spore evolution

Chapter 150 Temporary Retirement

Chapter 150 Temporary Retirement
Chen Tianhao killed an unknown number of creatures with an electric ball the size of a ping pong ball, but the enemies still rushed over like a tide.

When the energy is gone, use the bone spear. The durability of the bone gun is not high, and it has lost its original function after only a few uses.

After all, the energy of the winged mages is limited. Without the electric ball, the winged men are not much stronger than the enemy, especially there are all kinds of creatures emerging one after another, many of which are creatures that have never been encountered before, which makes the winged mages suffer a little. Casualties began to appear.

A winged mage stabbed a hydralisk with a bone spur, and the hydralisk spit out corrosive liquid. The winged mage didn't dodge the oncoming liquid, but still pulled out the bone spur and stabbed the hydralisk viciously. This is the hydralisk The deadly place, this is a long experience with the Hydralisk.

However, when he stabbed the Hydralisk in the chest, a few strange creatures popped up behind him at some point. Their hands were actually a pair of machetes. He killed a Hydralisk, and he himself was cut by those strange creatures and lost his life.

This kind of situation happened from time to time on this battlefield, either the Winged Master was beaten, or the enemy was beaten by several Winged Masters.

Chen Tianhao's whole body became brightly colored, as if he had made an asshole, stained with blood of various colors, but most of this was the blood of the enemy, he himself did not receive too much damage.

Panting for breath, he knocked a Hydralisk into the air with his huge fist. The Hydralisk was sent flying a few meters and hit a nearby tree, its neck twisted, and it was already dead.


Suddenly, the enemies who were fighting seemed to have received an order to retreat.

One by one, the creatures gave up the fight, even ignoring the incoming fists, and began to retreat to the rear.

There are not many surviving creatures, and Chen Tianhao estimates that there are less than two hundred creatures left.

He also doesn't have the strength to chase these fleeing creatures now, and just watched them leave.

He really wanted to follow these creatures to find out the location of the empress, but there were not many people left, so he had to find more wingmen.

The Zerg fled away at once, leaving only the wreckage on the ground, which also indicated that a great war had taken place here.

Chen Tianhao counted the losses of the Yiren, 100 Yiren mages died, and 100 were seriously injured. Currently, they are basically unable to participate in the subsequent battles. As for whether they can be cured, they have to rely on themselves. The remaining 250 Yiren also suffered a little injury to some extent, but he is only physically exhausted at the moment and can still participate in the follow-up battle.

Compared with the loss of the winged people, the Zerg race was almost wiped out. Excluding the more than 100 that escaped, there were at least 1 wreckages left in this forest.

Faced with such a battle loss ratio, Chen Tianhao is also very proud. The two rounds of volleys by Wingman Mage made a great contribution, saving a lot of follow-up battles. If it weren't for the two rounds of electric ball volleys, I'm afraid he could only choose to retreat .

Chen Tianhao led the rest of the winged mages back to the territory first, rested for a day, and then went to look for the empress.

the next day.

Early in the morning, Chen Tianhao led the Yimen towards the back mountain.

This time he got rid of some winged men who had no combat effectiveness, and brought all the other winged men with him, a total of 250 winged mages and 350 ordinary winged men.

The 250 wingman mages have recovered a little bit of energy after simple treatment and a night of recovery, and they have not yet reached their peak state, but there is still energy for a salvo.

Each Yiman holds a bone gun in his hand. Fortunately, the Yiren usually make bone guns, because bone guns are often damaged, and they usually have backups.

Chen Tianhao came to the place where the battle took place yesterday again. There were still corpses everywhere. The surrounding creatures were probably scared away by yesterday's battle, and no creatures came here.

It is also possible that some creatures came over by accident and found this place full of food. It was just one or two creatures who ate a little food on the ground and couldn't tell.

Originally, Chen Tianhao wanted to bury the Yiren who died in battle yesterday, but all the Yiren were exhausted, so they could only be thrown into the wilderness with the Zerg, and they could be buried in peace after killing the empress.

After crossing the first battlefield, Chen Tianhao came to the edge of the forest.

He was surprised to find that at the edge of the forest, there were not many wrecks left, only a few here and there.

what happened?

This is where the first wave of electric balls attacked. Many creatures should have died. Why are there only a few wrecks left here?
Chen Tianhao's first reaction was the empress. He remembered that the Zerg was in this position yesterday and had been switching forests. The disappearance of these wreckage must be related to the other party.

Suddenly, the wreckage left on the ground moved.

Is it a scam?
Chen Tianhao took a closer look and found that it was not a fake corpse. Around the wreckage, several black larvae appeared and were carrying the wreckage.

This is not the Zerg larva that he saw yesterday. He did not disturb the movement of the larva, but observed the larva carefully. He felt that he had found the position of the empress by relying on these few larvae.

The few larvae didn't seem to notice the existence of Chen Tianhao and the others. They stretched out a few tentacles from their bodies and lifted up the wreckage that was half blown away.

These few larvae seem to have infinite power, just four or five larvae can lift up the wreckage that exceeds their own weight.

And when lifted up, the walking speed is not very slow, with a speed of four to five kilometers per hour. According to the body of the larva, this speed is already considered very fast.

Chen Tianhao was afraid of being discovered by the larvae, so he didn't follow immediately, but waited in place for a while, his consciousness was always on guard around, and he wasn't afraid of losing his vision.

The larva transported the wreckage, and quickly crossed the first egg gathering place and came to the top of the mountain.

Under Chen Tianhao's attack, the first place where insect eggs gathered had become barren. Except for some egg shells left on the ground, there was not even some liquid, and it was unknown where the egg liquid and other things that were broken at that time went.

Except for a smear of green and broken white eggshells remaining in the entire land, there are no other living things, as if the "three light" policy has been implemented by other people here.

After crossing this mountain, what Chen Tianhao saw was a vast expanse of whiteness. Wherever he entered his eyes, it was all gleaming white. Except for a touch of green on the brown land, there were no other plants to be found.

Chen Tianhao looked at the picture in front of him in shock, how big is this area, and the Zerg races have devoured a large forest here without making a sound.

Seeing that there are still some unbroken eggshells on the hillside, there must still be various creatures conceived in them.

The creatures from yesterday were actually only a small part of it.

Chen Tianhao felt that he had to find and eliminate the Queen Mother immediately. If this continued, not to mention this forest, he might not even be able to keep this planet.

Seeing the rapid evolution and rapid expansion of the Zerg, Chen Tianhao felt pressure doubled.

(End of this chapter)

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