spore evolution

Chapter 164 Final Image

Chapter 164 Final Image
"Name: Viviparous, redemption points: 250 points. After growing to a certain extent in the mother's body and leaving the mother's body, it can greatly increase the survival rate of the offspring. Viviparous provides protection, nutrition and a constant temperature development environment for the developing offspring. Minimize the external environment on the development of the fetus. The number of live births is less than the number of egg births.”

Finally got the viviparous reproductive system, if Chen Tianhao were to evolve the viviparous reproductive system by himself, he really couldn't do it.

Fortunately, with the help of the system, it is still possible to have a longer novice period.

It is normal for the number of offspring to be less. It is impossible for you to get several offspring in the mother body at once. Even if you can, the mother body does not have enough nutrition.

Another most important point is that in Chen Tianhao's previous life, humans also reproduced in this way, and he subconsciously developed towards humans.

"Name: Energy Core (Super), Redemption Points: 500 points. One of the most important components of a creature, known as the second heart of a creature, can provide a large amount of energy for a creature. The level of the energy core represents the bioenergy At the limit state, all skills rely on the energy provided by the energy core, which can take your skills to a higher level."

Needless to say, this must be installed, the core of all skills.

"Name: Energized Wings, Redemption Points: 500 points. Advanced Wings can energyize the wings and display them in the form of energy when needed. As long as they have enough energy, they can fly freely in the air and can greatly increase their energy. The movement speed of creatures requires low energy consumption."

With enough energy, can you fly infinitely?
This can be. Although the previous Wingman had wings, they were only the most basic wings, which could only fly a short distance, and most of them were still in a gliding state.

This energyized wing is real flying, and it can also greatly increase the speed of movement. It is not known how much the speed will be increased, but I believe that the speed will not be too low.

Needless to say, pretend.

"Name: Amphibious Breathing System (Super), redemption points: 250 points. The Amphibious Breathing System allows you to breathe freely in water and air."

The explanation is very simple, but the function is not simple. Being able to breathe freely in the water is a unique characteristic of aquatic organisms.

Wingman has always kept the aquatic breathing system, but that respiratory system is only elementary, and it doesn't have much effect on Wingman, at most it increases the time that Wingman can hold his breath in the water.

Now an amphibious breathing system is different, its level is super level, after assembly, Wingman can freely play in the water as before.

Although Chen Tianhao's goal is the stars and the sea, he doesn't mind being able to breathe in the water at all.

There are infinite treasures in the water, maybe in the future, he can find these treasures in the ocean.

The points obtained from the main task in the biological stage have been completely used up, and the image of the winged man has also undergone relatively large changes. The most obvious thing is that the wings of the winged man have turned into light blue. From a distance, the light blue The wings were extremely beautiful, and upon closer inspection, the light blue wings turned into a beast devouring people, which was particularly terrifying.

The main components have been assembled on the Wingman, now it is a matter of adjusting the details.

Now is the time to edit the final image, you need to think carefully, this is the image after his race.

The first image in Chen Tianhao's mind is still the image of the former human beings. Although he has been in this world for billions of years, in fact, the time he spent outside is only a few years.

The influence of the twenty years of his previous life was greater than that of his here, allowing him to choose the final image. His first image still chose human beings, and human beings seem more intimate.

Human beings have no wings, and it is impossible for Chen Tianhao to give up his wings. He began to adjust the image of Winged Man to that of human beings.

Soon, a new image of the Winged Man appeared, except for a pair of energy wings behind him, he was basically the same as a human being in other respects.

The energyized wings will appear from behind when needed, and when not in use, they look exactly like human beings, at least on the outside, there is no difference.

However, it is not obvious from the appearance of humans, but internally, Winged People are much stronger than humans.

Not to mention the energy core known as the "second heart", even the pure physical body is much stronger than humans.

The ultimate muscle is no joke. With other components, in terms of strength, the current Wingman is like a humanoid beast.

Click Save.

A selection pops up on the system interface.

"A major change in the biological image has been detected. You have a chance to rename your race. Has it changed?"

Below this line of text, there is also a red flashing text prompt.

"We are about to enter the tribal era. This naming is the last time to change your name. We will no longer provide name changing services in the future. Please consider carefully."

Was it named for the last time?Since I subconsciously chose the image of a human being, I should continue to develop in this land in the name of human beings.

After selection, the system provides the last property panel.

name: human

Health: 10000/10000
Energy value: 6000/6000
Attack: 500
Movement speed: 600 (maximum speed can reach 60 km/h).

Resistance: Possesses certain toxicity and corrosion resistance

Possess skills:
Active Skills: Electric Attack, Poison Attack, Sonic Attack (Primary), Corrosive Attack (Super), Demonization

Passive Skills: Charm, Telepathy

Possess components: brain (level [-]), energy core (super), ultimate muscle, ultimate nerve, super bone, super digestion, advanced skin (fur), high temperature resistant skin, advanced vision (night vision), intermediate vision (hawk eye) , amphibious breathing system (super), constant temperature system, energy wings.


Individual Strength Evaluation: Leader Level

Race Rating: Excellent.

Biological stage evaluation: Excellent. After years of development, you have finally left the biological stage and officially entered the tribal age.I am sorry to tell you that you have just left the novice stage. The beginning of the tribal era is the journey for you to lead the official development of the race. I look forward to meeting you one day in the future.

Chen Tianhao keenly discovered that there was an "I" in the evaluation. This was not discovered before. Does it refer to the God of System that Chen Tianhua said?
He doesn't know, and he believes that he will meet him one day in the future, but he is still too fragile now.


Suddenly, an alarm sounded in the editing space.

Chen Tianhao was taken aback, and found that the editing space was surrounded by red lights, "Brother Tianhua, what's going on?"

Before Chen Tianhua could answer, Chen Tianhao already knew what was going on.

While the alarm sounded, a message was broadcast.

"Please leave the editing space in time, the space is about to collapse."

One side after another keeps echoing in the space.

The editing space is also collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The originally small editing space suddenly became much smaller.

"I'm going, do I need to be in such a hurry?" Chen Tianhao couldn't help complaining, and then said anxiously to Chen Tianhua, "Brother Tianhua, see you in the outside world, leave the editing space."

Chen Tianhao's figure became blurred and finally disappeared into the editing space.

"Great, I can finally go to the outside world, the smell here is too bad, here I come, Chen Tianhao."

Chen Tianhua complained excitedly, the life he longed for was finally about to begin.

The last consciousness in the editing space also disappeared.

After the two consciousnesses disappeared, the editing space collapsed to its original size, and finally stabilized, as if waiting for the arrival of a new master.

(End of this chapter)

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