spore evolution

Chapter 167 System Upgrade Completed

Chapter 167 System Upgrade Completed

early morning.

Fog filled the entire forest, and the sun rose from the east to illuminate the land.

Human beings in this era wake up very early, just after dawn, have already come out of the cave, and start their own work one after another, starting a new day of life.

In this age without entertainment, Chen Tianhao also woke up early from the cave.

The first thing Chen Tianhao did when he got up was to look at the two little guys sleeping next to him happily. This is the first thing Chen Tianhao did when he got up these days.

The sleeping posture of the two brothers and sisters was not good, they slept in a mess, and their fur was also messed up by them, Chen Tianhao hurriedly arranged them together and covered them with fur to avoid catching a cold.

In this day and age, there are no good medical methods, and a small cold can kill a person.The mother of these two little guys died of an illness last year.

Judging from the situation at that time, what she had was actually a simple cold. If Chen Tianhao had come down earlier, maybe she could have been rescued, but it would not have caused these two little guys to live alone with him.

According to Chen Tianhua, the system should be able to be upgraded today, and then it will be the time for vigorous development.

Walking out of the cave, I saw Chen Tianhua standing quietly on the tallest branch next to him. This was his favorite position.

After leaving the editing space, Chen Tianhua would stand there quietly every day when he had nothing to do, and he could see the surrounding situation from there.

But Chen Tianhao knew that Chen Tianhua was not in that position to observe the surrounding situation, or in other words, his main purpose was not to observe the surrounding situation, he just liked to receive the first ray of sunlight in that position.

Chen Tianhao can also understand it. After all, a creature that has been in the editing space for an unknown number of billions of years finally came out. Of course, it is to experience the world well. If Chen Tianhua is not an intelligent creature, but a normal creature, I am afraid that he will soon He was tortured by that loneliness and loneliness until he committed suicide, so Chen Tianhao still understood Chen Tianhua's behavior very well.

The surrounding people who had already gotten up to work saw Chen Tianhao next to him, and greeted him one after another. Chen Tianhao responded one by one, and then stretched out a pair of blue wings made of energy from behind, flying towards Chen Tianhua's position.

When Chen Tianhao stood on it, the branch shook violently a few times, as if the branch was too heavy to bear the weight and was about to break.

The two didn't take this situation seriously, knowing that the weight of the branch was still enough to bear the weight of the two of them. Sure enough, after the branch shook a few times, it finally returned to calm.

"Chen Tianhao, look at how beautiful the scenery is."

Chen Tianhua pointed to the scenery ahead, the sun was rising from the east, and the yellow light shone on the smoky forest, as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

Chen Tianhao was also fascinated by this beautiful scenery. In this world, he has not been polluted, so he looks extraordinarily beautiful. He can see this kind of scenery every day these days, but he has not seen enough, and his face is full of intoxication. : "Yeah, it's really beautiful, and I don't know how long this kind of scenery can last."

"It's up to you."

"Yes, but if it develops in the future, it will definitely be destroyed."

"There is damage, but it is manageable."

The two of them were speechless, and quietly continued to appreciate the scenery in front of them.

The sun gradually rose up, and under the sunlight, the fog in the forest dissipated a lot, revealing the original appearance of the forest.

"Brother Tianhua, why hasn't there been any news about the system upgrade?"

Chen Tianhao has been waiting for the news of the completion of the system upgrade, but he waited and waited and waited for the result, and now the sun is already high, which has exceeded the time Chen Tianhua said yesterday, and the original calmness can no longer be restrained.

It's not that he can't lead his race to develop without the system. After upgrading the system as soon as possible, the race will develop at a faster speed.

Chen Tianhua smiled slightly: "Hehe, I finally couldn't help it anymore, I thought you could hold it until noon."

Looking at Chen Tianhua's human-like smile, if Chen Tianhao didn't know that Chen Tianhua was just an intelligent creature, he would probably treat him like a normal person. Why do we need to look for other creatures?
Chen Tianhao's thoughts returned to the present, no matter what kind of conspiracy the God of System has, the most important thing is to quickly develop his own strength, "Hurry up, I can't wait, it's been a long time since what you said yesterday gone."

"Isn't the error normal? Now it has reached 99%, and it will be fine immediately."

Chen Tianhua did not turn his head, and continued to observe the scenery in front of him, but he still answered Chen Tianhao's question immediately.


Just after Chen Tianhua finished speaking, Chen Tianhao heard a mechanical voice in his mind, "The system upgrade is complete."

Hearing this voice, Chen Tianhao immediately checked his system interface. Before the upgrade, there was a blue bottom frame showing "system upgrade".

Opening it this time, the damn five words finally disappeared from the interface, replaced by a new interface, which is still familiar to Chen Tianhao.

What caught his eyes was the system update prompt, which appeared directly in his eyes without him opening it.

Chen Tianhao carefully checked the information, this update prompt is the main update content this time.

"Congratulations on entering the tribal era. You have just left the novice period. Are you ready for the next challenge? It doesn't matter if you are not ready, the real challenge has already begun anyway."

"The main updates are as follows:
1. Added the main task of the Tribal Era - to establish a country.

2. Update the 'task system', 'integral system', 'skill system', 'achievement system' and 'mall system'.

3. Added 'building system' and 'personal system'. "

After hearing Chen Tianhua say that the system upgrade would bring a wave of rapid development to his race, Chen Tianhao thought that there would be a lot of content in this update. After reading the update content, he felt that he had been deceived.

Just added two systems, and looking at the description, one is the "personal system", which must have little impact on the development of the race. It is the "building system".

As for the other updates, they have been ignored by Chen Tianhualili.

Looking at Chen Tianhao's constipated expression, Chen Tianhua didn't know what he was thinking, and said: "Keep reading, don't be fooled by appearances, this update will indeed be of great help to you."

Chen Tianhao continued to observe the update content of the system, and when he clicked on the details, he was overjoyed.

Brother Tianhua, you really didn't lie to me.

(End of this chapter)

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