spore evolution

Chapter 159 Crisis Strikes

Chapter 159 Crisis Strikes
The spaceship hangs in the air like a big upside-down bowl.

It wasn't until this time that Chen Tianhao felt the panic of other creatures, what was meant to cover the sky and block out the sun.

The darkness shrouded the forest. Not to mention the spaceships were constantly grabbing the creatures on the ground, even if they didn't grab them, just running along like this would feel extremely fearful and frightening.

Yiren, who had just hid beside Chen Tianhao, hadn't recovered yet, and was dragged forward by Chen Tianhao.

Chen Tianhao didn't want this wingman to be abandoned, because this wingman bumped into him and fell to the ground. The other wingmen were gliding in mid-air, and everyone was running for their lives, but they didn't realize that there was one person missing in the team.

The number of creatures on the branches is relatively small, not so crowded, and the speed of the winged people is fast. It's just such a dazed time, and the large army of the winged people has already left far away.

The Yiren was led away by Chen Tianhao for a while, and finally came back to his senses.

Chen Tianhao let go of the Winged Man, and shouted to the Winged Man: "Fly to the tree."

With the sounds of various creatures escaping and the specially made sounds of the spaceship, the Winged Man obviously didn't hear Chen Tianhao's words, and he kept running under Chen Tianhao's leadership.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Chen Tianhao patted the other party's shoulder, pointed to the tree in front of him, and then started to fly forward and upward.

Seeing Chen Tianhao's movements, Yiren finally understood, and followed Chen Tianhao to fly to the branch.

On the branch, the speed of the two immediately increased, leaving the spaceship behind.

After the spaceship caught a few creatures, it suddenly increased its speed. Originally, the distance between Chen Tianhao and the spaceship had been opened by more than one kilometer. above.

"Could it be that you fell in love with me?"

Suddenly there was an ominous premonition in his heart, Chen Tianhao instantly felt a chill down his back, and a heavy feeling hit him.

This was just Chen Tianhao's self-comfort. He looked around, expecting to find other creatures that the spaceship had taken a fancy to.

Apart from him and another Winged Man, there were basically no creatures on the trees, and few creatures running on the ground could be seen.

Most of the creatures were so frightened by the sudden arrival of the spaceship that they were so frightened that they were sucking milk, as if they hated themselves for having lost a few legs, and fled in all directions one by one.

Chen Tianhao also felt that something was wrong, he pulled the Winged Man and jumped to the ground, hoping that the mixed creature could cause some difficulties for the other party.

Before Chen Tianhao could run for a long time, a ray of light suddenly came from above, covering Chen Tianhao.

That beam of yellow light was very precise, it only enveloped Chen Tianhao, and the Winged Man next to Chen Tianhao was not affected at all.

At the moment when the light shrouded, Chen Tianhao seemed to be bound by an invisible rope, his whole body could not move, and he kept the running movement just now.

Chen Tianhao was startled, and immediately increased his strength to break free from this beam of yellow light. However, it is not so easy to break free from this beam of light. If he could break free, some powerful creatures were caught in it before that.

The yellow light enveloped Chen Tianhao and began to rise slowly.

Seeing Chen Tianhao being caught by the yellow light, the Yiren next to him looked anxious, and stretched out his hand to grab Chen Tianhao's arm, trying to pull Chen Tianhao out of the area covered by the light.

The winged man's hands were not hindered in any way, as if passing through ordinary light, they touched Chen Tianhao's arm.

However, it didn't have any effect. Instead, the Winged Man didn't want to let go, and followed Chen Tianhao into the air.

"Damn, what should I do? I'm really afraid of something."

Chen Tianhao was so anxious that his head was sweating profusely, his limbs were straining, his arms showed blue veins, and his muscles swelled, but it was useless, his current movements were like those creatures he had seen before.

"Enter the editing space."

Chen Tianhao said silently in his heart, entering the editing space, without changing any form, the outside real world will not change in any way, but he can think about countermeasures in the editing space.

He hasn't used this function much, because there are too few things he needs to use the pause time to think about. This is the first time he has used this function.

in the editing space.

As soon as he entered the editing space, Chen Tianhao yelled loudly, "Brother Tianhua, what's the matter with this spaceship? Is it a spaceship of an alien creature? The creatures on this planet should not have developed so fast, right?"

A series of questions popped out of Chen Tianhao's mouth.

It's not that Chen Tianhao is afraid of death, what he is afraid of is that after being captured by the spaceship, he will not be killed, but will be taken to another place. What's up.

One must know that Chen Tianhao couldn't commit suicide to transfer to other Yiren, he could only choose to kill himself, or use the editing space to change the image of Yiren, and reappear on other members of the same race.

"As you said, this is indeed an alien spaceship. The creatures on this planet are basically still in the biological stage. Up to now, no creatures have entered the tribal age." Chen Tianhua paused, and then said, "But Many creatures are already on the verge of the tribal age, and I believe that the first batch of creatures will enter the tribal age soon."

The information provided by Chen Tianhua is relatively ordinary information, but it is not like other key information that cannot be disclosed.

"I'll go, no way, I thought my speed was fast enough, but I didn't expect that other creatures would also develop so fast."

Chen Tianhao felt the pressure doubled. This still relied on the system, which shortened the evolution time a lot. I don't know how those creatures evolved. Could it be like the dryad?Accidentally obtained a top-level meteorite fragment?

Dryads, desert worms, these top creatures stand out from the crowd because they have obtained top meteorite fragments.

He also looked for these meteorite fragments on purpose. It stands to reason that the meteorite fragments would emit light by themselves, so they should be easy to find. However, the fact is that many meteorite fragments are hidden underground or in other places that are difficult to find, so he has never found new ones. meteorite fragments.

"Brother Tianhua, what kind of light is that spaceship shooting out? Why can't I break free?"

Chen Tianhao remembered the reason why he entered the editing space, and he needed to find a way to escape as soon as possible. Otherwise, when he was really captured, he would be like when he landed on land. Other creatures had already landed, and he was still looking for the method of evolution.

"There's no answer to that question, you'll have to find out for yourself."

This question involved some problems, Chen Tianhua did not answer, but asked Chen Tianhao to find the answer by himself.

Without getting an answer from Chen Tianhua, Chen Tianhao couldn't help complaining: "Ah, how could this be a confidential question."

Chen Tianhua spread his arms and shrugged his shoulders, expressing that there was nothing he could do to help.

(End of this chapter)

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