spore evolution

Chapter 146 Weird place

Chapter 146 Weird place

One after another, other people who went outside to fetch water came back.

There are a large number of people in the race, and the demand is also great. Many teams are divided into groups to fetch water from the river.

However, about half of the team that came back were attacked by strange creatures. Fortunately, there were basically enough people, and they only suffered a little injury, not too much damage.

Chen Tianhao made up his mind to find this strange creature by himself.

It may be because he brought a relatively large number of people. After walking around in the surrounding forest several times, there were no strange creatures to attack.

Go back to the cave again, the spacious hall.

Chen Tianhao and several wingman team leaders were discussing how to deal with the weird creatures.

Chen Tianhao sat in the middle, looked around at the people below, and asked softly: "Everyone, regarding the strange creature that you have encountered many times, does anyone know where this creature came from?"

If you want to take the initiative to attack, you can only find it from the source. Passively waiting for the arrival of the other party is not a good way.

The winged people below looked at each other and shook their heads one by one.

"No, they attack us every time."

"At first, ignore them, they grow too fast."

"Yeah, every time there will be different degrees of progress."

"Perhaps, they are on the other side of the mountain."

Everyone was chattering, bustling like a vegetable market, but no one had a definite answer.

However, Chen Tianhao wants them to find the location, but it is still difficult for them. The current Yiren only have a third-level brain. Although compared with most other creatures, the third-level brain is already a relatively high level, and it can also perform most of the independent tasks. Think about problems, but if you ask them to think about something deeper, they still can't do it.

This is also why the system requires that when entering the Tribal Age, one must have a level [-] brain. Without a powerful brain, one is just like a beast with pure power.

Since there is no way to get the exact location of the opponent, he can only rely on him to find it.

It will become stronger every once in a while, and now I just defeated a group, maybe the other party is hatching new creatures, this is a good opportunity to detect the secrets of the other party's evolution.

Most importantly, he has conscious energy. In this dense forest, Wingman's eagle eyes will be blocked by trees, and his consciousness will not be blocked, which is a very good detection skill.

Only he has this skill, so he can only rely on him to find it.

Because he was just looking for the other party's location, he only brought Chen Si and Chen Wu who were not injured. Others wanted to follow him, but he refused.

The first target he chose was what someone had mentioned before, the other side of the mountain.

Every once in a while, a group of creatures will attack the winged people. These creatures must be near this area, but the winged people have never discovered where they came from, so it is very likely that they are a little farther away, and the winged people did not The places I have been to, this place is the other side of the mountain.

Why can't it be the opposite mountain, separated by a river several hundred meters wide, and he has never discovered that the other party can swim, so the greatest possibility is still on the other side of the mountain.

Chen Tianhao magnified his consciousness to the limit, and his limit distance did not increase, but as Yiren's strength increased, the total amount of his consciousness also gradually increased.

Now he keeps his consciousness within the limit range, and it is estimated that he can last for about two days, which is about twice as strong as before.

The three of them flew quickly on the tree. The range of vision on the tree was much better than that on the ground. The energy of the three of them was very sufficient, and they flew from tree to tree without making any stops.

The fast-flying figure made a sound as it rubbed against the air, startling some living creatures on the ground.

In Chen Tianhao's consciousness, the surrounding environment, creatures, and various information are imprinted in his mind, as long as he doesn't find the strange creature, he will pass it quickly.

It took about ten minutes to walk on the tree.

Suddenly, Chen Tianhao stopped on a tree.

Chen Si and Chen Wu, who were following behind him, couldn't dodge in time and bumped into him.


The three collided and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the tree Chen Tianhao stayed on wasn't very tall, and there were thick leaves on the ground, so he didn't get injured from the fall.

Chen Tianhao knew that this accident was caused by his sudden stop, so he quickly asked, "Are you all right?"

Chen Si and Chen Wu stood up, patted the leaves on their bodies, waved their hands and said, "It's okay, leader, why did you stop suddenly?"

After carefully confirming that there is no problem, he replied: "I just discovered a strange place."

"Strange place? Where?"

Chen Sifei went to the tree and looked left and right, but he didn't find any special places around him. Everything looked very ordinary. Occasionally, he could see a few creatures appearing and disappearing in the forest, but this was normal, not this time. Target.

"Come on, follow me, I can't see it from here." Chen Tianhao also flew to the tree, and flew towards the strange place he scanned with his consciousness.

That strange place was exactly his destination this time, but at that location, he didn't find that kind of weird creature.

Instead, I found another thing. The land in that area was brown, and there were many green things growing on the brown land. It looked like green moss, but it didn't look like a plant when I looked closely. What exactly it is, he didn't figure it out.

There are many eggs on that piece of land, those eggs are very big, each egg is nearly one meter high, and there are many creatures only twenty centimeters long crawling around beside the eggs, It looked disgusting.

This kind of scene suddenly appeared in his consciousness, and he was also taken aback, so he stopped suddenly, which led to the accident.

That location was only one kilometer away from Chen Tianhao and the others. After a while, they arrived at the place Chen Tianhao described.

Chen Tianhao and the others stayed on a tree branch.

When Chen Tianhao came to the edge of this area, he was also shocked by the scene here.

What he saw in his consciousness was only a small area here, and what he saw now were eggs of this kind appearing all over the mountains and plains, and there were densely packed insect-like creatures around the eggs.

If a person with trypophobia came here, he would definitely be scared to death. Even Chen Tianhao, a person without trypophobia, would feel his scalp go numb when he saw this kind of scene.

The whole mountain is full of this kind of brown land, green moss, white eggs, and black worms, forming a strange picture.

When did such a large area happen? The trees on the mountain have become bare. I am afraid that after a while, the entire mountain will become this environment.

This weird area must be a place where that kind of weird creature haunts. Now even if someone told him that the weird creature was not a creature here, he would not believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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