spore evolution

Chapter 156 The Third Territory

Chapter 156 The First Territory

The Winged Man's eyes widened. Is this an electric ball attack from his tribe?

The flash of light from the explosion in front is very similar to the electric ball attack used by the tribe mages, but the electric ball attack power used by the mages does not seem to be that powerful.

There are too few mages in the clan, and most of them are still in the territory, so it is impossible to appear here now.

Not a mage, so who would it be?
Yiren desperately controlled his trembling legs, and did not leave immediately. There was an explosion in front of him, and the group of creatures must have died. It was a pile of food, enough to support the lives of the tribe for several days.

If they hadn't seen that the light from the explosion was somewhat similar to the mage's electric ball, they might have run away immediately.

Decided to observe first, the muscles of the whole body were tense, and the body leaned back slightly, ready to escape.

The Wingmen looked at the location of the explosion in front of them vigilantly, for fear that a powerful creature would appear.

The creature that can cause such destructive power is not a simple creature.


A winged man carrying a wild boar-like creature appeared in front of those winged men, threw the wild boar over, and asked happily, "Are you chasing this?"

It was Chen Tianhao who came out of the woods. After he found Yiren, he galloped over on his horse.

When he came over, he happened to find the wild boars that the Yiren were chasing, and released an electric ball to finish off the escaped wild boars.

The Yiren who were chasing him saw that they were his own clan. It was hard to imagine that such a powerful creature was actually his clansman. This should not be the Yiren here. figure.

There is no such a powerful mage, but the moment he saw Chen Tianhao, he seemed to have a kind of power. He felt a kind of kindness from Chen Tianhao, and slowly let go of the guard in his heart. He didn't speak for a while, but just nodded sharply.

This team looks so weak. Seeing that they just chased the wild boar and didn't use electric balls, it can't be that none of these dozen people can use magic skills.

Chen Tianhao always thought that most of his race could use magic skills. When he killed the Zerg last time, it had already reached more than half of the population. Now it seems that it was just luck at that time. Yiren is still in dire straits.

This is to find other Yi people as soon as possible and enter the tribal era.

"There are wild boars over there, you guys go and get them." Chen Tianhao pointed to the wild boars that were blown away behind him. When he released the electric ball, he expected to eat these wild boars. The electric ball released was much smaller, but it just happened to be They were killed, not bloody.

A few Wingmen happily broke away from the team, ran to the place where the explosion had just occurred, and collected all the wild boars that had been killed, not even letting go of the pieces of meat that had been blown away.

Looking at the movements of those Yiren, Chen Tianhao couldn't help sighing, the life of other Yiren is still very difficult, not as easy as imagined.

"How many people are there in your territory? Now that we have hunted for food, let's go back to the territory."

Encountering this group of winged people, Chen Tianhao secretly checked the mission. The number of completed tasks has not changed. It seems that it is not simply a matter of finding the winged people. Specifically, he has to go to the territory to see if there is any solution .

The leader Yiren, upon hearing Chen Tianhao's inquiry, immediately replied without any hesitation: "Chief, we don't have many people in our territory, we only have 130 people now."

The Wingmen have come to their senses now. This Wingman who suddenly appeared is exactly the feeling in the legend, a feeling that is deeply imprinted in his mind and memory. This is the feeling from the legendary leader. No wonder it is so strong, our team is hopeful.

Chen Tianhao thought he needed an explanation, but unexpectedly, after a while, the other party also called him the leader, and it seemed that the other party recognized him as the leader.

He peeked at the mission completion requirements again, and the number actually changed.

1. The number of race level 70 brains reaches more than [-]% of the total.

Current completion status: 515/2000
2. 70% of the race can use more than one form of communication.

Current completion status: 465/2000
3. 70% of the race can use tools.

Current completion status: 415/2000
Every quest completion adds 15 people, and right next to that is exactly 15 Wingmen.

It's really great, I was shocked when I didn't complete the task just now, I don't know how to complete this task, now it seems that this task is still very simple, as long as it is recognized by those winged people, it means that the task is completed.

There are 130 people in this territory, and with these people, it will soon exceed 600 people. As long as we find a few more territories, this task will be almost completed.

Along the way, Chen Tianhao asked the leading Yiren about the environment in this area, and to see if there was any news about other Yiren.

The Yi people knew everything about Chen Tianhao, but they said that they had never met other Yi people around. If there were other Yi people, the Yi people from the two territories would have joined together a long time ago. , In this wild beast overgrown forest, the chances of survival will be even greater.

Soon, after walking in the forest for about half an hour, they finally came to the territory of the Yiren in this area.

The leading Yiren, hugging a wild boar, quickened his pace involuntarily, and shouted happily: "Leader, we are back, great harvest."

The other winged men in the territory all ran out when they heard the leading winged man.

The wing man at the front patted the wild boar very excitedly, and looked at the wing man holding wild boars behind him one by one, and said happily: "Great, we finally have meat again."

His eyes swept over those Winged Warriors one by one, and suddenly he saw Chen Tianhao. Among the group of Winged Men holding wild boars, the empty-handed Chen Tianhao was particularly conspicuous.

The Yiren who took the lead also saw the eyes of his leader, put down the wild boar, and opened his mouth to introduce: "This Yiren is..."

Before he could introduce, the leader of the Yiren interrupted his words and shouted to Chen Tianhao: "I have met the leader."

The leader of the Gangyi people is still wondering how the Yiren warriors hunted so many wild boars. He can see clearly that this kind of wild boars are not ordinary wild boars, they are extremely flexible, even the Yiren mages in the territory may not be able to kill many Only, let alone Winged Warriors.

When he saw Chen Tianhao, he immediately understood all this. It turned out that he had met the legendary leader, so he immediately paid his respects to Chen Tianhao.

Chen Tianhao didn't care too much about this. What he cared about was how to complete the task. Now that he was recognized by the leader of the winged people, it would be easier to complete the task.

Sure enough, after accepting the visit from the leader of the Winged Man in this territory, the number of missions completed immediately began to increase significantly.

The number of people with Level 630 brains reached 550, the number of people using communication methods reached 480, and the number of people using tools reached [-].

With the approval of the leader of the Yiren, he was recognized by the entire clan at once. In fact, the more important thing is that the Yiren all carry Chen Tianhao's racial imprint and have a natural affinity for Chen Tianhao. Even if there is no leader of the Yiren, they will It will soon be recognized by everyone, it is only a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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