spore evolution

Chapter 160 New Discovery of Conscious Energy

Chapter 160 New Discovery of Conscious Energy

He had a headache because he didn't get any useful news from Chen Tianhua.

For a while, fell into silence.

Chen Tianhao scratched his hair and thought hard.

Invisible light, no substance, neither gaseous, liquid, nor solid, this is not a common state.

I don't believe it, there are things in this world that cannot be deciphered, but judging from the current situation, it is indeed impossible to decipher.

Is it really the only way to let him capture him, and then trust the other party to kill him immediately?
It is not Chen Tianhao's style to pin his hopes on others. He prefers to strengthen his own strength and rely on his own strength to solve problems.

It's just that when encountering an object that cannot be understood, it may be a better choice to give up appropriately.

Chen Tianhua looked at Chen Tianhao's frowning face, and couldn't help but remind him, "For you, the light still has a chance to solve it. You can change your thinking to solve the problem."

Chen Tianhao was already planning to give up. Hearing Chen Tianhua's prompt, he kept repeating, "Solve the problem in a different way."

How to change the way of thinking?
Can't get rid of the shroud of yellow light, so can it be solved from other places?
For example, let the spacecraft cancel the light by itself?
Thinking of this, Chen Tianhao's eyes lit up, yes, he can't break free from this light, so let them cancel it by themselves.

How to cancel it?It can only be canceled by the spaceship itself.

But my whole body is shrouded in yellow light, what else can I do?

He thought of his own consciousness energy, which can ignore all kinds of matter and spread consciousness into the spaceship.

"Brother Tianhua, do you mean the energy of consciousness? It's just that my energy of consciousness can't attack the opponent, it seems useless."

Chen Tianhao scratched his head and asked.

Although he thought about the problem in a different direction, as if he had found the direction to solve the problem, the embarrassing problem that the energy of consciousness can only be used as an extended field of vision and cannot be used as a means of attack has not been resolved.

Chen Tianhua rolled his eyes, a little hated that iron can't make steel, "Who told you that the energy of consciousness has no attack power, and your energy core provides energy. Isn't the energy of consciousness provided by consciousness not energy? The energy of the energy core can attack the enemy. Energy can naturally attack the enemy as well."

It's not that Chen Tianhao has never tried to use consciousness energy to attack the enemy, but it didn't work, so he used consciousness energy as an extension of his eyes, a detection tool.

"Then how can we attack the enemy?" Chen Tianhao humbly learned from Chen Tianhua, and just took advantage of Chen Tianhua's willingness to explain and learn more.

"Actually, your previous actions were correct. It's just that you didn't understand well at the time, so you thought that the energy of consciousness had no effect."

Chen Tianhao's actions along the way will be recorded by the system, and Chen Tianhao's test will naturally be understood by him.

"How is it possible? I looked at the tested creature at the time, but there was really no reaction." Chen Tianhao was very puzzled, not knowing where he made a mistake at the time.

Chen Tianhua conjured up a table out of nowhere, on the table appeared a jug of wine and a pair of cups, he picked up the cups on the table and drank to the bottom, "Good wine, do you want to come and drink?"

"Brother Tianhua, explain quickly, this time it's up to you."

Unmoved, Chen Tianhao asked in a low voice.

It's not that Chen Tianhao is so careless, but in this space, Chen Tianhua is like a creator god, he can change various things freely, but these things are all virtual and have no actual effect at all.

"You don't understand, this is the best Nurhong." Chen Tianhua poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it down again.

He seemed to like looking at Chen Tianhao's embarrassed look, and after a while he said slowly: "The energy of the energy core acts on the physical object, while the energy of consciousness acts on the soul of the creature. At that time, the soul of the creature you tested was powerful. Very low, your consciousness attacks the opponent, basically there is not much contrast, which makes you have a misunderstanding, thinking that the energy of consciousness cannot attack the enemy."

Chen Tianhao has been resisting the urge to beat violently, and finally waited for the other party's explanation.

Act on the soul?
When parting from the tree demon, he once talked about the problem of the soul, but the soul he expressed at that time was obviously different from the soul Chen Tianhua said.

He has already believed in the fact that living beings have souls, and it is impossible not to believe it. He himself is a good example, but apart from Chen Tianhua, he has not found anyone else with a soul state in the real world. .

"Is it acting on the soul? Then I didn't waste a lot of opportunities during this time."

Chen Tianhao was quite regretful. He knew that his consciousness was powerful, but he didn't expect it to have this function.

"It's not too late now, knowing now is better than not knowing."

Knowing that consciousness energy can be used as an attack method, Chen Tianhao began to practice the attack method of consciousness energy in the editing space.

In the editing space, the energy of consciousness can be quickly restored, and as long as it has not undergone any changes, it will not change when you go back to the real world. This is a good opportunity to practice.

Chen Tianhao condensed his consciousness energy into various weapons, and continuously attacked Chen Tianhua.

This was a pain for Chen Tianhua, and he kept making various defensive moves with him, but fortunately, Chen Tianhua's consciousness was an invincible existence in the editing space, so he didn't have to worry about being knocked down by Chen Tianhao, otherwise, Chen Tianhua's soul would have already been destroyed. Pierced thousands of holes.

There is no way, there are only the two of them in this editing space, if Chen Tianhao doesn't ask him to find someone to practice with.

There is no sense of time in the editing space.

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Tianhao was finally able to use the energy of consciousness very proficiently. After so many contacts, he found that it is most useful to condense the energy of consciousness into a pointed weapon.

Just like in reality, pointed objects can break through most defenses without much effort.

"Stop, stop, stop." Chen Tianhua couldn't help shouting a few times, "You are very proficient now, and there is no need to contact me anymore."

Anyone who is attacked by another person without limit will collapse. This is also due to the fact that Chen Tianhua is invincible in this space, but he will get tired of doing a certain action too much, not to mention that he is the one being beaten.

Chen Tianhao put away his consciousness energy reluctantly, the practice just now benefited him a lot, and he has basically reached the point of proficiency.

He is full of confidence in the spaceship outside at this moment.

Chen Tianhao chatted with Chen Tianhua for a few more words, and returned to the real world to fight against the spaceship.

(End of this chapter)

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