spore evolution

Chapter 163 Final Image

Chapter 163 Final Image
The sound of the system is so beautiful at this moment, I have worked hard for so long, isn't it just for this moment.

"Congratulations for completing the main task of the biological stage."

"Congratulations, you have obtained 150 million points, total points: 150 million."

"Congratulations on getting the component: viviparous."

"Congratulations on getting the component: Energy Core (Super)."

"Congratulations on getting..."

A series of system prompts kept ringing in Chen Tianhao's ears.

A feeling of explosion filled Chen Tianhao's heart.

I didn't pay attention to the things next to me, and entered the editing space directly.

edit space.

As soon as Chen Tianhao entered the space, he heard Chen Tianhua happily say beside him: "Congratulations, you have finally completed the main task of the biology stage."

Chen Tianhua was even happier than Chen Tianhao for completing the main task of the biology stage.

Entering the tribal era means that he can follow Chen Tianhao into the real time, and no longer have to stay alone in this quiet and dark space.

Chen Tianhao can often evolve his race outside, and Chen Tianhua, as his assistant, could only stay in this place to record Chen Tianhao's evolution before, and he can't speed up the passage of time like Chen Tianhao.

Every minute and every second Chen Tianhua spends is real time. If he wasn't artificial intelligence, he would have already gone crazy.

After watching Chen Tianhao for a long time, Chen Tianhua's personality and other aspects became more and more like Chen Tianhao.

Chen Tianhao couldn't help laughing, and responded: "Haha, brother Tianhua, the biological age is finally over."

This last mission exhausted him, and he was tossed in the real world for several months, especially when he met aliens at the end, he was terrified.

This may be the most difficult task except for the one in the desert. However, this task has finally passed, and I am happy to think about it.

The two chatted for a while, and suddenly Chen Tianhua's face became serious, and he said: "Now that you have finished the biological stage and are about to enter the tribal stage, there are a few issues that need to be clarified with you, which are related to your future development. "

Hearing that it was related to his future development, Chen Tianhao also sat upright, clasped his hands together and said, "Brother Tianhua, please enlighten me."

Seeing Chen Tianhao's actions, Chen Tianhua's serious face instantly turned into a smiling one: "Don't be so serious, the first point is that your image edited this time will be the final image of your race."

"The final image? Can't you change the shape of the race in the future?"

Chen Tianhao was very puzzled, could it be impossible to evolve in the future?He knew that the previous game was also like this. When entering the tribal era, the image of the character was fixed, and the original image in the future will be dominated by the tribal era.

"Yes, the final image. There may still be an opportunity to change the racial image, but the system will no longer assist you in changing the racial image." Chen Tianhua nodded affirmatively.


Chen Tianhao is used to the system helping him to evolve his race, he just needs to get those components with peace of mind, without having to think about how to evolve the corresponding image.

Now according to Chen Tianhua's statement, even if it can be changed in the future, he can only rely on his own strength to change it, and the system will no longer provide help.

"Let's put it this way, the single-cell age, the ocean age, and the biological age in front of you belong to the novice stage. In order to let you enter the civilization stage as soon as possible, the system omitted the evolution process for you. Entering the tribal age is different. You have already entered the civilization stage. Although it is the most primitive civilization, it is also a kind of civilization.”

"The novice period? I have worked hard for so long, and I have just passed the novice period."

His eyes widened with disbelief on his face. Chen Tianhao never thought that he had worked hard for so long and was just a novice in the system.

Seeing Chen Tianhao come back to his senses, Chen Tianhua continued: "After officially entering the tribal era, this editing space will no longer exist, but don't worry, he will provide you with help in another form."

"Okay, knowing the pitfalls of the system, now even the editing space has disappeared."

All of a sudden, Chen Tianhao became depressed, even the joy of just completing the task was diluted a lot.

Chen Tianhua ignored it, and continued to explain: "This is the last time you will stay in the editing space, but in order to facilitate your completion of the great cause of race, you will be given immortal life, but..."

"Eternal life."

Before Chen Tianhua finished speaking, Chen Tianhao heard about immortality, his depression just disappeared, and he jumped up excitedly, who doesn't want to live forever, everyone once wanted to have unlimited life, and Chen Tianhao was no exception.

With unlimited life, you are not afraid of anything.Against the enemy?Whoever dies first will kill the opponent.

"Don't be too happy, this eternal life is conditional."

He had no choice but to interrupt Chen Tianhao's excitement. If he didn't interrupt, Chen Tianhua was afraid that he wouldn't be able to listen carefully to the following rules. His fate was tied to Chen Tianhao, and he also hoped that Chen Tianhao would become stronger.

"Okay, tell me." Chen Tianhao put away his excitement, and sat in front of Chen Tianhua, but looking at his face twitching from time to time, it could be seen that he was still intoxicated in the eternal life just now.

Chen Tianhua didn't even know why Chen Tianhao was so happy about eternal life. After all, he had survived in this universe for billions of years. As long as he had energy, he could live until the universe was destroyed.

After all, he is not a normal creature, no matter how much he imitates Chen Tianhao, he still cannot understand some problems.

"There are two conditions for immortality. First: there must be someone in the race alive. Second: You can only avoid birth, old age, sickness, and death. If you encounter a devastating accident, you will still die. If you encounter the second type of death, you will be the same as before. Re-possess onto other members of the same race."

"Isn't this the eternal life I understand? Are there other things?"

Chen Tianhao's eyes widened. He never thought that he would be able to survive an accident that could kill him. But speaking of it, his state before was actually not much different from that of Immortal. As long as there are people in the same clan, he can Immediate resurrection is now equivalent to making him immune to the torture of birth, old age, sickness and death.

"Because the editing space disappears, I will appear in reality to help you. More applications need you to discover in reality."

"I despise you, and you are exploring on your own." Chen Tianhao couldn't help but contemptuously said, but he was still happy for Chen Tianhua, "Congratulations, you can finally go to the real world."

He knew that Chen Tianhua wanted to follow him to the real world early in the morning, but he couldn't go out because of the system. Now that he could finally go out, he was also sincerely happy for Chen Tianhua.

In this space, there were only the two of them, and the two of them had already gotten along very well. Chen Tianhua didn't care about Chen Tianhao's complaints, but urged him from the side: "Hurry up and edit your final image, I'm going to quickly edit it." Can’t wait to get to the real world.”

(End of this chapter)

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