spore evolution

Chapter 136 Aiding the Wandering Scorpion

Chapter 136 Aiding the Wandering Scorpion
"Discover side quest: kill the stray scorpion.

Mission Description: Help desert scorpions and other creatures kill their traitor wandering scorpions.

Task completion conditions:

Killed 100 stray scorpions, and the current completion status is 0/100.

mission rewards:

Points: 50 points.

constant temperature system. "

I'll go, no way, so rubbish rewards?

When Chen Tianhao saw the triggered task, he was immediately stunned. Only after killing 100 stray scorpions would he be given a constant temperature system. As for the [-] points, he temporarily ignored it.

He found it so hard, and only gave such a component?
It's not that the constant temperature system is bad, it's just that the task is a bit beyond his expectation.

Hey, no, there seems to be a line of words below, but he didn't read it carefully just now and ignored it.

I saw a few words "Select one of the tasks" appeared under the task bar.

Chen Tianhao regained his energy immediately, he could choose one of the missions, that is to say, there are other missions.

Turning the page hastily, a new side mission appeared as expected.

"Mission Name: Aid the Wandering Scorpion.

Mission Description: Help the wandering scorpion kill the enemy desert scorpions, desert crabs, and giant scorpions.

Task completion conditions:

Killed 1 giant scorpion, the current completion status is 0/1.

Kill 50 desert crabs, the current completion status is 0/50.

Kill 50 desert scorpions, the current completion status is 0/50.

mission rewards:

Points: 250 points.

constant temperature system.

High temperature resistant skin.

Super skin (hard shell).

One of the optional missions, it conflicts with the side mission 'Killing the Wandering Scorpion', so you can only choose one of the two. "

This mission is not bad, but killing one more giant scorpion has two more components than the mission just now, which is quite good.

Besides, three kinds of creatures besiege one kind of creature, and there are very few people who love to help weak creatures like myself, so they must choose to help the wandering scorpion.

When Chen Tianhao chose to help the wandering scorpion, another mission disappeared.

Since he decided to help the wandering scorpion, he didn't do it immediately, but first used the appraiser to find out the specific situation of the other party.

The familiar enemy, the desert scorpion, does not need to be observed again, mainly three other creatures that have not been encountered before.

The first thing he looked at was the creature walking upright on two legs. If he guessed correctly, this was the creature he was about to help.

"Name: Wandering Scorpion
Health: 1255/2000
Energy value: 0/1000
Attack: 100
Movement speed: 150 (maximum speed 15 km/h)

Individual Description: 2 meters tall, 100 kg in weight, humanoid creature, forelimbs have evolved into double claws, left with a tail, with a hammer-like thing on the tail, and bone spurs growing on the hammer.

Race description: They have the same ancestor as the desert scorpion. During the evolution, the wandering scorpion chose a different path from the desert scorpion.In the end, the two races parted ways because of their different evolutionary concepts.When these two creatures meet, they will always be enemies of life and death. They both think that the other is a traitor, and they will kill each other to the death.

Possessed skills: Poison Blade (consume 500 energy points and convert energy into a poisonous energy blade.), Poison Shield Impact (consume 500 energy points and convert energy into a shield.)
Attack method: I like to attack the enemy with the poisonous blade transformed into energy, because the poisonous blade is contaminated with the toxin of the wandering scorpion, and ordinary creatures cannot block this toxin. Immobility, loss of life force, and eventual death.When the wandering scorpion is unable to use Shiv, the hammer on his tail becomes a powerful weapon.

Individual Strength Comparison: Slightly stronger than Wingman. "

It seems that the strength of the wandering scorpion is quite strong, the level of individual strength is higher than that of the wing, but this is just a comparison of statistics, if they really want to fight, Chen Tianhao believes that his clansmen will have no problem against the wandering scorpion.

Their skills are very interesting. They can actually obtain weapons by converting energy. It seems that their strength is not weak. If this kind of creature continues to develop, I am afraid that it will really become a humanoid creature just like his name. Enter the tribal age.

Looking at the information of other creatures, he chose the largest creature on the battlefield, a desert scorpion that looked like it had been enlarged.

"Name: Giant Scorpion.

Health: 7850/10000
Energy value: 1000/1500
Attack: 200
Movement speed: 250 (maximum speed 25 km/h)

Individual Description: Length: 6 meters, Width: 1 meter, Height: 4 meters, Weight: 3000kg
Race description: They belong to the same race as desert scorpions. Because they have swallowed meteorite fragments, their body size is much larger than ordinary desert scorpions. They are still desert scorpions in essence. Because they swallowed meteorite fragments, giant scorpions have special abilities. .

Possessed skills: poisonous mist (consumes 500 energy points, can emit highly poisonous mist from around the body, can cover 50 meters around the giant scorpion.), summoning (consumes 500 energy points, can summon giant scorpions within a kilometer range The desert scorpion comes to him, if there are no other desert scorpions around, it will have no effect and cannot be generated out of thin air.)
Attack method: Unlike ordinary desert scorpions, the giant scorpion likes to attack the enemy directly and aboveboard. His huge body makes his strength extremely huge. His giant pincers in front of him and the bone hammer on his tail are enough to kill the opponent .When encountering an opponent that cannot be killed, using the poisonous mist to attack and summoning the surrounding desert scorpions is also enough to defeat the enemy.

Comparison of individual strength: far superior to Wingman, in a one-on-one situation, Wingman cannot defeat Giant Scorpion. "

Well, it really is a big guy, a single Yiren can't beat it, so it's enough to have a few more, Yiren has never been the master of fighting alone.

He can actually summon summoning skills. There are so many desert scorpions gathered here, I'm afraid a large part of it is his credit.

Then continue to observe the information of the last creature, which is the creature that stands in front of the desert scorpion.

"Name: Desert Crab

Health: 3000/5000
Energy value: 0/500
Attack: 50
Movement speed: 50 (maximum speed 5 km/h)

Individual Description: Length: 0.5m, Width: 0.5m, Height: 0.2m, Weight: 10kg.

Race description: Similar to crabs, it is an ally of the desert scorpion. It has a hard shell and has a particularly strong defense. It often travels shoulder to shoulder with the desert scorpion.

Possessed skills: hard shell strengthening (consume 500 energy points to form an energy shield on the surface of the shell, which can resist the enemy's energy attack.)
Attack method: It often haunts the desert scorpion. The desert crab is mainly used for defense. The attack is mainly given to the desert scorpion, but sometimes it will attack the enemy with its pincers, but the attack power of the pincers is limited and cannot cause too much damage to the enemy.

Comparison of individual strengths: Without the help of desert scorpions, they can only serve as food. "

This creature did not pose much threat to Chen Tianhao, it was mainly two other creatures.

This task is not difficult to complete.

Chen Tianhao turned his gaze back to the battlefield ahead, it would not be difficult to defeat Juxie and the others.

Even killing all creatures on the battlefield isn't particularly difficult with Dryads around.

What he cares about is how to help the wandering scorpion, how to make the wandering scorpion feel that he is here to help them, not to kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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