spore evolution

Chapter 161 Sneak Attack on Aliens

Chapter 161 Sneak Attack on Aliens

As soon as I returned to the real world, I immediately felt a sense of oppression all over my body, and I couldn't move my whole body.

Not much time, Chen Tianhao gave up struggling, and immediately diffused his consciousness to the spaceship in the sky.

The speed of consciousness is faster than the speed of light. As fast as thought is, so is consciousness.

Almost instantly, Chen Tianhao's consciousness had reached the interior of the spaceship.

The internal structure of the spaceship can be seen at a glance, with various exquisite designs and structures. At this time, Chen Tianhao even knows this spaceship better than the engineer who built the spaceship.

Originally, Chen Tianhao was very curious about what the aliens looked like, but after Chen Tianhao found out, he felt that there was nothing special about the aliens.

The image of the alien is a bit like the anthropomorphic image of an octopus, which is similar to the creatures he encountered on this planet. If we compare it with the previous earth, I am afraid that the creatures here basically belong to the category of alien creatures. Occasionally a few creatures may resemble creatures from previous Earths.

With no time to study aliens, nor to marvel at the exquisite structure of this spaceship, Chen Tianhao's main goal now is to find the control room and make them stop emitting yellow light.

The yellow light was still emitting continuously, pulling Chen Tianhao towards the interior of the spaceship. At this time, Chen Tianhao had risen to a height of more than 20 meters, 80 meters away from the spaceship.

The Yiren next to him didn't let go either, and kept exerting force, trying to pull Chen Tianhao back, but he was brought into the air together, unable to bear the force, more like a person hanging from above.

Damn it, I need to speed up, the distance of seven to eighty meters won't take long.

Although the internal structure has no secrets to Chen Tianhao, Chen Tianhao doesn't know what's inside, it's all the product of alien civilization, he just relies on his previous experience to find the possible control room.

He came to a place similar to a console, where several aliens were talking to a transparent screen, and they didn’t know what to say. A special kind of text and pictures flashed on the screen from time to time. The ones shown on the screen are exactly the creatures that Chen Tianhao saw captured by the spaceship.

Great, it should be here.

Chen Tianhao condensed the energy of his consciousness and turned it into a sharp awl. According to the movements during training, he controlled the sharp awl to aim at the head of the person in charge, and stabbed it fiercely.

The alien who was hit by consciousness covered his head, staggered a few times, knocked down some surrounding objects, and finally fell to the ground, his mouth was still moving slightly, as if he was saying something.

However, Chen Tianhao's mind can only watch, not listen.

So far, it is only known that allies can communicate through consciousness, and other creatures have not been successful.

The aliens around him, seeing his companion's condition, immediately surrounded him, helped him up, and said some incomprehensible words in his mouth.

The aliens who were attacked were like paralyzed patients, unable to stand upright on their own, and barely stood up with the help of their companions.

Not long after, the alien who was attacked suddenly lost all strength, and fell limply in the hands of his companion, foaming at the mouth, and finally fainted, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Someone went to help the alien who was attacked, while someone ran to the side and pressed the alarm system.

I saw a team of people resting next to the control room, and rushed over immediately.

"Oh, it seems that I used too much force."

Chen Tianhao realized that he used too much force and killed the alien.

Previously, he had been using consciousness energy against Chen Tianhua in the editing space, but Chen Tianhua was in an invincible state in the editing space, without reference objects, and he didn't know how strong his consciousness energy was.

The first use of consciousness energy is according to the strength used in the editing space, but it seems that the strength seems to be a little bit stronger at present.

After the aliens outside rushed into the control room, a group of people checked the surrounding situation vigilantly, trying to find out who attacked the people in the control room.

It's a pity that it was Chen Tianhao's consciousness energy that caused the attack. He himself was still outside the spaceship, and they couldn't find the attacker even if they found death inside the spaceship.

After a while, the aliens couldn't find the attacker, and immediately pulled the alarm on the entire spaceship. For a while, the aliens in the entire spaceship were in a commotion, holding a gun that they had never seen before, looking around inside the spaceship .

Some aliens went to check the recently captured creatures. After counting, they did not find any escaped creatures, and everyone was panicked for a while.

"It's terrible, it seems that I just stabbed a big man."

The situation inside the spaceship was clear at a glance. Although they couldn't hear what they were saying, Chen Tianhao could clearly see their actions. Without words, he could guess that he had hit a big shot.

"Damn it, can't you cancel this yellow light?"

Chen Tianhao couldn't help cursing.

At this moment, Chen Tianhao has been pulled to a height of 50 meters, which is half of the height. According to this speed, he will be completely caught in two or three minutes. At that time, he really cannot escape even if he wants to. .

Chen Tianhao's first conscious battle was very successful, successfully making the enemy into a state of life and death.

But his goal is not like this, he needs to stop the yellow light.

I still need to find another person to cancel this function, who should I turn to?

He redirected his target to the control room, feeling that the possibility of finding control in that control room was relatively high.

Condensing the consciousness into a sharp cone again, this time he deliberately used less concentrated consciousness, what he needs is not a dead person or a fool, what he needs is a person who can cancel the yellow light.

It is best if you can use your consciousness to control the other party, but it is also feasible to threaten the other party through consciousness. After all, there has been a case before, and I believe the other party will have scruples.

Chen Tianhao set his target on another alien in the control room. This alien was the one who ordered other people to do things after the alien fell to the ground just now. He should belong to a person with relatively high authority.

An invisible big hand manipulated the sharp cone formed by consciousness, and stabbed at the alien who was the temporary leader.

Through consciousness, Chen Tianhao saw that the alien was obviously taken aback, but he quickly came back to his senses, looked around, and asked the people next to him what he was doing.

Very good, it didn't make the other party dizzy, just enough to make the other party alert to the surrounding situation.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Please nod."

Chen Tianhao uses his consciousness to convey his own meaning, which is another effect of consciousness, but currently he can only convey his own meaning, and the other party cannot directly feed back information, but can convey information through related actions.

The wandering scorpions of the alliance used this method before, and more magical uses of consciousness energy have yet to be developed by Chen Tianhao.

(End of this chapter)

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