spore evolution

Chapter 145 Race Status

Chapter 145 Race Status
The muscles of the wingman team leader's whole body were tense, and a blue energy flowed from the energy core to the whole body. The blue energy flowed continuously under the skin, as if transforming into a blue giant, his whole body was full of strength.


The Winged Man on the tree shouted and jumped down from the tree.

A group of strange creatures rushed out from the woods, spraying mouthfuls of corrosive liquid at the Winged Man.


The squad leader roared, jumped to avoid the oncoming venom, and dropped a powerful fist from the sky.

Winged people have a certain resistance to corrosive liquids. The corrosive liquids of weird creatures cannot harm him, but they are very disgusting. If possible, we should avoid them as much as possible.

Weird creatures are constantly evolving, and no one knows when a corrosive liquid that is effective against winged humans will evolve.


A strange creature was knocked to the ground by him, unable to get up for a while.

The team leader didn't dare to stay, and more strange creatures appeared beside him, and the sharp claws of the strange creatures grabbed the original position.

The other winged people also found their opponents. Under the winged man's fist, most of the weird creatures still couldn't resist the winged man's fist, and were knocked to the ground one by one.

Although the strange creature fell to the ground, it didn't suffer much damage. It trembled and stood up again.


The captain, dodging the opponent's attack, knocked down another one with an uppercut.

There were about [-] strange creatures that attacked this time, continuous creatures, constantly attacking the winged people.

These creatures are like dead soldiers who are not afraid of death. They don't care about themselves and play completely reckless, rushing forward to exchange injuries for injuries.

It is precisely because of their style of play that the two-for-one result was created.

I don't know why these creatures don't seem to be afraid of harm. No matter how many people die, another batch will appear after a while, and they will become stronger.

Winged people do not have such a strong reproductive ability as them, and after being injured, there is no means of treatment, basically relying on their own recovery ability, which also makes Winged people appear more cautious when fighting against strange creatures.


The squad leader didn't pay attention, his arm was caught by the sharp claws of a weird creature, and five long scratches were drawn out.

Enduring the pain in his arm, the team leader grabbed the neck of the monster that was about to attack, and the blue energy was crazily output to his right hand. The right hand was mixed with powerful power, smashing the head of the monster to pieces. The weird creature is no longer alive.

The team leader grabbed a guy who was about to break through the battle line to attack the water storage beast, and then blasted that guy's head with another huge fist.

"Brothers, be careful not to let these creatures run to the water storage beast."

The squad leader yelled loudly, but the movements of his hands didn't affect him at all. Strange creatures kept dying in his hands.

Fifty strange creatures, according to one-on-one, twenty winged people really can't beat them, now it's a collective battle, twenty winged people, under the leadership of the team leader, quickly defeated

Of the twenty winged men, except for the winged man who was escorting the water storage beast, the others were more or less slightly injured, but fortunately, generally speaking, the injuries suffered were not serious and would not affect Strength, under Yiren's strong resilience, fully recovered in a few days.

The weird creatures came very quickly, and they fought very fast. It only took a few minutes from attack to group destruction.

The team leader caught up with the water storage beast and continued to escort. For the remaining distance, there is basically no need to worry about another biological attack.

It has been more than an hour since Chen Tianhao descended into the race.

This time, he had to thank the system for not throwing him into the harsh environment of the desert or the world of ice and snow again, but in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

The first thing to do when returning to the real world is to look at the environment. After there is no problem with the environment, it is to look at the race.

After coming here for more than an hour, with the original memory of the leader of the Yiren, he basically figured out the environment and other conditions here.

In this team, there are a total of 1000 wingmen, including 600 adult wingmen, 200 juvenile wingmen, and 200 young wingmen.

Among the adult winged people, there are 300 winged mages, accounting for half of the adult winged people. This is already a very large proportion. In the past, Chen Tianhao's race could have 25% of the winged mages. The winged mages represent Strong strength represents the strength of the entire team.

Chen Tianhao was pleasantly surprised to find that there are 150 winged mages among the young winged people, which is higher than the proportion of adult winged people. This shows that Chen Tianhao's race is constantly evolving. Winged man mage team.

As for the juvenile Winged Men, many of them can't see it yet, and haven't found any special mutant Winged Men. However, many young Winged Men can also simply release electric balls. I believe that they can also grow into Winged Man mages in the near future.

For this team, the difficulty of the [-] or so ordinary Wingmen led by Chen Tianhao in the desert dropped directly from the hard mode to the easy mode.

Through a simple understanding, Chen Tianhao had a certain interest in that weird creature.

It's hard to imagine any other creature that can evolve so fast.

Every once in a while, it will become stronger, this is simply the protagonist.

If he hadn't known from the beginning that he was the only person on this planet with a spore system, he might have wondered whether there was another creature with a spore system.

But even if he has the spore system, he still has to rely on the system to evolve so fast. What kind of creature is this?

He is full of curiosity about this kind of creature. If he knows the reason for the rapid evolution of this kind of creature, can the winged man also enter such a stage of rapid evolution?

But all of this requires him to meet the strange creature himself to know.

Now it is all based on the memory of the leader and the narration of other winged people. I believe that the upgraded appraiser can bring him some help.

"Report, chief, we're back from fetching water."

The leader of the Yiren squad was covered in scars, blood was all over his body, and many places had scabs, which looked like very serious injuries.

The other Wingmen behind him were not much better either, and they all wore colorful clothes on their bodies.

"It's good to come back, have you met those creatures again? Is there any serious problem?"

Chen Tianhao asked with concern when he saw the leader of the Yiren squad covered in blood.

The leader of the Yiren squad is Chen Yi. Chen Yi is a title in the Yiren clan, and has retained this title in some powerful Yiren teams.

Chen Yi grinned and said: "Boss, it's okay, this kind of minor injury will heal in a few days, but this time when I met those creatures, they seemed to be a little stronger than before. If this continues, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with them in the future." .”

"It's fine, we really need to find a way to deal with them."

Not only to prevent the other party from becoming bigger, but also to find a way to quickly evolve from them. I didn't think he evolved slowly before, but this time I discovered this creature, and it evolved faster than him. He is not satisfied with his current situation. speed of evolution.

(End of this chapter)

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