spore evolution

Chapter 152 Level 4 Brain

Chapter 152 Level [-] Brain

Just when Chen Tianhao thought he had easily killed the Queen Mother, some creatures kept appearing in another passage.

It turned out that the Empress discovered where Chen Tianhao and the others were from the very beginning, so it used special channels to control the evolved creatures. It was only a long way to come here. At that time, it placed those creatures outside, and waited for them to come here. , Chen Tianhao has already made contact with it.

When Chen Tianhao saw the creatures constantly emerging, he secretly yelled, it's not good.

Quickly ordered the people next to him, "Chen Er, take ten people to the cave on the left, you don't need to go in, just stop them from entering this space."

"it is good."

Chen Er took the order and immediately led ten people to the entrance of the cave on the left.

Chen Tianhao ordered other people one after another to block the entrances of other caves. Fortunately, although this cave is big, there are five passages beside them except for the passage they came from. A total of 55 people were assigned to stop the creatures from entering. .

Although there were many creatures coming from outside, the entrance of the cave was limited, at most two or three creatures could be dealt with at the same time, and ten wingmen firmly guarded the entrance of a cave.

Chen Tianhao ignored the queen mother in the middle, but organized the wingmen to kill the creatures that rushed in ahead. Only after killing them could he concentrate on besieging the queen mother in the middle.

During the battle, pay attention to the tentacle attack of the empress, Chen Tianhao quickly killed the creatures that rushed in.

"Brothers, attack the queen mother in the middle for me."

Chen Tianhao roared loudly.

He used the appraiser to see that the life value of the empress was declining continuously. After a period of attack, the life value of the empress was less than half.

And Chen Tianhao also felt that the Queen Mother's aura seemed to be a little weaker, and even the tentacles with it became much slower. At the beginning, he could occasionally hit a few Winged People. fly.

Seeing this, Chen Tianhao was overjoyed, as if the level [-] brain was beckoning to him, and the speed of his hand also involuntarily accelerated a bit.

"Enter the demonized state."

Chen Tianhao yelled orders to the side, the surrounding noises were too loud, even a smaller voice could not convey it.

He didn't care if the empress had any back tricks, and directly used the demon state, increasing the attack power, attack speed, and movement speed by 1.5 times.

After being demonized, the Winged Man was as fast as a bolt of lightning, continuously passing between the Queen Mother's tentacles and attacking the Queen Mother's body.

The tentacles that could hit people in the first place were like a lunatic, waving them like a lunatic.

Seeing the demonized Winged Man, the Empress became anxious, and kept issuing orders to let the creatures outside come in.

It's a pity that the width of the passage is limited, and no amount of creatures is useful, and some dead creatures have become obstacles that prevent them from entering this space.

The empress is currently in the process of upgrading and cannot move by herself. Only after the upgrade is completed, will she have the ability to move.

It's a pity that it still falls short. It takes a lot of energy to complete the complete upgrade of the empress distance, and the energy is basically enough. What it needs now is time. Just give it half a day, and it will succeed.

It was at a critical moment, and many of its abilities could not be used. It could only summon other creatures. Unfortunately, those creatures could not pass through the Wingman's block. It regretted it very much. So helpless now.

Chen Tianhao didn't care what the empress thought, he just wanted to kill the empress as quickly as possible.


Chen Tianhao roared angrily, brandishing his electrified fist, attacking the empress.

The other Winged Men were also constantly attacking with bone spears.

After attacking for a while, Chen Tianhao found that the Queen Mother's HP dropped to [-], and stopped falling.

what happened?No effect?

Is it because of the size?Didn't attack the vital position?
Chen Tianhao ordered Yiren to target a position and continuously attack. Under the high-speed attack, flesh and blood flew across the position of the Empress, and after a while, a huge blood hole appeared.

Finally, the Queen Mother's HP began to drop again.

Every time the Winged Man attacks with a bone gun, he can dig out a piece of flesh and blood.

"Congratulations on killing the empress."

"Congratulations on your personal achievement—an epic monster killer, with 100 points and a total of 000 points."

"Congratulations on your racial achievement - Zerg Killer, with 100 points and a total of 000 points."

"Congratulations on completing the side quest: Enemy of the Winged Humans."

"Congratulations on your points: 1 points, total points: 000 points."

"Congratulations on qualifying for Level [-] Brain Exchange."

"Congratulations on obtaining the ultimate nerve exchange qualification."

"Congratulations on obtaining the super digestive system exchange qualification."

Huh, great, finally wiped out the Queen Mother.

As soon as Chen Tianhao's body softened, a sense of exhaustion hit him, and his whole body was extremely weak. It turned out that it was time for demonization.

Although the empress died, when it was dying, it let the creatures from outside come to this space, and those creatures still came here according to the empress's order.

Fortunately, the Winged Man who was fighting the Empress at that time used the demonization skill, and the others were still in a normal state and were able to withstand the attacks of those creatures.

Now that he has completed the side mission and obtained the qualification to exchange for a level [-] brain, Chen Tianhao doesn't even bother to pay attention to those creatures.

After evacuating from the original passage one after another, they came to the entrance of the cave and found that a fierce battle had also taken place at the entrance of the cave. Fortunately, Chen Yi retreated into the cave and used the cave to resist the attack of the creatures.

Without the guidance of the Queen Mother, creatures such as larvae and Hydralisks are basically no match for the Winged Man, so Chen Tianhao doesn't have to worry about these things.

The main task at this position has been completed, and Chen Tianhao silently enters the editing space.

edit space.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the qualification to exchange for a level-four brain so quickly." As soon as he entered the editing space, Chen Tianhua congratulated him from the sidelines.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be finished so quickly." Chen Tianhao laughed.

Chen Tianhua was also sincerely happy that Chen Tianhao had obtained the qualification to exchange for a level [-] brain. A level [-] brain meant that the most important components for entering the tribal era had been completed.

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Tianhao went to complete his assembly plan.

Brain (Level 1): Redeem points: 000 points, the most important component of a creature. Only with a strong brain can it stand out from the evolutionary journey of all creatures, so that it will not be despised by other creatures as "well-developed limbs, simple mind ", more importantly, the effect of the advanced brain on other components has also been significantly improved.

Chen Tianhao decisively exchanged the brain (level [-]) for his own race, which is the direction he has been striving for all along.

Ultimate Nerve: Redeem Points: 250 points. Ultimate Nerve allows creatures to have extraordinary perception and sensitivity. When combined with other systems, it can exert great effects. It is an indispensable system component on the road of evolution.

Chen Tianhao didn't even think about it, and exchanged the ultimate nerve for himself. The ultimate nerve gave him incomparable help on the road of evolution. The limit range of his consciousness energy and communication with other companions are all related to this component.

The ultimate level of components, how could it be simpler.

Super digestion: redemption points: 25 points, biological digestive system, the more advanced the digestive system, the higher the energy conversion rate of food, with an advanced digestive system, your race can go further on the road of evolution.

Conversion efficiency means faster energy recovery speed, and Chen Tianhao also installed this system component for Yiren.

After installing this system component, it is different from the previous constant temperature system. The constant temperature system conflicts with the cold-blooded system, so the system refunded the points that were based on the cold-blooded system at that time. Now, the components that Chen Tianhao exchanged are all upgrade components, and the points consumed before cannot be refunded. .

Chen Tianhao looked at the remaining points with a wry smile: 0 points, he actually used up all the points this time.

Immediately he became very happy again, and used up nothing left, which showed that he used it very well, and it was worth the money.

"Tribal age, here I come."

Chen Tianhao cheered and rejoined the journey of evolution.

(End of this chapter)

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