spore evolution

Chapter 135 Triggering side quests

Chapter 135 Triggering side quests
The scorching sun hangs high, and the sun seems to be drying the earth, constantly emitting huge energy.

Chen Tianhao wiped the sweat off his face with his hands, squinted his eyes and looked ahead.

It has been six days since the desert worm was killed, and the desert worm's meat has also been eaten, and the barbecue prepared by the oasis has been eaten again.

"Brother, why haven't you arrived yet?"

This time it was the Thunder Beast who asked. He naively thought that as long as there were no desert worms around, he would be able to see the outside world.

However, if it wasn't for Chen Tianhao, he would have starved to death in this desert even if there were no desert worms.

The Lightning Beast and the Dryad would come to ask him this question every once in a while.

At the beginning, he answered patiently, but later on, he didn't bother talking to the two of them anymore, so he might as well save his tongue and hold on longer.

Seeing that Chen Tianhao didn't answer, Shanlei Beast knew what was going on.

A young winged man broke away from the team and ran to Chen Tianhao's side.

This young winged man, whom Chen Tianhao knew, was the little guy who saw the green plants accurately twice.

Chen Tianhao lowered his head and asked, "Little guy, did you find anything?"

Just because the young Winged Man found green plants at a super long distance twice before, Chen Tianhao told him to let him come and tell him when he saw creatures or plants around him.

The young Yiren hadn't come to look for him in the past few days, and now that he came here, he must have discovered something.

The young winged man nodded, pointed to the front left and said, "Boss, I see a group of creatures over there."

Chen Tianhao raised his head and looked in the direction that the young Winged Man was pointing at. He pushed his eagle vision to the limit, but he didn't find anything there.

After watching it for a while, he gave up. He still hasn't figured out how the young Winged Man discovered that there were creatures in that place. This question can only be left to the editing space and asked Chen Tianhua.

However, the answer is very likely to be: please find yourself.

"Well done, you stay with me now, and you show the way."

Chen Tianhao patted the young Yiren's head and encouraged him.

The young winged man nodded happily: "Yeah."

He was very happy to be able to help the leader.

Under the command of the young winged man, the team departed from the original direction and headed in the direction he pointed.

That direction is not static, but with the instructions of the young Winged Man, there is not much deviation.

After traveling for a while, he finally spotted the creature in front of him.

There are two factions in this group of creatures, and the two factions are fighting.

Chen Tianhao also found a familiar figure among this group of creatures, it was the first creature he encountered in this desert - the desert scorpion.

During this battle, Chen Tianhao discovered that there are four kinds of creatures in total.

The creatures on both sides are not evenly distributed, but instead have three creatures on one side and only one creature on the other.

The desert scorpions belonged to the side of the three creatures, and what they were besieging right now was a creature with upright legs.

I don't know how that creature provoked these three creatures and made them attack them at the same time.

But fortunately, there were more creatures with upright legs than the opponent, and for a while, they were not defeated.

However, the creature with upright legs was a bit slow, and it wanted to escape, but it couldn't escape. According to this situation, the creature with upright legs must lose in the end.

"Little guy, go back to the middle of the team."

Chen Tianhao patted the young Yiren's shoulder. This young Yiren should be protected. The hope of getting out of the desert this time is on him.

"Let's go."

Chen Tianhao led the team to the place of battle.

The creatures that were fighting there continued to fight each other, but they didn't realize that a group of uninvited guests had already come around.

However, this is also normal, not all creatures have such powerful vision as the Winged Man.

Besides, they are busy defeating the creatures in front of them now, they don't care about the surrounding situation, they just want to kill the creatures in front of them.

At this time, Chen Tianhao was less than 500 meters away from the battlefield.

The dryad also saw these fighting creatures, his eyes lit up immediately, and he raised his legs and wanted to run over to kill them.

Chen Tianhao quickly pulled him back, he didn't want the tree demon to kill them all.

If he wanted to kill them, he had to wait until the side quests were triggered. Of the four creatures in the battlefield, three of them were creatures he had never encountered before, and they would definitely be able to trigger one or two side quests.

Side quests represent a lot of points and, most importantly, various components and skills.

Preventing the tree demon from moving, Chen Tianhao approached the battlefield little by little. He still doesn't know how to trigger the side missions. He only knows that when he encounters new creatures, there will definitely be side missions. As for how close to It is not known where the position will appear, he can only try a little bit.

The distance is constantly shortening.

500 m.

400 m.

300 m.

Finally, when Chen Tianhao was only 200 meters away from the battlefield, he finally heard the voice of the system.

And at this time, the creatures on the battlefield finally discovered the uninvited guest next to them.

At a distance of 200 meters, even ordinary creatures can be found in this empty desert.

What's more, there are still such a large group of creatures.

There were only about two hundred creatures on the battlefield, and there were seventy or eighty in Chen Tianhao's team.

Such a team, joining any team, will deal a fatal blow.

The two sides that were fighting stopped fighting for a while, looking at Chen Tianhao and the others.

On the other side of the three creatures, seeing Chen Tianhao, they were taken aback and thought they were allies called by the other party, because Chen Tianhao's side was basically creatures that walked upright on two legs and had the same structure as his opponent. As for Chen Tianhao's team The water storage animals inside were gorgeously ignored by them.

The creatures with upright legs also looked at Chen Tianhao and the others with wide eyes. They knew that Chen Tianhao was not their ally. If there were any allies, they wouldn't have to fight these enemies for so long, they would have wiped them out long ago.

They are very afraid of being each other's allies, which will make this extremely difficult battle suddenly hopeless.

The atmosphere, which was already in full swing, suddenly became extremely quiet.

There was no order from Chen Tianhao on Chen Tianhao's side, so he didn't rush forward.

However, the two forces on the battlefield originally thought that Chen Tianhao was an ally of the other side, so they didn't dare to act rashly, so they just looked at Chen Tianhao and the others quietly.

This scene became very funny, you know, they were fighting face to face just now.

The two sides wrestled together, and when the fighting stopped, they did not separate, and the two sides hugged each other like this.

If there are other people who don't know the battle ahead, they will definitely think that they are a family that loves each other, and they will never think that the two groups of people were still fighting there just now.

Chen Tianhao doesn't care whether he fights or not, he just wants to see what side missions are triggered.

You can open the system task bar to see.

(End of this chapter)

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