spore evolution

Chapter 157 Mission Completion

Chapter 157 Mission Completion

Chen Tianhao stayed in this territory for two days. Originally, he was just planning to spend the night here before setting out to find the whereabouts of other Yiren.

When he saw that the Yi people in this territory were living very hard, he couldn't help staying for two more days, taking the Yi people and hunting around.

With Chen Tianhao's joining, Yiren gained a lot more at once, and everyone in Yiren was well fed. It had been a long time since they had been so presumptuous, eating with their stomachs open.

on the second night.

The leader of the Yiren looked at Chen Tianhao expectantly, "Leader, you stay here, you are the leader."

He has seen all the changes in the past few days, and it really is just like the legend, as long as there is a leader, there will be earth-shaking changes.

"No, you should continue to be the leader of this territory. I have other things to do, and I just pass by here."

Chen Tianhao shook his head, rejecting the suggestion of the leader of the Yiren.

In fact, this is not the first time that the leader of the Yiren has begged Chen Tianhao to be the leader here these days, but Chen Tianhao's current purpose is not here, he still needs to find more Yiren.

Afterwards, Chen Tianhao thought for a while, pointed to the direction he came from and said, "It's impossible for me to stay here, but you can follow this river and go in that direction, and you can walk there for about a day. I saw a group of winged people, that was the territory I stayed in at that time, and that territory was much better than your life here."

When the leader of the Yiren heard Chen Tianhao's refusal, he was very sad, and then he heard Chen Tianhao's suggestion, and immediately nodded in response: "Okay, leader, I listen to you, and we will go in the direction you said tomorrow morning .”

the next morning.

After Chen Tianhao had breakfast, he watched Yiren leave in the direction he came from.

Fortunately, moving at this time is not so troublesome, and there is nothing to carry. Everyone picked up their own weapons and escorted the old, weak, sick and disabled in the territory on the road.

Chen Tianhao didn't go to escort this batch of wingmen to their original territory, these wingmen didn't live very well here, but I believe they can still reconcile with the former wingmen.

Putting away the complicated sadness of parting, only by completing the task faster will the Yiren race live more comfortably.

Leave this area and continue exploring ahead.

When he left, he didn't bring any barbecue, and he distributed the barbecue to the wingmen who needed it most.

I don't know if he used up all his good luck, or what, but he didn't find any Yiren for several days, as if he had returned to the original state, and couldn't find Yiren.

These days, when I was tired and sleepy, I found a branch to lie down and sleep.

When he is hungry, he can kill a creature at will. By the river, he is not afraid that there will be no place to wash. In addition, he has electric power, so he can make fire at will, so he is not afraid of being hungry.

As time passed without finding Yiren, Chen Tianhao's mood became particularly bad, and most of the time he just checked his surroundings habitually.

At the beginning, Chen Tianhao still kept his consciousness at the limit state. After searching for several days, he failed to find Yiren, and the energy of his consciousness was less than half. The range remains at 2 km.

But even if it is only 2 kilometers, it is much better than before. The range of 2 kilometers can last longer.

Hey, there is a situation.

After searching for the sixth day, Chen Tianhao found the second group of Wingmen again.

The situation of this group of Yimen is similar to that of the previous group of Yiren, but the number of them is a little more than the last time, reaching 178 people.

These winged people all possessed Chen Tianhao's spiritual imprint, and under the influence of the spiritual imprint, after only a while, Chen Tianhao's completed figures underwent major changes.

The number of people with Level 808 brains reached 700, the number of people using communication methods reached 610, and the number of people using tools reached [-].

The number of people with the fourth-level brains completed the fastest, and the people who used the tools were the slowest. According to this speed, it is very likely that when Chen Tianhao completed 70% of the people who used the tools, the number of people with the fourth-level brains would have exceeded 2000.

Chen Tianhao stayed in this territory for another three days and helped the territory hunt a lot of prey. During this period, the leader of the Yiren in this territory also strongly asked Chen Tianhao to be the leader, but Chen Tianhao declined.

This place was very far away from the original place, and he didn't suggest that they go to that place, but he gave a suggestion to the wingman leader here.

It's a simple cycle of keeping some young and some females in captivity, and killing the young when they reach maturity.

Although many times, the Yi people have already kept some creatures in captivity as help in their lives, but most of them are just simple captivity, and there is no reservation like Chen Tianhao.

With this kind of captivity, I believe this group of winged people can live well in this area.

Chen Tianhao left the Yiren territory and continued to search along the river.

On No. 20 days after leaving the original place, Chen Tianhao found the third batch of wingmen.

This batch of Winged Men is much better than the previous two batches of Winged Men, basically comparable to the territory where he descended, with a number of 405 people.

With the help of the spiritual imprint, it is very easy to be convinced by the Yi people, and it adds another strength to the task completion conditions.

The number of people with Level 1213 brains reached 1088, the number of people using communication methods reached 985, and the number of people using tools reached [-].

Every time he went to a territory, he would be asked by the local wingman leader to be the leader. He always refused, but he still told them the captivity of the last territory, hoping that they could survive better here.

The more Wingmen on this planet, the better for him, so he is someone who sincerely hopes that every Wingman will have a good life.

Sometimes, when he saw some weaker territories, he really wanted to stay and help them, but the task was more important, so he had to continue on the journey to find the Winged Man.

In the days that followed, Chen Tianhao would encounter a group of winged people almost every three to five days. He thought that the first group of winged people he encountered was already the smallest group. People are already considered a powerful group.

In the back, he encountered the least ethnic group, only 25 people, and when he encountered many, it was only 50 people.

So he found that the last time he met the Zerg, the entire group reached 1000 people, which is really a great thing.

Chen Tianhao checked his task completion status again.

The number of people with Level 1856 brains reached 1650, the number of people using communication methods reached 1338, and the number of people using tools reached [-].

The two conditions have been fulfilled, as long as there is another wave of larger groups, the task can be completed.

It has been three months since Chen Tianhao came to the real world, and this is the longest time he has stayed in the real world since his evolution.

In the later stage, the time interval between each search for the Winged Man was three to five days, which was not bad, and Chen Tianhao's consciousness energy had already been used up.

Every time he uses up the energy of his consciousness, his total amount of consciousness has increased a lot, which is about 10% higher than before. Now he has enough energy of consciousness, and his limit range can reach 5.5 kilometers. It was something he didn't expect, it was a windfall.

I ate a few pieces of barbecue at will to satisfy my hunger, and embarked on the journey of searching again.

Without the energy of consciousness, the journey of finding becomes even more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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