spore evolution

Chapter 162 Complete the mission

Chapter 162 Complete the mission
Chen Tianhao looked at the alien's movements with expectant eyes, and he didn't know whether this consciousness energy was useful to the alien.

The alien looked around, and even the others looked around for the murderer.

Suddenly the alien was taken aback, as if realizing something, then nodded with difficulty.

"You cancel the yellow light right now, and then leave here immediately." Chen Tianhao spoke through his consciousness, and then threatened: "You have seen the appearance of that person just now, if you don't want to become like him, act immediately."

After Chen Tianhao finished speaking, he felt like he had talked too much, and he didn't know if the other party could understand such a long sentence.

After the alien heard it, he nodded in response, and then immediately said a few words to the person next to him.

There was no movement from that person, suddenly, Chen Tianhao felt the pressure on his body disappear.

He was also taken aback, he didn't expect the opponent's speed to be so fast, before he could react, he fell towards the ground under the gravity of the planet.


The momentary sense of weightlessness made him cry out.

Fortunately, he could fly. He recovered from the weightlessness in time and waved his wings vigorously. However, there was a wingman holding his hand below, and the whole body was still falling.

Chen Tianhao patted the Winged Man with his hands, and shouted: "Wake up, fly up, if you don't fly, you will fall together."

It turned out that the Wing Man had been holding onto Chen Tianhao's hand, but he didn't realize that Chen Tianhao was out of danger. After hearing Chen Tianhao's shout, he realized that he was out of danger. He immediately let go of his hand and flew up.

Chen Tianhao led Yiren to find a branch of a tree, and stood firmly on it.

"Hey, what's going on? Where's the spaceship?"

Chen Tianhao raised his head and stared at the sky with wide eyes. There was a blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and there was no trace of a spaceship.

He also wanted to keep that spaceship to supplement his technological strength, which was a rare opportunity.

"What a fool, I finally got a new use of consciousness energy, which is just enough to restrain the opponent. With the technological capabilities of this spaceship, it takes a lot of time." Chen Tianhao couldn't help sighing, "Oh, what a pity .”

The spaceship must have flown away when Chen Tianhao fell.

Chen Tianhao was very moved by Yiren's actions to save him by holding on to him just now. This Yiren didn't know himself, but when he was in danger, he was able to save himself regardless of his own safety, which is a rare quality.

This is the quality that Chen Tianhao has been pursuing. He doesn't want his race to be just a race that seeks to develop and continue to kill. He also hopes that among the same race, even if he meets strangers, he can extend his helping hand.

Only when the race is united can it become stronger.

"Thank you very much just now, where is your territory?"

He remembered that his task required the last wave of winged men, and the winged men he met this time were just able to complete this task, Chen Tianhao asked carefully.

Yiren stood beside him, scratched his head, pointed to the direction where Chen Tianhao found Yiren, and said: "So it was there, but then a huge monster came, we all ran away, and now I don't know where they went. "

The huge monster that Yiren mentioned was the spaceship, and he collided with Chen Tianhao during his escape, but Yiren didn't realize that there was one person missing on the way, and he didn't know where he fled to.

Chen Tianhao patted Yiren on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, I'll see where they are. Let's go, let's fly in the direction they are going."

Under the leadership of Chen Tianhao, the two headed in the direction where the previous Yiren escaped.

It was only a few minutes from Yiren bumping into Chen Tianhao to Chen Tianhao being abandoned by the spaceship.

Yiren's speed is very fast, but he hasn't run out of Chen Tianhao's sensing range, but if it takes another two or three minutes, he will have escaped from Chen Tianhao's sensing range.

Chen Tianhao immediately saw the wing crowd fleeing in front, fortunately because there were weak wing men in the wing crowd, the overall speed was not particularly fast.

Of course, this speed is not fast compared to the limit speed of the Wingman. Compared with other creatures, the speed of the Wingman is already considered fast.

"See, in front, let's speed up."

After finishing speaking, Chen Tianhao kicked his legs, and this kick made the branches sway, and some leaves fell down.

The flying speed is relatively slow, and using the power of his legs can make Chen Tianhao explode at a stronger speed.

Yiren also imitated Chen Tianhao's movements, and the two quickly shuttled through the woods, one behind the other.

After a while, the two finally caught up with the main force.

Yiren flew to the side of the leader of the Yiren, took a few breaths, and said: "Leader, there is no need to run away, the big guy behind is gone."

The leader of the Yiren turned his head and saw that the huge monster was indeed gone, and asked doubtfully, "How do you know?"

Give the order to make the Wingmen stop.

The leader of the winged man didn't know that the winged man fell behind just now and almost didn't come back.

"Because I was there just now, and the leader drove him away just now." Yiren panted, pointing at Chen Tianhao.

In his eyes, the behemoth disappeared after capturing Chen Tianhao, and it must be because of Chen Tianhao.

The reason for the disappearance of the behemoth was indeed due to Chen Tianhao, but it was not as simple as Yiren thought.

Only then did the leader of the Yiren see Chen Tianhao at the side. The moment he saw Chen Tianhao, he recognized Chen Tianhao's identity, "Boss, it turned out to be you, no wonder that behemoth stopped chasing him."

There is no need for Chen Tianhao to introduce himself. The leader of the Yiren already knew his identity. In fact, he had already sensed a special aura, but he had been running away just now, thinking it was the aura of the giant behind him. Later, he realized Chen Tianhao .

Chen Tianhao said hello. He found that the role of the spiritual imprint is here. Whenever he meets a group of creatures of the same race, he doesn't have to think hard about how to get along with each other. Perhaps this is the reason why the system is convenient for him to control the development of his own race.

"Big leader, please lead the development of this group."

The leader of the winged people looked at Chen Tianhao expectantly.

Every ethnic group encountered would invite Chen Tianhao to be the leader of their own ethnic group, but unfortunately Chen Tianhao has been busy with completing tasks and has no time.

This time, they encountered the last wingman team. As long as they accepted this team, they would be able to complete the main task of the biological stage.


Chen Tianhao nodded, officially accepted the entrustment of the leader of the Yiren, and became the new leader of this team.

I'm afraid that the leader of the Yiren didn't know the position of leader he handed over, and soon became another Yiren, not the Chen Tianhao he thought.

The subsequent development of this winged people group is beyond Chen Tianhao's control.

He is now listening to the system's notification sound in surprise. After many difficulties, he has finally completed the task of the biological stage and is about to embark on the tribal era.

(End of this chapter)

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