spore evolution

Chapter 149 The Fifth Wave Attack

Chapter 149 The Second Wave of Attack

The empress had no choice but to choose confrontation, it had no more creatures that could withstand the electric ball attack.

Give it enough time, it can create more such creatures, but what it lacks now is time.

At the critical moment of its upgrade, it needs a lot of energy and matter, and it succeeded in making this area the master.

The Empress has a special channel to transmit information. Usually, it just gives orders and lets the larvae and other creatures decide on their own. Only when it comes to a critical moment, will it control those creatures through special channels. Now is the critical moment.

Chen Tianhao commanded the Wingman Mage to start the second electric ball attack. He noticed that there was a commotion in the creatures on the opposite side. After a while, those creatures gave up switching the forest and attacked from the same place as if they were directed by someone.

Seeing this situation, Chen Tianhao guessed that it was the empress who started to take over.

All kinds of creatures opened their teeth and claws one by one, and began to rush towards Chen Tianhao quickly. A large number of creatures walked through the forest. Some small trees couldn't bear the squeeze of the creatures and were crushed to the ground.

The Wingman mages saw the surging creatures, some weak-willed people trembling slightly, and the electric ball in their hands was also slowly shaking.

After Chen Tianhao saw it, he hurriedly shouted to everyone: "Don't be afraid, the opponent is still far away, we have enough time to release the electric ball in our hands. Concentrate on stabilizing the electric ball in your hand."

The instability of the electric ball is not a good thing, especially when the magic is released collectively, a joint explosion will occur if one is not careful.

At that time, there is no need for enemies to attack him, and the electric ball in the hands of the winged mage is enough to raze this place to the ground.

During Chen Tianhao's shouting, he involuntarily applied some charm state. After hearing this, Master Wingman's trembling body decreased, and the electric ball in his hand became much more stable.

All kinds of coaxing sounds continued to come, affecting the release speed of the Yiren mages. Even if Chen Tianhao's words had some effect, they still had to rely on themselves in the end.

It's too late, it's too late, so I can only release it early.


Chen Tianhao gave the order to Master Yiren to release him.

At this time, the creature on the opposite side has already reached half of the distance, and the electric balls of the Winged Man Mages have almost reached the best state they can master. Timing is also not at its best.

The attack power of Wingman Mage's second wave of electric balls is almost the same as that of the first wave of electric balls.

When the empress discovered that the winged mage was releasing the electric ball, she wanted to rely on speed and try to kill the opponent before the winged mage released it.

It's a pity that only halfway through the journey, the wingman mage has already released the electric ball.

The empress panicked and controlled the creatures to dodge, but the empress's creatures were too many, and the surroundings were surrounded by dense trees, which could not provide more room to dodge.

The electric ball moved very fast, and brought a long blue spark into close contact with the other party.


The electric balls are like powerful bombs, blowing up the middle, and a large number of creatures are blown to pieces, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, like purgatory on earth, full of mourning, all kinds of cries resounded through the world of the forest .

The second wave of attacks by the wingman mages killed nearly half of the creatures, and the remaining creatures that did not die immediately were not much better. Only those creatures at the very edge escaped the attack by chance.

Chen Tianhao stared at the situation in front of him dumbfounded. This second electric ball attack was beyond his imagination, and he never thought that it could cause this effect. This electric ball is still slightly weaker than the first wave of electric ball attack. The strength of the second electric ball attack is not much different, but in fact the first attack is still a little stronger than the second.

He thought about it for a while, and probably guessed that the reason for this effect was mainly because the opponent came to attack, and a large number of creatures stood together in groups, so that the attack of the electric ball caused the largest range of lethality, and even more What's important is that the opponent doesn't have the creatures more than five meters tall to resist the electric ball, which is also a relatively important factor.

"Kill, attack freely."

Chen Tianhao roared and rushed forward first.

Regardless of the specific situation, the most important thing for him is to eliminate the other party and find the empress.

It was too late to organize the third wave of electric ball attacks, and most of the winged mages didn't have much energy left. The remaining undead creatures of the opponent stood scattered, and the lethality of free attacks was not as great.

Led by Chen Tianhao, the Winged Man mages raised their weapons and launched a final attack on the remaining creatures.

The weapon in the hands of the Winged Man is a bone tool made by the Winged Man out of trees and some hard bones. Of course, what the Winged Man makes now is just a simple weapon without much technological content.

However, compared with other creatures, this is already a considerable improvement. In fact, what many creatures lack is only a kind of guidance. Under the guidance of Chen Tianhao, the Winged Human Race has mastered this method of making tools relatively quickly. I believe that there will be more people in the near future. develop.

The technical content of bone tools is not high, but the practicality is quite large. Ordinary winged people have powerful damage with this weapon. Winged man mages can also use this bone tool to cause greater damage to the enemy after consuming energy. .

When Chen Tianhao first came here, he was also taken aback by the weapon made by the Yiren. He had only made a simple wooden gun for the Yiren in the desert. Unexpectedly, when he came here, the Yiren here Already able to make a weapon out of hard bones, he tried this weapon, and it worked better than ordinary spikes.

Chen Tianhao quickly aimed at a Hydralisk that was blocked from fatal damage by a big tree, and sent out an electric ball, the electric ball the size of a ping pong ball was like a bullet that had left the string.


When the electric ball hits the Hydralisk, it is like being hit by a sniper rifle, like a flower blooming, and the skin is torn apart.

Although Chen Tianhao's energy is not much left, but this kind of electric ball the size of a ping pong ball can still release dozens of them in conjunction with its own energy recovery speed.

Now he doesn't require a large area of ​​lethality, only a spot kill. The electric ball the size of a ping pong ball is enough to cause a fatal blow to the remaining creatures except for the tall, thick-skinned creatures at the beginning.

Touch, touch, touch.

Chen Tianhao kept shooting electric balls one after another, and with the help of his huge mental power, he was like a god of death, constantly harvesting lives on the battlefield.

The other wingman mages are also very brave. Those who still have energy attack the enemy with electric balls, while those who have no energy attack the enemy with bone tools.

The number of enemies is really too many, Chen Tianhao's two waves of attacks have already killed more than half of the enemies, but the base of the enemies is too large, and the remaining enemies are more than the wingman mages.

If it was other creatures, after so many deaths, they would have given up a long time ago, but under the control of the empress, those creatures did not exist at all.

Under the control of the empress, gather the last surviving creatures and launch a final attack on the winged mage.

(End of this chapter)

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