spore evolution

Chapter 166 Pottery Making

Chapter 166 Pottery Making
It has been four days since Chen Tianhao returned to the tribe, and he still hasn't heard the news that the system upgrade is complete.

He sometimes wonders if the system has abandoned him. After entering the tribal era, he can only rely on himself to lead his race to survive and evolve.

Unexpectedly, the system couldn't provide corresponding help, so he had to do it by himself and have enough food and clothing.

Today he is going to make pottery, which is the easiest to make.

Pottery is a utensil made of clay or clay that is kneaded and then fired.

For Chen Tianhao's tribe, this is the simplest production tool. When there was fire in the past, Chen Tianhao always looked at other creatures to evolve himself.

Pottery is very useful. After it is made, it can hold various things and food, and it can also be fired. During this time, Chen Tianhao is also tired of eating barbecue.

Any kind of delicious food, if you eat it every meal, you will get tired of it.

Today, Chen Tianhao taught everyone how to make pottery in the open space in front of the cave.

The main material of pottery is clay, which is the least valuable around here. It can be dug everywhere, and it is the freshest clay.

"Everyone is watching, mix this soil with water, and then..."

While talking, Chen Tianhao was making his first pottery in this world, which was the simplest round pottery.

The people around all stared wide-eyed, staring intently at Chen Tianhao in the middle, for fear of missing a certain action in the blink of an eye.

It’s just that he doesn’t have tools, so he can only make it by feeling. It’s not very round, it’s more like an oval shape, but he managed to make the first pottery.

"Do you understand?"

Chen Tianhao looked awkwardly at the pottery in his hand that was not too round, then looked around and asked loudly.


The crowd replied in twos and threes.

The process of making this pottery is still very simple, and it is easy for everyone to understand.

"You can make pottery of various shapes according to your own ideas."

Chen Tianhao picked up the first pottery he made and put it on the stone that had been prepared earlier. Under the stone, there were a lot of branches burning underneath.

The most important step in pottery is heating and shaping.

The place where the pottery is fired is a simple stove made by Chen Tianhao. The bottom of the stove is a place for adding firewood, and a space is reserved in the middle, which is used to place pottery. Yes, you can grill all kinds of food, and you can cook other food later.

The earliest pottery was fired directly in the bonfire, but that would make the pottery dirty. This method can effectively avoid the pollution of the pottery by the charcoal.

After Chen Tianhao left, the people around each found a place and started their first pottery making.

Chen Tianhao looked at the situation around him, he was very satisfied that everyone was doing well.

He was afraid that these people would not be able to do it, but to his surprise, they were smart and quickly started to make pottery. Of course, this is also related to the relatively simple process of making pottery.

Chen Tianhao looked at the pottery made by everyone, most of them made pottery with a hollow center just like Chen Tianhao.

But there are also some people who made pottery in other different shapes.

"Dad, can you see how I am doing this?"

Chen Ling's face was covered in mud, and she ran to Chen Tianhao's side bouncing around with a clay figure more than ten centimeters high.

"Looks good, come and bake it for you, Dad."

He took the villain from Chen Ling's hand and put it on the stove just now.

Not to be outdone, Chen Feng took over his own work, his was also different, it also looked like a human being, but he gave him a spear in his hand.

One after another, everyone made their first pottery, but the stove is limited and the firing time is relatively long, so it is impossible to put everyone's works into it for firing.

Chen Tianhao didn't pay much attention to it, he just taught everyone to learn this skill, it is impossible to ask him to teach everything, there are so many things, when will he have to teach them.

He only realized now that without the help of the system, it became much more difficult all of a sudden.

"Brother Tianhua, did you come out to play or to help me?"

Chen Tianhao was very depressed, so he grabbed Chen Tianhua who was about to go out again. Chen Tianhua had been here for several days, and he didn't see any use for him. Instead, he ran here and there every day, as if there was endless work for each job , It's just that this job doesn't seem to have anything to do with him.

"Ann, I'll just play around for a few days. The system hasn't been upgraded yet, so I can't help you for the time being. Why don't you let me experience this beautiful world."

"Then give me a letter, when will the upgrade be completed? Don't use this excuse every time, I don't believe you don't know."

Chen Tianhua waved his hand and said, "If you don't believe it, I can't help it. It's true."

Chen Tianhao didn't know whether Chen Tianhua's words were true or not. Although he was very unreliable in the editing space before, he would still help himself a lot.

Now that he left the editing space, he felt that Chen Tianhua seemed to be a different person, and he didn't give him any help.

Seeing that Chen Tianhao was unhappy, Chen Tianhua patted Chen Tianhao on the shoulder and said, "Ann, I won't tease you, the upgrade will be completed tomorrow morning, and by then, you will be able to enter the stage of rapid development."


Chen Tianhao, who was originally very depressed, immediately brightened his eyes.

"Really, I won't lie to you. Didn't it take you several days to upgrade the editing space before? It's the same now. After you enter the tribal age, many systems will be redone, so the upgrade time will be longer." Chen Tianhua explained.

"From what you say, it seems to be true."

Recalling when I logged in on land, the editing space was indeed as Chen Tianhua said, and it took a long time for the upgrade to succeed.

After the upgrade was successful, many rewards were given, and various functions were activated to allow him to evolve faster in the biological stage.

After receiving the accurate news, Chen Tianhao felt much happier.

In the evening, Chen Tianhao ate the world's first soup.

"Well, it's so delicious."

Enjoying the delicious broth, it has been a long time since I have eaten broth, as if eating an energy fruit, a warm current flows from my mouth into my stomach, and my whole body is warm.

"Dad, I want more."

Chen Ling, who was at the side, had already finished a bowl of broth, holding the wooden bowl and staring at the broth in the pot. It was also the first time for her to drink such a delicious soup. There is such a delicious food in the world.

"Okay, let's have another bowl."

Chen Tianhao took the wooden bowl and filled another bowl.Seeing that the soup in Chen Feng's bowl had been finished, he also filled a bowl for him.

"Brother Tianhua, don't you not eat food?"

Chen Tianhao stared at Chen Tianhua's actions in astonishment.

At this time, Chen Tianhua was also holding a bowl, filling a bowl of soup and drinking it.

In Chen Tianhao's impression, Chen Tianhua is an intelligent robot that only needs energy supply and does not need to eat food.

"Who told you it couldn't be done?"

Without raising his head, Chen Tianhua finished off a bowl of soup in one go, and poured another bowl for himself.

"Hey, slow down, I haven't eaten yet."

(End of this chapter)

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