spore evolution

Chapter 144 Strong Enemy

Chapter 144 Strong Enemy
real world.

The vast forest, the mountains are layer upon layer, the mountains are beautiful, and a huge river passes through it, winding and endless.

The branches of the river also shuttle everywhere in the forest, forming a huge water network and becoming the most important water source for various creatures in the forest.

On the edge of the river, various creatures can often be seen drinking water there, and the river has also become a place where various creatures often fight.

The bright red blood flowed in the river water, and after being washed by the river water, it quickly disappeared into the river water and disappeared.

The river is constantly flowing, and the war is endless.

At this time, it was summer, and the sun in the sky was emitting a hot light.

The leader of the Wingman squad didn't feel particularly hot. In the forest, the dense leaves blocked most of the sunlight, and only occasionally passed through the gaps in the leaves. He no longer felt the scorching heat. More importantly, he was able to withstand the high temperature. , the temperature of light like the sun is just pediatrics.

Today, the leader of the Yiren team, with a team of 20 people, escorted three water storage animals to the river to fetch water.

On the edge of the river, you often encounter various creatures, and they often fight when they disagree.

The water storage beast, as one of the most important water sources in the winged race, is an important support for the winged people to survive in the cave.

More importantly, the water storage beast can purify the water source. After the turbid river water is filtered by the water storage beast, and then vomited out, it will become clear lake water with a sweet taste.

This is a biological filter. As for what the water storage beast will eventually become, the winged people have not studied it. So far, most of the water storage beasts have died due to the sneak attack of other creatures, and none of them have died from filtering the water source. things happen.

Winged people, as a powerful race, each winged person's ability can reach the level of a leader when they are adults, and they don't have to be afraid of other creatures at all.

And the leader of the winged man led twenty adult winged men to escort the water storage beasts, not because he was afraid of the creatures by the river, no matter how strong those creatures were, they didn't need so many people to escort the three water storage beasts.

What they focus on defending is the creatures on the other side of the mountain.

It grows very small, less than one-third of the height of an adult winged man, about one meter. It is a creature that walks upright. Its whole body is brown, and its feet are like centipedes, with many feet growing on it. , and the upper body has two sharp claws.

The attack power of this kind of creature is not high for the Wingman. The point is that it has a large number and super evolutionary ability.

At the beginning, the winged humans didn't care about this kind of creature, and it looked very ordinary. Although there were a lot of them, they could see dozens of them moving together every time they traveled, just treating them as ordinary creatures.

Ordinary adult Winged Men can deal with such a group of creatures casually, and even young Winged Men can kill a few of them.

Winged people even regard this creature as a training object for young winged people.

But it didn't take long for the Winged Human Race to discover that this creature was growing rapidly.

With every passing period, the creature becomes stronger.

The Yiren clan, from being able to deal with dozens of them by one person, to now one person can only deal with two at the same time. This is still relying on the strong defensive ability of the Yiren themselves to deal with two.

It is estimated that in the near future, Yiren may not be able to beat even one of them.

The Winged Human Race has been fighting against that creature for a long time, which has aroused the contradiction of the opponent, and from time to time sends some creatures to attack the Winged Human.

I don't know how this creature reproduces. Even if a large number of winged people are wiped out, after a while, more will definitely appear.

This is because the winged man relied on the cave to defend against the wave after wave of attacks by that creature.

Yiren regards the opponent as a kind of training, and the other party regards Yiren as a kind of training.

The Yiren need water to survive, so they have to go to the river to fetch water. Fortunately, the Yiren have kept a group of water storage animals in captivity. One water storage animal can provide ten Yiren with five days of water.

But no matter how much water there is, it will always be used up. Every time the Winged Man takes the water storage beast to the river to fetch water, he may encounter that kind of creature.

The opponent's huge number and terrifying evolutionary ability caused the Yiren to lose a lot on the way to fetch water.

The number of people escorting the water storage beast has increased from five at the beginning to twenty now. Only a large number of winged men can barely guarantee the success of water fetching.

The leader of the winged man brought the water storage animals to the nearest river, and twenty winged men drove away the drinking creatures by the river.

The water storage beast walked slowly to the river, and started to drink water when it got to the edge of the river, while the others stood guard.

Although the surrounding creatures have been driven away, the water storage beast takes a long time to drink, so we still have to be wary of the surrounding situation.

After half an hour, the water storage beast drank enough water and returned to the shore. His body size has grown a lot.

"Go, pay attention to your surroundings."

The leader of the winged man waved his hand and escorted the water storage beast towards the territory.

After the water storage beast drank enough water, its mobility dropped by more than half, and it moved very slowly. It took half an hour to come here, and now it takes more than an hour to go back.

And this period of time is also the time when it is most likely to encounter that terrifying creature.

The water storage beast walked slowly on the road. After being domesticated by the winged people, the water storage beast's own vigilance ability has dropped a lot. In the past, it had to guard against the sneak attacks of other creatures. Now, as long as it is full of food and drink, other things can be done. Winged people help, this kind of creature is simply not too comfortable.

The leader of the winged man is not as comfortable as the water storage beast. His eyes are constantly scanning around, observing the surrounding movement, and the others are also vigilantly observing the surrounding situation.

There are two other people on the tree, observing from above, the upper field of view is much better than that of the bottom, and it is easier to see the surrounding situation.

From time to time, it can make the sounds of insects and birds, and various biological activities. Most of the creatures found the Winged Man and ran away on their own.

The task of the Winged Man this time is to fetch water for the race. Normally, these creatures would have no chance of escaping. They have already become the souls under the claws of the Winged Man.

Although the water storage beast moved slowly, more than half of the distance had passed, and it was less than a quarter of the distance to the territory.

The team leader's hanging heart also let go a lot, according to the usual distance, this distance is already within the safe range.

Suddenly, the Winged Man on the tree shouted: "Captain, a group of creatures are coming from the left."

"Be alert, pay attention to protect the water storage beast in the middle."

The team leader's muscles tensed up and he ran to the left of the water storage beast.

The two remained and continued to guard on the right, and the other wingmen also followed the team leader to the left to face the enemy.


The sound of creatures shuttling through the woods could be heard continuously, and there were quite a few creatures attacked this time.

The water storage beast is still walking its own way slowly, as if those attacking creatures do not exist, it is firmly walking on the road with its own steps.

(End of this chapter)

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