spore evolution

Chapter 148

Chapter 148
When those eggs have not yet hatched, it is the most vulnerable time.

Chen Tianhao raised his hand and shot an electric ball, aimed at the unhatched eggs, and shot them.


There was a loud noise, deafening, and Chen Tianhao almost fell from the tree.

He didn't expect that an electric ball he picked up would be so powerful. This kind of explosive power was more than twice as strong as before.

He forgot that Yiren has already strengthened a lot, especially the energy core. The improvement of the level of the energy core is not only an increase in energy storage, but also an improvement in quality.

Still according to the previous habit, an electric ball of the same size was sent out, and the power must be greater than before.

There was a loud noise, and a pit with a diameter of five meters and a depth of more than one meter appeared there, and the surrounding eggs were blown to pieces, and the larvae in that area went to nowhere, even some of the surrounding eggs were blown to pieces. It was also shattered a lot by the loud noise, and it was a mess.

The Hydralisk that had just hatched was also startled by the loud noise.

Chen Tianhao's electric ball angered the Hydralisk.

I don't know how they found Chen Tianhao on the tree, but in just a few seconds, the Hydralisks locked their eyes on Chen Tianhao on the nearby tree, and swarmed to the tree where Chen Tianhao was.

"Trigger side mission: Winged Terran Enemy.

Mission description: The winged humans and the low-level Zerg - the Queen Mother live in the same area. In order to survive and evolve, the two sides often have friction in daily life. From the first contact between the Winged Humans and the Queen Mother, the two races, Has become a deadly enemy.The Winged Human Race used the Empress to hone themselves, and the Empress also used the genes of the Winged Human Race to strengthen themselves.

Conditions for completing the task: kill 1 Empress, and the current completion status is 0/1.

mission rewards:

Points: 1
Components: Level [-] Brain Exchange Qualification, Nervous System (Ultimate), Digestive System (Super). "

Chen Tianhao stared at this side mission with wide eyes, he didn't even notice that the Hydralisks had come under the tree.

Level [-] brain exchange qualifications, several huge fonts, constantly stimulated Chen Tianhao's nerves.

Chen Tianhao couldn't help laughing loudly: "Haha, finally a level [-] brain exchange qualification, tribal age, here I come."

Hydralisks came under the tree, they couldn't fly, and the distance from which the corrosive liquid could be sprayed was also limited. After several attempts, they couldn't attack Chen Tianhao.

However, the Hydralisk quickly found a way to corrode the tree where Chen Tianhao was standing. The Hydralisk swallowed the corrosive liquid a few times, and the big tree with a diameter of one meter, where it was covered by the liquid, made a hissing sound after a few seconds. , It turned into black charcoal all of a sudden, and finally shook a few times, and the whole big tree fell down.

When the big tree fell, Chen Tianhao had already flown to a nearby tree.

During the flight, he even released an electric ball at the Hydralisk under the tree. He was already familiar with releasing the electric ball and could do it instantly.


The electric ball exploded in the middle of the hydralisks. The violent explosion smashed the few nearest hydralisks to pieces, and the others on the edge were not much better. At one time, more than a dozen hydralisks were blown to death by Chen Tianhao's electric ball. Mobility.

Chen Tianhao is not satisfied with such a feat, killing more Hydralisks is useless, the requirement of the side mission is to kill one Empress, and now he doesn't even know where the Empress is or what she looks like.


If there are thousands of troops and horses galloping, it will come from a distance.

Chen Tianhao's heart tightened. Did more Hydralisks come, or were there more other unknown creatures?

Judging from the side missions, it can be found that this mission is not easy, and the Hydralisk is estimated to be counted in the individual strength of the empress.

"Chen Si, go back and call all the winged mages in the clan, including those young winged mages, go and come back quickly."

Chen Tianhao turned his head and said to Chen Si cautiously.

Ordinary Wingmen don't have much advantage against these Hydralisks, as long as the Wingman Mage's electric ball can damage them better.

Chen Si nodded, and immediately flew towards the territory. He also knew that the situation was urgent, so he burst out at an unprecedented speed.

"Chen Wu, you and I use the electric ball to attack the eggs below."

Hydralisks have a much higher defense, so kill them while they are still eggs.

Chen Tianhao continuously released the electric balls.

bump bump.

The electric ball produced a violent explosion, blowing up all the eggs on the ground.

The defense of the eggs and larvae was really poor, but Chen Tianhao had already blown up hundreds of them in a short while.

But these hundreds of eggs are just the tip of the iceberg, and there are more eggs hatching.

After a while, overwhelming creatures appeared in the distance.

Chen Tianhao was also frightened by the scenery, let me go, how many creatures are there?

Not only the Hydralisk that appeared before, but also monsters flying in the sky, which looked like mutated bats from a distance, and monsters on the ground also appeared other types of creatures.

I don't know whether these creatures were originally owned, or they evolved temporarily after seeing Chen Tianhao who couldn't attack the tree.

If it was evolved temporarily, then the ability of the empress would be beyond Chen Tianhao's expectation. Even if it was a creature that existed originally, the ability of the empress would be very powerful.

Facing this overwhelming creature, Chen Tianhao chose to retreat temporarily, and it was time to fight against the Wingmen mages after they arrived.

Throwing an electric ball casually, it flew in the direction of the territory. The dense forest can resist it, so that their numbers cannot be used.

After Chen Tianhao escaped from the edge of the forest, since the Hydralisk and other creatures did not continue to catch up.


Those creatures of the empress actually pushed all the trees in the forest to corrosion, and the green carpet slowly spread to the forest.

An unknown force is transforming this land, and the Empress wants to turn this forest into a place suitable for him to live.

The Queen Mother hadn't developed this way before because she wanted to steal Yiren's genes, but now that she was disturbed by Chen Tianhao, the Queen Mother started the land transformation plan in this direction in advance.

Chen Tianhao frowned as he watched a large amount of wood being corroded and transformed into that kind of brown land, green carpet.

No, the Empress cannot be allowed to go on like this. If this goes on, the entire forest will end sooner or later.

There were too many opponents, Chen Tianhao and Chen Wu could only harass each other with electric balls at the edge.

It can also cause damage to them. At the beginning, a large number of creatures swarmed up. Chen Tianhao's speed was fast, and he easily escaped the opponent's pursuit.

Later, they learned to be smart, they stopped chasing Chen Tianhao, and continued to work on land improvement.

The defenses of these creatures that appeared later were much higher. Chen Tianhao's ordinary electric ball seemed to move a lot, but in fact it didn't do much damage to them.

There were too many Hydralisks and other creatures. Chen Tianhao and Chen Wu had been busy for a while, but they didn't see how many of them were killed.

He even deliberately created a basketball-sized electric ball, which did a lot more damage. It blasted the land into a pit with a diameter of 15 meters, and also blasted hundreds of creatures into the air.

But a batch was blown up, and another batch was replenished. It felt like endless. I don't know how these creatures came from, and they couldn't kill them no matter how they were killed.

Helpless, we can only wait for the Wingman Mage to come and clean up together. The power of one person is really limited.

(End of this chapter)

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