted to eat these pieces of meat, Chen Tianhao couldn't stop him.

His hands are just twigs. As long as he wants, he can create a new twig from any part of his body, but he obeys Chen Tianhao very much.

Chen Tianhao pointed to his feet: "Below, under the sand, there are another half of the desert worms that haven't come out."


The dryad immediately protruded a long tree root from the bottom of his feet, and now his energy is very sufficient, and within a short time, the nearby sandy land has been covered within his range.

However, he didn't find the so-called piece of meat around here.

"Brother, no desert worm meat was found here."

The dryad didn't find the desert worm and was very anxious.

Chen Tianhao took a look and found that the pieces of meat around him were almost cleaned up. He patted the tree demon on the shoulder and said, "Second brother, don't worry, it's still below."

After hearing this, the tree demon immediately grew roots and went deeper.

In just a moment, he has grown the root system of the tree to a distance of more than 150 meters, which is the deepest he has ever grown.

You know, when he touched the meteorite fragment for the first time, it was just over 100 meters away.

He didn't suspect that Chen Tianhao was lying. He was about to say something when Chen Tianhao's voice came from his ear, "Continue to grow."

"Huh? Will it grow further down?"

The dryad continued to grow downwards, and soon exceeded 250 meters. This distance had already exceeded the position where the other half of the desert worm's body was.

Seeing that Chen Tianhao didn't make a sound, the tree demon continued to grow down.


Chen Tianhao didn't expect that he was just a little stunned. The tree demon's roots had grown to more than 300 meters, and if they didn't find the right position, even if they grew to 1000 meters, they still couldn't get the other half of the desert worms.

"Go a little to the left."

"Brother, where is the left side?"

"The hand I'm holding is the left hand, and it grows in this direction."

"Oh, that's great, big brother really didn't lie to me, he has the body of a desert worm."

"Okay, your food is the underground one."

"Well, okay, big brother, you can rest assured to eat yours."

(End of this chapter)

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