spore evolution

Chapter 139 Farewell

Chapter 139 Farewell
The wandering scorpion ran to Chen Tianhao's side, he was so happy that he couldn't know what to do, he just smirked there and kept saying, "Thank you so much."

Chen Tianhao reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile on his face: "We are allies, and it is right to help allies."

The main contributors this time were the tree demon and the lightning beast. He basically didn't kill a few enemies, but both the tree demon and the lightning beast belonged to Chen Tianhao, so it's okay to give him the credit. correct.

Out of the corner of Chen Tianhao's eyes, he saw the tree demon looking for dead creatures nearby, and immediately shouted angrily: "Stop, you have devoured nearly half of the creatures, we are running out of food, we should save some."

The dryad is good at everything, but he likes to eat too much. He is a foodie, and his food intake is astonishingly large. As long as he is not paying attention, a large amount of food will become energy in his body.

When the tree demon heard Chen Tianhao's cry, he didn't stop the movement of his hands, but accelerated the speed of his devouring. When Chen Tianhao came to him, he reluctantly put down the food in his hand.

The leader of the wandering scorpions looked at Chen Tianhao and the others in surprise. He didn't understand why Chen Tianhao didn't let the dryad eat them. He himself often devoured those enemies after the battle. Isn't this a normal thing?
Of course, if the wandering scorpion leader knew that the dryad could devour food without limit, he wouldn't think so.

No amount of food is enough for the dryad to absorb. Desert worms are big enough, with a diameter of five meters and a body length of more than 500 meters. I don't know where the limit of the dryad is.

If he is given a chance, Chen Tianhao has reason to believe that it is possible for him to swallow the entire planet.

Preventing the Dryad from continuing to devour, he turned his eyes to the task bar. He had been paying attention to the battlefield just now, but he didn't pay attention to whether the task was completed. There were no other creatures on the battlefield, and it could be completed under normal circumstances.

Open the taskbar.

Surprisingly, it was discovered that the side mission of aiding the wandering scorpions had not been completed.

The huge words on the completion condition indicate that there is still one desert scorpion left to complete the task.

"Are you kidding, it's not finished yet."

Chen Tianhao couldn't help shouting.

The leader of the wandering scorpions didn't know what happened, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Chen Tianhao did not answer, but dispersed his consciousness to the surroundings. Judging from what he saw before, there should be enough desert scorpions and desert crabs on the battlefield. Can't complete the task.

First, sweep the creatures on the ground, this is to prevent some creatures from being so dead that they are not considered dead.

It's a pity that the creatures on the ground are all dead. He diffused his consciousness to the bottom of the sand, and found that 50 meters underground, there were four desert scorpions and four desert crabs running away desperately. This should be at the beginning Just escaped from this place.

"Second brother, there are eight creatures below here, you go and kill them, you can absorb them directly."

Chen Tianhao pointed to the location of the desert scorpion. If you really let you run away before, let's see where you can escape now. After completing the task, maybe I won't bother you. Now that the task has not been completed, I can only count on you .


The tree demon responded happily, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat, and it shouldn't be wasted.

Immediately, a root system sprouted from under the feet and quickly drilled down into the ground. The tree demon's roots were growing crazily. In just a short while, the roots came to the desert scorpion's position.

Every time Chen Tianhao saw the crazy growth of the tree demon, he would sigh very much. When plants become conscious, they are also very terrifying, not at all simpler than living things.

Under the control of the dryad, the tree roots turned into ropes, wrapping the desert scorpion inside. It is estimated that the desert scorpion and the others would never have imagined that they would encounter danger under such a deep sand. The demon is entangled.

The tree roots circled around the Desert Scorpion's body. After a while, the dryad let go of the roots, leaving only broken shells on the ground, which also showed that several creatures had once existed here.

When the dryad entangled the desert scorpion, finally the pleasant voice of the system appeared in Chen Tianhao's ear.

"Congratulations on completing the side mission: aiding the wandering scorpions."

"Congratulations on your points: 250 points, total points: 000 points."

"Congratulations on getting the constant temperature system."

"Congratulations on getting high temperature resistant skin."

"Congratulations on getting a super skin (hard shell)."

Listening to the notification tone of this system, Chen Tianhao laughed from ear to ear.

This mission is probably the fastest to be completed, if not for missing a desert scorpion later, it could be even faster.

Not only is the speed fast, but the task rewards are also good. There are a lot of points and there are three components.

Now that the mission is complete, it's time to move on to the oasis.

There are wandering scorpions here, and they should have gone out of the range of desert worms. Ask the wandering scorpions, they may know the situation around here.

There wasn't much food in Chen Tianhao's team. At this time, the Yi people were packing up the leftover food nearby, because Chen Tianhao helped the wandering scorpion people, and they helped the Yi people pack up the food. Fortunately, the dead desert scorpions were relatively small. The normal way of dying didn't waste too much effort.

"Hello, do you know where there is a water source nearby?"

Chen Tianhao asked aloud.

The food is already available, and the rest is to consider the water source. The wandering scorpions are active here, and there should be a water source nearby.

Life needs water, especially in this hot desert, it is inseparable from water.

"I know, there is a place full of green plants in that direction, and there is a water source there, but it is far away from here."

The wandering scorpion turned around and pointed in the direction behind him.

"Great, why did you leave that place and come here?"

Chen Tianhao was very happy. He helped the wandering scorpion. Not only did he complete the task, he also got news about the water source. Not too far from the water source.

The wandering scorpion was very embarrassed when he heard this question, "That place is not suitable for us to survive, and there are many powerful creatures. Only when we are short of water, will we return to that place. Didn't we just meet the giant scorpion this time? Well."

"It turned out to be like this. Now that the giant scorpion is dead, I am going to take my team there. What should you do? Do you want to go with me, or go by yourself?" Chen Tianhao asked.

The leader of the wandering scorpions lowered his head and thought for a while, then replied, "Let's continue to live here."

He chose to lead the race to continue to survive here.

"Okay, then leave it alone."

Chen Tianhao didn't force the other party, he had to follow him, since the other party chose his own path, he didn't force it either.

After bidding farewell to the leader of the wandering scorpions, Chen Tianhao led his team towards the direction the wandering scorpions said.

(End of this chapter)

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