spore evolution

Chapter 165 Tribal Status

Chapter 165 Tribal Status
"Brother Tianhua, when will this system upgrade end?"

Chen Tianhao sat on a branch of a tree and asked.

Next to him was Chen Tianhua. At this time, Chen Tianhua opened his hands, closed his eyes, and looked intoxicated, as if he didn't hear Chen Tianhao's question.

Without getting a response, Chen Tianhao couldn't help raising his voice once, then turned around and asked, "Brother Tianhua, are you listening?"

"Okay, don't bother me to breathe fresh air. How many times have I told you that after the system is upgraded, I will naturally notify you. It's useless for you to ask any more now."

Chen Tianhua still didn't move, like a stone statue.

It wasn't that Chen Tianhua ignored Chen Tianhao, but that in the past two days, Chen Tianhao really asked too many questions, asking every one or two hours, which made Chen Tianhua a little annoyed.

After finally getting out of the editing space, Chen Tianhua was enjoying the air of this forest to the fullest.

It has been three days since I left the editing space and came to the real world.

These three days, Chen Tianhao didn't do nothing, he first learned about the specific situation of his tribe.

The tribe has a total of 2000 people, including 1400 adults, 300 teenagers, and 300 children.

The number of tribes was exactly the number of missions that Chen Tianhao had completed before. As expected, the missions at that time were related to the present.

Among the 2000 people, basically all of them can release electric ball attacks, including those children. The only difference is the size of the upper limit of energy.

Some people may only be able to release an electric ball the size of a ping pong ball, while others can release an electric ball the size of a basketball.

When Chen Tianhao was investigating, he would doubt whether he had won a big prize, but everyone had this ability.

The people of the tribe still continue their previous life, living in caves, which seems to be not much different from before.

Various animals are kept in captivity in other places of the cave. It seems that the good habit of keeping animals in captivity has been well passed down.

Chen Tianhao, who returned to the real world, even tried his own energy wings.

With a swish, blue energy wings stretched out from his back, and the size of the spread was about the same as the height of a human being, about two meters.

When Chen Tianhao edited human beings, he set the height of adult human beings at two meters. This setting is caused by his thoughts, and he habitually tends to the direction of human beings.

There is no jerky feeling in using this energy wing, it is just born like this.

I don't know how the energy of the energy wings is consumed. The energy consumed is indeed very little. As long as there is energy, it can fly infinitely in the sky.

Chen Tianhao roughly estimated that with the energy in his body, if he simply flies, regardless of other circumstances, he can probably fly in the sky continuously for about a month.

And the speed is very fast, even faster than his sprinting on the ground, it can reach 90 kilometers per hour, which is 1.5 times the speed of sprinting on the ground.

This speed is much faster than most ordinary transportation.

He has been flying in the sky for the past few days to observe the situation of this tribe. Only by understanding the situation around him can he make the best plan for his tribe.

Now there is no system to help evolve, everything has to rely on its own real development.

It has to be said that this position in Chen Tianhao's tribe is still good.

There are endless mountains around, which means that there are rich mineral resources around, and there are all kinds of plants and animals on the mountains, which is also convenient for him to hunt here.

There is also a big river in the middle of the forest, the river is very wide, much wider than the rivers Chen Tianhao has seen before.

At the widest point, the width reaches 20 kilometers. This is the mother river of this area, and countless lives multiply in this area.

In front of the place where Chen Tianhao lives, there is also a large plain.

When he saw this area, Chen Tianhao should not be too happy, this is the place prepared for human beings.

This is an excellent scene for the future development of animal husbandry, etc., and it is also a good place to build a city. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is beautiful. It is comfortable to think about.

But all this is still a bit far away.

Human beings today are still in a state of being dependent on the sky.

A tribe of 2000 people is not so easy to feed. It is not a good way to rely solely on hunting for a living. Now the surrounding creatures are still large, so don’t worry too much. Humans are also quite powerful creatures compared to other animals. For the time being, there are no other creatures to attack humans, but it allows humans to live very comfortably in this area.

Ease does not mean safety. Only when you work hard and become strong, you don't need to be afraid of others.

"Dad, hug."

A little girl of three or four years old flew up from below, and flew towards Chen Tianhao. During the flight, the energy wings flickered, as if they were about to fall.

Chen Tianhao hurriedly flew out to catch the little girl flying over: "My little princess, be careful."

Holding it in my arms, I flew back to the original place again.

This little girl is Chen Tianhao's daughter, of course it refers to the person who was born before Chen Tianhao's arrival, and now this person is replaced by Chen Tianhao and has become his daughter.

I don't know if it's because the image has become human, but he loves his daughter very much, she is chubby, round and very cute.

He not only has a daughter, but also a son, who is slightly older and looks like five years old.

At this time, his son saw his sister being hugged by his father, so he also flew to the tree, asking Chen Tianhao to hug her.

It's just that his son is already old, and his whole body is more than one meter long, so he couldn't be held in his arms, so he was put on the branch.

After the two little guys came, Chen Tianhua opened his eyes, teased the daughter in Chen Tianhao's arms with his hands, and said with a smile: "Little princess, come, have a laugh."

The little princess in his arms was not afraid either, and laughed heartily in Chen Tianhao's arms.

Chen Tianhua teased the little boy at the side again, it was obvious that Chen Tianhua liked these two little guys very much.

"What did you name them both?"

Chen Tianhua did not know where to get a circle made of flowers, put it on the little girl's head, and made the little girl laugh again.

"My daughter's name is Chen Ling, and my son's name is Chen Feng."

The human beings in the tribe don't have their own names yet, but the names of Chen Yi and Chen Er have been handed down, but they only regard this name as an honor, and they don't have the concept of names now.

"The speed of naming is so fast. Have you already figured out what your children's names will be?"

Chen Tianhua's eyes widened. In the memories he copied, it seemed that he had never seen such a memory.

"Hey, my little princess, your name will be Chen Ling from now on, do you think it sounds nice?" Chen Tianhao hugged Chen Ling with both hands, and smiled very happily. Just now, he was depressed that the system upgrade was too slow. .

Then he turned his head and said to the son next to him: "You will be called Chen Feng from now on, I hope you will be as sharp as a blade in the future."

When Chen Feng heard that his sister had a name and he didn't have a name just now, he was secretly sullen, but when he heard that Chen Tianhao had chosen a name for himself, he immediately smiled.

Flying down from the tree, apparently went to find other friends to show off his name.

(End of this chapter)

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