spore evolution

Chapter 134 Effect of Desert Worm Meat

Chapter 134 Effect of Desert Worm Meat
"Hey, you kid, if you don't pay attention, you will steal it."

Chen Tianhao quickly reached out and took back a piece of meat from the tree demon.

This piece of meat is exactly the piece of meat from the desert worm that was killed a few days ago. After several days of consumption, there are not many remaining pieces of meat. This is already one of the few pieces of meat.

Strange to say, logically speaking, the Dryad has already devoured desert worms over 500 meters away, so there should be no need to grab these pieces of meat anymore.

The dryad also thought so at first. After he devoured it, he found that the desert worm meat not only replenished energy, but also brought him a clearly visible evolution.

This was the first time that the dryad found the flesh of other creatures besides meteorite fragments, which could bring him such obvious changes.

It's not that other energies have no effect, most of the living things are simply turned into a kind of energy in his body after being absorbed by him.

The desert worm meat is different, since he absorbed the desert worm.

He found that his size actually began to grow rapidly. His original body could reach a height of 50 meters. Now, he estimated that he could reach a height of almost 100 meters.

In other words, after the dryad devoured the desert worm, his energy more than doubled, not only his size, but also his other skills.

If the current dryad meets the desert worm again, even if the desert worm doesn't break in half, it still has enough strength to trap the opponent.

After discovering this situation, the tree demon kept staring at the desert worm meat carried by the water storage beast, and often secretly devoured it when Chen Tianhao was not paying attention.

Chen Tianhao knew about the dryad's situation, so he also tried to eat a little bit of desert worm meat, but in the desert, there was no way to cook it, so he only ate a little bit.

He is not as exaggerated as the tree demon, and his energy has doubled.

However, he found that this piece of meat could indeed bring him a little bit of energy.

Of course, compared to the energy block, it is definitely not comparable. It is only about one-tenth of it. It is estimated that the energy that the desert worm has devoured for a long time has flowed to his muscles, so his muscles are filled with energy.

In fact, this is not the first time Chen Tianhao has discovered this situation. Before, when he first landed, he also discovered that the meat of elite level creatures is better than the meat of ordinary creatures. Long-term consumption can enhance their physical strength.

Although the energy provided by the desert worm meat is not much, it is superior in quantity. Even the meat picked from the desert worms at that time is enough for Chen Tianhao and the others to eat for several days.

It's just that no matter how much meat there is, it can't stand the crowd. After a few days of travel, plus, the tree demon occasionally secretly devoured it, and there was basically not much minced meat.

After Chen Tianhao discovered that it could provide energy, he distributed the meat to the Yiren. He himself didn't eat it except for the first time he felt it, because the texture of the desert worm's meat was not very good, and it was not cooked through. I gave up the meat and ate the barbecue prepared by Oasis.

The other Yiren don't have this problem with Chen Tianhao. Although the taste of uncooked meat is a bit worse than that of cooked meat, after being exposed to the scorching sun, there is basically no big difference.

Yiren has been eating desert worm meat for the past few days. Not only has his body recovered to his best condition, but five winged mages have appeared. These five winged mages all appeared on young Yiren.

The five young winged mages can't become the main combat power yet. I believe that they will play their due abilities in the near future, which can be regarded as adding a little strength to the team.

Ever since he killed the desert worm, Chen Tianhao didn't need to use his consciousness to check the surrounding situation all the time, he only used it when determining the direction.

Conscious energy, if you use it, you can use it less, and if you can save it, you can save it.

Besides, in his current team, there is a powerful creature like the tree demon here. As long as he doesn't encounter a huge creature like a desert worm again, he will die as many times as he comes, and he will be eaten by them when he comes.

He didn't believe that two super-large creatures could be bred in this desert.

There is no need to consider the safety of the team, but this area has been deserted by desert worms, Chen Tianhao has been walking for four days, and he has not found any oasis yet.

Not to mention the oasis, I didn't even see an ordinary creature.

Sometimes, Chen Tianhao even wondered if he had made a mistake in the direction at the beginning, and the latter was the direction to escape from the desert. In fact, his own direction was going to the depths of the desert, otherwise why would he have walked for so long without getting out of the desert.

However, if he really went wrong, he can only bite the bullet now and go all the way to the dark, and it is too late to change the direction.

"Brother, it's so boring, where are we going?"

The tree demon was robbed of the piece of meat in Chen Tianhao's hand, afraid that Chen Tianhao would blame him, so he changed the subject.

Chen Tianhao put the piece of meat back, and replied: "Didn't I say that before? Of course it is to find an oasis or a forest. This place where the birds don't shit, you should stay away as soon as possible."

"Forest? What is a forest?"

Ever since the Dryad was born, he had only heard of the oasis, not the forest.

Chen Tianhao explained: "A forest is a place where there are a large group of trees together. There are not only a large group of trees, but also many creatures."

"Wow, I love that place."

When the tree demon heard that the forest is such a place, he was very excited. The many creatures meant that there was a steady stream of energy. Let's go there quickly."

Chen Tianhao spread his hands, "I also want to find that place quickly, and now the primary goal is to leave this place."

Even if you don't find the forest, you have to find the oasis quickly.

The food in the team can last for a long time, but there is not much water. It is fortunate that the dryad did not drink water, otherwise all the water in the water storage beast would not be enough for him alone.

Seeing that it was impossible for him to get the meat, the Dryad ran to the side of the Thunder Beast and chatted with the Beast.

The Lightning Beast, who was originally dissatisfied with the Dryad being ranked second, was truly convinced that the Dryad ranked second after the battle of killing the Desert Worm.

Before, it was only under Chen Tianhao's order that he admitted that the tree demon ranked second, but now, when the tree demon used this to squeeze him, he did not refute it.

After eating the meat of the desert worm, not only the strength of the Winged Man has grown.

The strength of the Lightning Beast has also increased a lot. Seeing his deformed bone knife, it has become harder and sharper.

Because the Thunder Beast can change the bone knife freely, in the team, the matter of cutting the meat is left to him.

Now he can easily cut through the desert worm's flesh.

The meat of the desert worm strengthened everyone in Chen Tianhao's team to varying degrees.

I don’t know if the meat of an epic monster has this effect. This is the first time he has eaten the meat of an epic monster. He killed the three-headed demon king before. Once he killed it, he entered the editing space. He didn’t try it. Pass.

But judging from this situation, it should have the same effect, even without the effect of desert worms, it is much better than other creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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