spore evolution

Chapter 151 The Queen Mother

Chapter 151 The Queen Mother
Continuing in the direction of the larvae, the group arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

The larva came to the bottom of the mountain and ended up in a cave.

Not only the group of larvae followed by Chen Tianhao transported the wreckage into the cave, but also the same larvae transported other items into the cave in other directions.

This cave is about ten meters wide and five meters high. There is no light inside the cave, only some light is scattered from the outside, illuminating a little area at the entrance of the cave.

But Chen Tianhao couldn't be bothered. With his night vision ability, he could see the dark place clearly. The larva dragged the wreckage and disappeared after walking along the cave for a while. The cave didn't go all the way to the end, but crooked.

The crooked cave blocked his sight, but it didn't bother him, he still had consciousness energy, consciousness energy, which could freely penetrate mountains and other inanimate objects.

Through the energy of consciousness, it can be seen that batches of larvae are carrying various items. After a while, Chen Tianhao's consciousness energy has reached the limit, but those larvae have not yet reached the end.

The pit, how deep is the empress hiding? The location of this kilometer is already in the middle of the mountain.

Through consciousness, Chen Tianhao discovered that the direction of the cave was constantly going underground. He didn't pay attention at first, but when the energy of his consciousness reached the limit, he discovered that the larvae were transporting objects underground.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, Chen Tianhao blocked the entrance to prevent the larva from continuing to carry things. Now he is not afraid that the other party will know his arrival.

"Chen Yi, you lead twenty people to stop these larvae here, and the others will follow me."

Chen Tianhao distributed twenty ordinary wingmen to Chen Yi, mainly to block some larvae at the door, and those larvae were not strong enough, basically enough.

Chen Tianhao took the lead and entered the dark cave. The passage of the cave was not as wide as the entrance of the cave, but the height was about the same, more than five meters high.

This height is very good for Chen Tianhao. Generally, adult Yiren are at a height of three meters. Occasionally, some taller Yiren are more than tens of centimeters. This height is very suitable.

When he first entered the cave, Chen Tianhao was still afraid of any traps around him, so he carefully checked the surrounding situation with his consciousness, but he didn't find any special place around.

Chen Tianhao couldn't help laughing at himself: "It seems that I overestimated the Queen Mother. At this stage, it is quite good to be able to get through such a long cave. Why would I want to set a trap."

That's what he said, but he was still cautious on the way forward.

The speed of the larva was not fast, but Chen Tianhao used his consciousness to explore the surroundings along the way, and his speed could still keep up with the larva.

In this area, Chen Tianhao's trap was not found, but some ore veins were found. It is not known whether it is iron ore or other ores. This kind of cave is also a good choice for mining.

After turning countless turns and walking a long distance, Chen Tianhao finally saw the larva stop through his consciousness.

This is a very large space, a space that tends to be circular. Chen Tianhao roughly estimated that the height is about 100 meters, and the diameter is about 500 meters.

In this space, there is an egg, which occupies nearly half of the space.

Could this be the so-called empress?

It is really hard for Chen Tianhao to imagine that this egg is the Queen Mother, even though it is extremely huge.

After the larva brought the wreckage over, the egg-like creature suddenly stretched out a tentacle, rolled the wreckage into the huge egg, and disappeared.

Chen Tianhao also discovered that in this space, not only his cave can reach this space, but also other places can reach it in other directions, that is to say, this passage is not the only one.

If this giant egg is the so-called empress, he doesn't have to worry about the empress escaping. With such a large size, there is simply not enough room for it to escape.

Regardless of whether the other party is the empress or not, he has to run over quickly. Only in the past can he use the authenticator to check the information of this egg.

After a while, Chen Tianhao came to the huge space.

The first thing he did was aim at the big egg in the middle with the detector to see what kind of object it was, and at the same time, he was also preventing the tentacles from suddenly appearing from the big egg.

Name: Queen Mother.

Level: epic creature
HP: 200/000
Energy value: 50/000
Attack: 500
Movement speed: 0
Resistance: Immune to corrosive liquids.

Individual Description: 150 meters long, 150 meters wide, and 90 meters high.

Race Description: A living organism is a race, which can evolve corresponding creatures to fight for itself by laying eggs. The evolved creature is not only an individual, but also a part of the Queen, who can control the evolution through special channels creature.

Comparison of individual strength: The Empress, who possesses enough energy and matter, can beat the entire Winged Human Race.

After upgrading the authenticator, it really worked. If it was the previous authenticator, what I saw the most would be "The level of the authenticator is not enough, please upgrade the level." How can I see so much clear data like now.

If the movement speed is 0, it means that it cannot move, and this is a fixed target.

And those evolved creatures were indeed controlled by the empress, no wonder they were so ferocious.

Suddenly, a huge tentacle appeared and attacked him.

Chen Tianhao rolled on the spot, avoiding the attack of the tentacles.

Turning his head, he saw that not only he was attacked by the tentacles, but other winged people were also attacked by the tentacles. Others were not as lucky as him, and several winged people were accidentally drawn by the huge tentacles.

A scream sounded.


Winged Man hit a side mountain wall, fell down, twitched a few times, even if he didn't die, he was seriously injured.

"Free to attack the egg in the middle."

Chen Tianhao was so distressed, it was just the beginning, and he had already broken a few wingmen, so he hurriedly shouted to them.

As long as the empress in the middle is killed, it is worthwhile to kill a few wingmen.

All the Wingmen had already come out from the passage, while dodging the huge tentacles, while preparing their own attack, they attacked the egg in the middle.

Countless electric balls flicker continuously in this space, illuminating this space.

Facing the Winged Man's attack, the Queen Mother was also not to be outdone, and stretched out several tentacles to sweep towards the Winged Man at the side.

The speed of the tentacles is not fast, and the winged people already have a certain degree of defense against the tentacles, so it is basically easy to avoid the attacks of the tentacles.

Touch, touch, touch.

The electric ball of Winged Man Master touched the Empress, and there were deafening explosions. In this confined space, the explosion sound was amplified a lot.

The other ordinary wingmen were not to be outdone, and brandished the bone spear in their hands, stabbing at the empress.

For a moment, the Queen Mother was attacked by more than five hundred Winged Men, and the Queen Mother's waving tentacles stopped for a while.

Chen Tianhao was overjoyed, could it be that the empress is so weak, this is a success?
(End of this chapter)

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