spore evolution

Chapter 147 Zerg?

Chapter 147 Zerg?

It's a strange feeling, maybe what was previously called a sixth sense.

He didn't go directly to check the strange egg, and pointed the identifier at the black creature under the tree.

It is better to check the other party's information with eyes than with an authenticator. The information checked by the authenticator is extremely accurate, which is far more realistic than looking at it by himself.

Sometimes, however, the identified object is too far away to observe on its own.

Now that the authenticator has just been upgraded, it is also a good time to use it to see the difference.

"Name: Larva.

Health: 100/100
Energy value: 0/0
Attack: 0
Movement speed: 50
Individual description: length: 0.2 meters, width: 0.1 meters, weight: 3kg
Race description: The most basic individual produced by the empress has no attack power, moves slowly, and carries some important genes, which can swallow the substances in the eggs and quickly evolve into various creatures.

Individual strength comparison: Yiren can trample a few to death at will. "

What kind of creature is the Empress?
The larva has no strength. The point is that the race shows that there is a queen mother. Could it be that they have encountered Zerg again?

Chen Tianhao couldn't help remembering that a long time ago, he encountered a primitive form of Zerg—the Zerg Nest, and it took a lot of effort to eliminate him. Now it is very possible to meet the Zerg again.

It's just that the larvae all over the mountains and the white eggs, I don't know which one is the mother queen, or the mother queen is not here at all.

He doesn't know the shape of the Queen Mother, but he can produce so many larvae, so his size should not be small.

He looked again at the egg that was as tall as a man on the ground, this might be the key to the evolution of the larva.

"Name: Egg (mature stage).

Health: 1000/1000
Energy value: 1000/1000
Attack: 0
Movement speed: 0
Individual Description: Height: 1 meter, Weight: 50kg
Race description: The eggs laid by the empress do not have any attack power and no ability to move. They rely on larvae to move and can absorb the nutrients in the green carpet, so that they can grow into maturity. After the larvae devour the mature eggs, they will become evolve into various creatures.

Individual strength comparison: Yiren's fixed target. "

Let me go, the life value of the eggs is so high, and the energy is high enough. The energy value of 1000 points is already much higher than most creatures. The creatures encountered now are not rare, and only a few creatures can exceed it.

The green carpet should refer to the green material on the ground, which can provide the energy needed for the evolution of insect eggs. I am afraid it is not as simple as a simple green plant.

This worm egg has reached maturity, so will there be larvae that will go in and devour the material evolution in the egg soon?Or this egg has already had larvae entering it, and it is already evolving.

He didn't do anything to these eggs immediately, he wanted to see what the hatched creature looked like, and whether it was the weird creature that the Winged Humans had been encountering recently.

He didn't find any movement of the eggs for the time being, and he observed the situation of other eggs around.

These eggs were found to be divided into three stages: infancy, growth, and maturity.

A group of larvae would transport the juvenile eggs from the side of the mountain and put them on the green carpet. Because the distance was too far, he did not find out where these eggs were transported from. As long as he found the source of the eggs, You can find the Queen Mother.

The juvenile egg is not big, only about 20 centimeters high. When placed on the green blanket, it will slowly absorb the energy of the green blanket, and then gradually grow bigger, eventually becoming a one-meter-high egg. It is the maturation stage of the eggs.

You say he is a kind of egg, but it is better to say that he is a kind of creature. Chen Tianhao has never seen it before, and eggs can grow outside the body.


The sound of a broken shell was particularly loud in this quiet environment.

Before Chen Tianhao found out where the sound was coming from, there were another sound of cracking the shell one after another, ups and downs.

Chen Tianhao's heart tightened, is this the egg about to break its shell?
He looked in the direction of most of the voices.

I saw that not far from Chen Tianhao, the shells of several insect eggs began to crack, as if someone had punched the shells, and they spread continuously to the surroundings at that central point.

A brown claw protruded from the eggshell with a viscous green liquid.

The brown claws knocked on the eggshell, breaking the already cracked eggshell all at once.

The original appearance of the creature was revealed.

Chen Tianhao took a closer look, and this was exactly his purpose this time. Although the strange creature now had a lot of green mucus stuck to it, its appearance was exactly what Chen Tianhao remembered.

After the first creature came out of the eggshell, forty or fifty creatures hatched out of the eggshell one after another.

Chen Tianhao quickly checked the information of this creature.

"Name: Hydralisk
Health: 2000/2000
Energy value: 1000/1000
Attack: 150
Movement speed: 400
Resistance: Immune to most corrosive liquids.

Individual Description: Height: 1 meter, Weight: 35kg.

Race Description: The first combat creature under the Empress, evolved from insect eggs, is good at melee attacks and can spray violent corrosive liquids. The Hydralisk itself has no thinking ability, only the instinct of fighting. The Empress through a special channel Control the Hydralisk.

Individual strength comparison: a Winged Man can easily defeat a Hydralisk. "

It turns out that the strange creature is called Hydralisk, and this is indeed Hydralisk's lair.

It's just that Chen Tianhao didn't expect that the hydralisk was not an ordinary creature, but just one of the creatures produced by the empress.

The Hydralisk itself has no thinking ability, and relies on the Queen Mother to control it. Isn't this the Zerg?

The evolutionary ability of the Zerg is really powerful, devouring other creatures to enhance their own abilities.

The Empress often sends Hydralisks to attack Yiren, probably because of Yiren's genes to enhance his strength.

Hydralisk can evolve so fast, there is a large part of the reason, in Wingman himself, if it weren't for Wingman, Hydralisk would not evolve so fast.

If you want to evolve, you always need some excellent genes. The Wingman is not the strongest creature in this area, but it can be regarded as the top of the food chain. The powerful genes of the Wingman have become the key to the evolution of the Hydralisk.

That's why the hydralisk, which was easy to deal with before, suddenly became enough to fight against the winged man alone.

We must kill them as soon as possible. There are already tens of thousands of insect eggs that can be seen all over the mountains and plains, and it is unknown how many are in the places that cannot be seen.

For creatures like the Zerg, if they don't kill them in advance, I'm afraid the whole planet will become his nutrient in the end, and at that time, he is really over.

After the entire race was wiped out, Chen Tianhao could no longer be reborn and disappeared into this world.

He had to wipe out the Zerg.

(End of this chapter)

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