spore evolution

Chapter 155 Discovery

Chapter 155 Discovery
In the past few days, Chen Tianhao would choose a direction to look for Yiren every day, but unfortunately, every time he returned without success.

In this way, Chen Tianhao wondered if he had made a mistake in the direction of the mission. Could it be that he was not looking for the existence of other winged people, but instead developed the current population to reach the required number of people?

If this is the case, it will make him face a difficult situation. Now the entire ethnic group only has 500 people. When will it be possible to reproduce to 1400 people.

He feels that it is not so reliable to rely on his own group to breed 1400 people. Although the Yiren can protect their offspring to a great extent now, but when they really breed 1400 people, it is already unknown how many years have passed. It hasn't been that long.

You still have to search around, one day is not enough time to go back and forth, so add another day, I believe there will always be a time to find other winged people, this is much more reliable than relying on self-breeding.

Chen Tianhao was busy outside all day long, but at first, Chen Yi and the others were terrified, thinking that something happened to Chen Tianhao outside.

Fortunately, the winged people don't really need a leader now. They have become very smart with level [-] brains. They are very proficient in hunting, breeding, and using various tools. It is only necessary for the leader to grasp the direction at critical moments.

At the beginning, when Chen Tianhao came to his own group, Chen Yi was very much looking forward to the earth-shaking changes that Chen Tianhao could bring to them. However, after several days, he only saw Chen Tianhao when he was resting, and he was nowhere to be seen at other times. , which made them very suspicious of the existence of such legends.

Chen Tianhao took a few pieces from the place where the barbecue was placed, and hung them on his waist. This time, he planned to go further afield to find them.

Xiji greeted Chen Yi and the others, and then headed towards the river.

Water is a necessity for the survival of all kinds of creatures. Of course, there are some creatures that may not need water very much, but the Winged Man is not in this category.

The chances of finding Yiren along the river will be much higher. He didn't even miss the mountains next to the river. Most of the Yiren live in caves, and it is very likely that they are in caves.

It's fortunate that Chen Tianhao's consciousness energy can penetrate the mountain, otherwise it would be really difficult to find, but with such a convenient search, Chen Tianhao has been searching for an unknown number of days without finding the existence of the Winged Man.


A rhinoceros-like creature drinking water by the river suddenly saw a creature flashing past his eyes like the wind.

It blinked, looked up, and saw that the other party had disappeared into the distance, which made him wonder if he had misread it. How could there be such a fast creature in this world, keeping its head down and continuing to drink the river water.

Chen Tianhao quickly skipped over the previously explored route, and soon came to the place where he returned for the first time.

Slowed down, and began to carefully examine the surrounding situation, including the surrounding mountains.

I continued to explore along this river, but as always, no trace of the Winged Man was found.

Several times, he found several caves in the mountains next to the river, which made him excited to think that he had found a group of Winged Men. When he took a closer look, he found that these caves were just natural caves, and some unknown creatures used them to Live for the hole.

Not only did he discover natural caves in the mountains, but he even discovered several exposed copper mines. As long as some copper mines were mined and combined with flames, bronze wares could be easily manufactured.

It's a pity that he is busy looking for other Wingmen now, so he has no time to pay attention to these things. Only by entering the Tribal Age as soon as possible, these things will be available soon. Let alone the Bronze Ware, skip the Bronze Age and enter the Iron Age. .

Chen Tianhao flew down from the tree and flew to the river.

The sudden arrival of Chen Tianhao scared away most of the surrounding creatures who were drinking water. Occasionally, a few creatures found that Chen Tianhao was just looking for a place to drink water, and had no intention of attacking them, and returned to the river to continue drinking. water.

Chen Tianhao took the barbecue hanging on his waist, took a bite hard, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it with a drink of water.

Look at the few barbecues left in your hand, and then move forward for a while, if you can't find it again, you can only choose to return.

After resting for a while, Chen Tianhao flew up to the branch, and embarked on the journey of looking for Yiren again.

The distance traveled in the past few days has already caught up, and is about to catch up with the sum of all the distance traveled before. This is the first time that Chen Tianhao feels so tired, not only physically tired, but also mentally tired. The double exhaustion hit him mentally. become dazed.


An accident caused him to hit the tree trunk directly.


Chen Tianhao fell straight and hit the ground, startling the surrounding creatures.

"Ouch, it hurts."

Chen Tianhao couldn't help but screamed out. Fortunately, he has thick skin and thick flesh, and the height of more than ten meters can't hurt him.

Hey, when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog the teeth.

Not only did he not find Yiren, but he also fell on his back, which was really unlucky.

He stood up and patted the leaves on his body. There was not much barbecue and his body was relatively weak. He was ready to go back.

"Hey, there's movement ahead."

Chen Tianhao noticed a group of Winged Men appeared four kilometers ahead, and they were chasing a group of creatures.

Chen Tianhao was full of energy immediately, as if he had eaten ginseng fruit, he felt refreshed.

"Great, finally found a group of Winged Men."

Ignoring the pain of falling from the body, he immediately flew in the direction of Yiren.

There are not many people in this group of Winged Men, only ten people.

At this time, they were chasing a group of wild boar-like creatures, which were their prey, and the Wingmen kept throwing bone guns at the wild boar-like creatures ahead.

The wild boar-like creature was very fast, dodged left and right, and avoided most of the winged man's bone gun attacks. One creature couldn't dodge, was hit by the bone gun, and a scream sounded.

The one led by the wild boar-like creature paused for a moment, then ran quickly again.

One winged man came to the side of the injured wild boar-like creature and killed that creature, while the other winged men continued to chase the prey ahead. One creature was not enough for the winged man group, and more food was needed.

The winged man kept chasing, and the creature kept dodging. During the process of escaping, that creature developed the ability to escape. After a long period of time, the winged man did not attack one.

In the process of constantly throwing and picking up the bone gun, Yiren was getting farther and farther away from the wild boar-like creature.

The leading wingman threw out the bone spear forcefully, and the bone gun flew towards the wild boar-like creature like an unsheathed flying sword.


Like a spear, the bone gun slanted through the thick leaves and penetrated into the ground. This position was three or four meters away from the wild boar-like creature.

Seeing this, the chasing Yiren couldn't help but look disappointed. According to past experience, this distance can no longer catch up with the other party.Shaking his head secretly, his own strength is still not enough, so he can only look for other prey again.


Where the boar-like creature disappeared, a flash of light flashed, followed by a deafening sound from ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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