spore evolution

Chapter 138

Chapter 138 One-sided

The two giant pincers of the giant scorpion pressed forward hard, and the wandering scorpion only felt the poisonous knife in his hand shake for a while, and almost disappeared into the air.

The wandering scorpion man kept the poisonous knife in his hand steady. The poisonous knife was a little darker than before, and he slashed at the giant scorpion again.

The giant scorpion was ready this time, waving its giant pincers to face the poisonous knife, and at the same time, a dense green mist began to seep out of its body.

The green poisonous mist spreads rapidly to the surrounding area. When other creatures notice it, they flee the area immediately. The toxin in the poisonous mist cannot cause fatal damage to the creatures present, but it will be very uncomfortable.

The wandering scorpion also wants to leave this place, but the giant scorpion has been haunting him, and he can't leave at all. Fortunately, the poisonous mist has little effect on him, at least it won't make him lose his fighting power temporarily, but after staying in this place for a long time, Defeat is certain.

He can only hope now that the allies he has just made will give him hope.

The wandering scorpion kept fighting the giant scorpion with the poisonous knife in his hand, and occasionally used the bone hammer on his tail. The giant scorpion was much stronger than him and moved a little faster than him, so he could only passively defense against the attack of the giant scorpion.

The toxins in the poisonous mist had begun to seep into his body, affecting his mobility, and he was almost hit by the giant scorpion's pincers several times.


The wandering scorpion man picked up the knife and was about to attack the giant scorpion again. He looked forward in shock, and just heard the sound of a physical collision. The giant scorpion in front of him disappeared and turned into another creature.

He could see clearly that this creature was exactly the group of creatures that were just beside him, and it was also the creature that had just allied with him.

Such a huge giant scorpion was actually knocked into the air. He turned his head and looked at the giant scorpion that was knocked upside down more than ten meters away. How much strength was needed to knock the giant scorpion into the air.

The tree demon knocked the giant scorpion into the air, but didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it. Instead, it stood there, smiling and showing its white teeth, then turned to the wandering scorpion and said, "Leave this big guy to me. Go and help your people."

Before the wandering scorpion man could answer, the dryad quickly rushed to the side of the giant scorpion, and smashed towards the giant scorpion's abdomen, before the giant scorpion had time to turn over.


The wandering scorpion found that the shell that he had been chopping for so long had not been chopped, but was pierced by the dryad at once, and a huge crack appeared in the entire abdomen, and bright red blood seeped out from it.

The dryad didn't let go of the giant scorpion under its feet, and kept hitting with its fists. This is what Chen Tianhao did. He found that he already liked the feeling of the fist colliding with the flesh.

Before the giant scorpion came back to his senses, there were bursts of severe pain in his abdomen, which made him unable to help but scream in pain.

In just a short while, the giant scorpion's abdomen was completely shattered, bloody and bloody, and his painful screams were also much quieter. It is estimated that he would not survive.

The wandering scorpion man saw the mangled appearance of the giant scorpion, and knew that the giant scorpion was no longer alive, so he went to find other enemies with a poisonous knife.

After the dryad vented on the giant scorpion, a branch protruded from his head, and the branch inserted in from the broken place, and the giant scorpion's flesh and blood was continuously absorbed by the dryad through the branch.

When Chen Tianhao came to the tree demon, the tree demon had completely converted the flesh and blood inside the giant scorpion into his energy.

The giant scorpion looked like an ordinary giant scorpion at this time, and there was nothing wrong with it in appearance, but Chen Tianhao knew that the giant scorpion had turned into an empty shell.

The Dryad burped, showing a satisfied smile. It felt great to be replenished with energy, and then aimed at other creatures on the battlefield.

Under the attack of the Dryad, no creature could block his punch.

Chen Tianhao saw that the giant scorpion had been dealt with by the tree demon, so he left this place to look for other opponents.

The poisonous mist released by the giant scorpion still permeates the air, and the green patch looks particularly permeating. The desert scorpions next to them don't know that the giant scorpion has been brutally poisoned.

Originally, the Wandering Scorpion was inextricably fighting against the Desert Scorpion. All along, the Wandering Scorpion relied on their weak numbers to hold on.

The team led by Chen Tianhao joined the wandering scorpions all of a sudden, and the wandering scorpions' morale soared, killing several desert scorpions all at once.

Chen Tianhao already had experience on how to deal with desert scorpions. In the past, desert scorpions could kill them while lying in ambush under the sand. Now that desert scorpions appear openly, they are even more stress-free.

Chen Tianhao's heart moved, and an electric ball appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the electric ball flew towards the desert crab who was fighting the wandering scorpion next to him.


The electric ball hit the shell of the desert crab, and an explosion occurred, which raised gusts of wind and sand.

This explosion startled the stray scorpion who was attacking nearby, and he was relieved when he saw that the electric ball was attacking the opponent.

When the wind and sand fell, the desert crab was found to be unharmed.

Chen Tianhao looked at the desert crab in surprise. Although the electric ball he hit casually wasn't the most powerful attack, it wouldn't cause no damage at all.

The desert crab's defense was beyond his expectations. It didn't seem to be as weak as he imagined. No wonder the wandering scorpion was in a weak state. He couldn't even break through the opponent's defense, so how could he fight the opponent.

He noticed that the lightning beast next to him was also attacking the desert crab.

I saw the Thunder Beast rushing towards the desert crab quickly, holding the bone knife high, and then moving at a high speed, it took advantage of the opportunity to chop towards the desert crab below.


The bone knife of the Lightning Beast, like cutting tofu, easily split the desert crab in half.

After a successful blow, he immediately changed to another target. With the sharp bone knife of the Thunder Beast, combined with its extremely fast speed, no creature could withstand his knife.

The Lightning Beast has become a beautiful demeanor on the battlefield.

Are desert crabs immune to energy attacks?

Chen Tianhao also tried, using his fists and bone spurs to attack the enemy.

His fists and bone spurs couldn't reach the level of the Lightning Beast, but they also allowed him to find a way to attack, so that he wouldn't accomplish nothing on the battlefield.

With the addition of Chen Tianhao, Dryad, and Thunder Beast on the battlefield, the originally evenly matched battle suddenly turned into a one-sided massacre mode.

Especially the tree demon, with one punch, directly smashed the desert scorpion and the others. If the tree demon would stop to absorb the enemy's flesh after killing an enemy, I am afraid that the creatures killed by the tree demon would have to be turned upside down. some.

But even so, nearly half of the creatures on the battlefield fell into his hands.

The other desert scorpions saw how mighty the dryad was, and had already started to burrow into the sand, trying to escape from the dryad's attack.

However, their speed of burrowing into the ground was limited, and before they got in, they were picked out by the Wingmen with their wooden guns.

At the back, the Wing Man was only responsible for preventing the Desert Scorpions from escaping, and the killing was left to the Dryad and the Lightning Beast.

In just a short while, all the desert scorpions and desert crabs on the battlefield died in the hands of Chen Tianhao and his group.

The wandering scorpion looked at the battlefield in surprise, and was stunned by Chen Tianhao's astonishing killing speed.

(End of this chapter)

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