spore evolution

Chapter 158 The Last Wave Wingman

Chapter 158 The Last Wave of Winged Men

Fortunately, Chen Tianhao's body's recovery ability is not bad, and he can search around without conscious energy.

There is also the advantage of the eagle eye, which is a bit slower than using conscious energy, but it is not unacceptable.

Even if it is unacceptable, there is no other way, but to use this stupid method to search slowly, and then use time to naturally restore the energy of consciousness.

Chen Tianhao felt that the heavens were against him. After losing his conscious energy, he searched along this river for ten days, but he still couldn't find the whereabouts of the winged man. He encountered all kinds of strange creatures along the way.

Many creatures saw Chen Tianhao alone, and organized other creatures to surround and kill him.

It's just that the power of these creatures is really limited, Chen Tianhao released a few ordinary electric balls at will, scaring them to death.

If it was before, Chen Tianhao must have been very happy to meet so many different types of creatures. Unfortunately, now Chen Tianhao's race has too high a level of components, and none of the creatures he has encountered has triggered side missions so far.

It has been No. 15 days since Chen Tianhao met Yiren last time.

Chen Tianhao picked up a piece of barbecue and took a bite, feeling the energy of consciousness in his body. After fifteen days of recovery, it had recovered to half.

It's time to search with consciousness energy. Although he has eagle eyes, he can clearly see objects within five kilometers, but in the forest, the restrictions are too great, and there are tall trees everywhere blocking his sight. The organisms are not much different.

Half of the consciousness energy can be used sparingly, it can be used by Chen Tianhao for several days.

Resting on the spot for a while, Chen Tianhao embarked on the journey of looking for Yiren again.

With the power of consciousness, Chen Tianhao's speed more than doubled all of a sudden.

Chen Tianhao was like an elf in the forest, constantly shuttling through the forest, flying from one branch to another, without staying for more than a second in the process, flying over like a dragonfly on water.


Suddenly, a deafening sound rang in Chen Tianhao's ears.

"what sound?"

Chen Tianhao stopped his footsteps, and suddenly pushed the limit of the energy of consciousness to the direction where the sound came from.

In order to save energy, he just kept his consciousness within two kilometers of himself. When the sound first came, he couldn't find the source of the sound within his detection range, so it must be outside the detection range.

The speed of consciousness is very fast, like light, it has reached the limit range of Chen Tianhao in an instant.

"Strange? Why not?"

The deafening sound continued, and it felt like it was getting closer.

Not only was there a deafening sound, but it was also accompanied by the screams of various creatures, but the animal's voice was relatively weak, and when it reached his ears, it was not too loud.

Chen Tianhao continued to move forward in the direction from which the voice came, while his consciousness remained within the limit range.

"What's that? A spaceship?"

Chen Tianhao stared at the front with wide-eyed eyes. At this moment, he no longer needed to be conscious, and could see the situation ahead by relying solely on his eyes.

It was an oblate object with a diameter of about one kilometer, like the most common UFO that Chen Tianhao had seen many times in his previous life.

This UFO is not affected by the planet's gravity and floats in mid-air at a height of about 1000 meters above the ground. The UFO is exposed to silver-white metal color, which is very dazzling under the sunlight.

Chen Tianhao looked at this UFO in shock. He was almost certain that it was a spaceship, most likely a spaceship.

How can it be?

Someone on this planet has evolved that fast?Has it developed enough to develop a spaceship?

Judging from the technological content of the spaceship, it is probably much higher than Chen Tianhao's previous earth.

This cannot be a product of this planet at all. If it is really a product of this week, it means that some creatures have already reached the interstellar stage, so I am still trying to evolve here.


Chen Tianhao kept telling himself to calm down, forcing himself to calm down.

It is not a product of this planet, is it from another planet?
From the very beginning, Chen Tianhao knew that it was not his planet that had life in this universe, there was life on other planets, and the life on those planets developed a long time before him.

That makes sense, but what is this spaceship here for?
Before Chen Tianhao could figure it out carefully, the spaceship started to move.

From the original static state, it began to fly slowly over the forest. The spaceship was like a flying boulder, covering the sky and the sun, scaring the creatures on the ground to keep running away from this huge and terrifying guy.

It turned out that the culprit of the thunderous noise was this spaceship, which not only made thunderous noises to scare the creatures, but also caused a creature to flee in this area.

Creatures kept running past Chen Tianhao, as if there were demons chasing them behind them.

The demon didn't have one, the spaceship did, but he didn't understand why the creatures were running away.

If it is the reason for the sound of the spaceship, the sound is a bit louder, Chen Tianhao is so far away, his ears still hurt, but it doesn't mean that all the creatures are running away.

The spaceship is flying slowly, it is said to be flying slowly, and the speed of the flight is also comparable to the fast running of ordinary creatures.

Logically speaking, the speed of the spaceship cannot be that slow, and Chen Tianhao can easily reach the current speed.

The spaceship gave him the feeling that he was watching the creatures running below.

Yes, observe.

Chen Tianhao guessed that what this spaceship was doing at the moment was to observe the conditions of those creatures. As for how to observe, he didn't understand, he was also observing the conditions of this spaceship.

The spaceship shoots out a yellow light from below from time to time as it advances. Through the yellow light, one can vaguely see creatures inside.

Is this a creature that represents the spaceship's fancy?

In just a few minutes, the spaceship captured no less than ten creatures one after another.

At first, Chen Tianhao thought that spaceships needed strong creatures, but during the observation process, he found that not only strong creatures, but also some very weak creatures were also within the capture range of the opponent.


A creature bumped into Chen Tianhao who was observing, and the two fell from the tree. They were almost stepped on by the fleeing creature, rolled on the spot, and hid beside a big tree.

who is it?

Chen Tianhao just wanted to yell and see who interrupted his observation.

Taking a closer look, it was a group of Yiren who caused the noise, not many people, about a hundred people.

This group of Winged Men also belonged to the creatures being chased by the spaceship. They were fleeing to other places in a panic, and happened to bump into Chen Tianhao.

The Winged Man who bumped into Chen Tianhao also hid under Chen Tianhao's big tree. Seeing the creature he had just bumped into, he was also taken aback, not understanding why the Winged Man existed in this place.

"Haha, that's great, there's really nowhere to find it, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

The last wave of winged people did not expect to meet in such a way.

"not good."

Before Chen Tianhao was happy, the spaceship changed its direction and headed in another direction, which was Chen Tianhao's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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