spore evolution

Chapter 154

Chapter 154
Before Chen Tianhao returned to the real world, he had no time to test other skills. The first thing to test was the energy of consciousness.

Consciousness energy is a special kind of energy, which belongs to Chen Tianhao's unique energy. So far, he has not found any other living beings with this kind of energy.

At present, the main function of consciousness energy is to replace Chen Tianhao's eyes, allowing him to detect the surrounding situation through some inanimate objects, and allowing him to transmit some information through consciousness. I haven't found other major functions, but he always feels consciousness. The function of energy is far more than that, there should be some functions that have not been developed, and these will need to be developed slowly by oneself in the future.

Chen Tianhao's consciousness energy detection range is quite special, which is related to the brain level of Yiren.

With a third-level brain, the limit range of conscious energy is one kilometer.

Now that he has a level [-] brain and ultimate nerves, it must be different.

Chen Tianhao released his own consciousness energy, which continuously spread around, and the surrounding situation was clearly imprinted in his mind, even clearer than what he saw with his own eyes.

The area around the winged man's territory is very quiet. There are basically no large-scale creatures moving around the winged man's territory. I'm afraid they were all scared away by the winged man's territory. There is an area next to it that is surrounded by dozens of water storage animals. On the other side, the Yiren have become accustomed to purifying river water through water storage beasts.

Consciousness easily came to the edge of one kilometer, which was his previous limit range. It was already very difficult to spread his consciousness to this position before, but now he doesn't feel any pressure.

Chen Tianhao's consciousness continued to spread. After spreading for a while, he finally confirmed his limit range, which reached five kilometers.

He was also stunned by the distance. He knew that the fourth-level brain and the ultimate nerve would greatly improve his consciousness energy, but he never expected that it would reach five times the previous range. This range is already normal for the Winged Hawkeye. The limits of vision.

I also tested the energy of consciousness, and the total amount is also increasing. The limit range of consciousness can be used for 24 hours, and it can basically last for more than a month if it maintains a range of 500 meters around it in the desert.

Then Chen Tianhao tested various skills, and basically got three to five times of improvement.

"Chen Yi, come here, I have something to ask you."

Chen Tianhao beckoned, and asked Chen Yi and the others to disperse during the test.

Hearing Chen Tianhao's call, he rushed to Chen Tianhao's side, and said with a very happy face, "Boss, what are your orders?"

"Did you see any other wingmen around here?"

Chen Tianhao asked, now is the time to complete the task, although he has obtained the memory of the original leader, but the leader spends most of the time in the territory, and most of the fighting is left to Chen Yi and the others, so the surrounding situation Still have to ask them a few more clearly.

"No, we are here."

Without even thinking about it, Chen Yi immediately opened his mouth and answered.

He is very familiar with this location. He takes his clansmen to hunt around here every day. He has walked through every mountain and forest. He has never met other companions. Even if there are other companions, they have already been absorbed by his team. up.

"Really? Think about it again?" Chen Tianhao didn't give up, looking forward to it.

Chen Yi stayed where he was for a while, then shook his head firmly, "Really not."

Although he really wanted to help the leader and solve the leader's problem, he didn't find any other companions.

After confirming that there were indeed no other Yiren around, Chen Tianhao waved Chen Yi to leave.

No, it seems that he has to look elsewhere. Fortunately, the limit range of his consciousness has reached five kilometers, which makes it much easier for him to find.

Chen Tianhao stood up, greeted Chen Yi and the others, but did not let them follow, and went to the surrounding area by himself to find the whereabouts of other Yiren.

Just looking for it, it is more convenient for him to be alone and he doesn't have to wait, he can do whatever he wants.

He couldn't wait to find a direction, waved his wings, and disappeared in the eyes of the winged people in the blink of an eye.

Chen Tianhao spread his consciousness around, to the limit, so he could see the surrounding situation at a glance, and kept running on the trees.

After running for more than an hour, Chen Tianhao roughly estimated that he should be about [-] kilometers away from the territory. The speed of gliding on the trees is still not as fast as the speed of running in the open space, but it is not too slow.

The [-]-kilometer journey has already left the usual range of activities of the Winged Man, but he did not find the Winged Man here, but he saw a lot of other creatures. However, the evolution level of the Winged Man is now at the peak state, and the branch line has not been triggered. Task.

One of the more important conditions for triggering side quests is to be at the same evolution level as the race, or far beyond the evolutionary stage of the race. At present, it is estimated that the side quests will only be triggered when encountering epic monsters.

It doesn't matter if the side missions are not triggered, Chen Tianhao's main task now is to find other wingmen as soon as possible, and completing the main missions is the most important task at present.

After searching forward for another hour, there was still no trace of the Yiren. Chen Tianhao didn't know whether he lamented that the forest was too big, or that the number of Yiren was too small, and he walked for nearly [-] kilometers one after another. the journey.

Sixty kilometers can already cover half of the city.

Along the way, Chen Tianhao paid full attention to the surrounding situation, for fear that if he missed something, it would not be fun if he missed it. This is also one of the reasons why his speed was relatively slow.

After concentrating on it for two hours, my body was not yet exhausted, but my spirit was exhausted, so I gave up and continued searching, and went back home.

On the way back, I put away the energy of consciousness, and the speed was much faster. It only took more than an hour to return to the territory.

Chen Yi and the others had just returned from hunting outside and were resting in the open space. When they saw Chen Tianhao who had returned, they immediately surrounded him, "Boss, where have you been? Why have you been there for so long?"

It's no wonder that Chen Yi and the others are worried that the leader of a race is an important figure leading the long-term development of the race, and they usually act together.

This time they met the legendary leader. It was the time when the race was taking off. Although there were no particularly powerful creatures around, Chen Tianhao had been acting outside for such a long time, which inevitably made them very worried.

"It's okay, just walk around and see if there are other wingmen."

Chen Tianhao waved his hand, and picked up a piece of barbecue from the food place beside him.

Running for a long time has consumed a lot of physical strength, and I already feel hungry, so I picked up the barbecue and ate it like a jujube.

(End of this chapter)

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