spore evolution

Chapter 168 System Upgrade Completed

Chapter 168 System Upgrade Completed

"Building system: provide a large number of functional buildings for development, please explore the specific functions by yourself."

Chen Tianhao is used to the urine of the system, so please explore everything by yourself.

The simple introduction did not surprise him at all, what excited him was the several buildings provided under the building system.

Tribal centers, research and development centers, residential buildings, military camps, logging camps, mining sites, farmland, workshops.

This series of buildings are all displayed on the system interface. These buildings are built with some trees and furs, which has the flavor of primitive tribes.

But this is in line with the current situation. Chen Tianhao hopes to have a more advanced building, such as a high-rise building or something.

Among the eight types of buildings currently provided by the system, only the tribal center and the R&D center are selectable, and the others are not selectable.

Tribal Center: Exchange price: 500 points.

Explanation: The main basis for the improvement of other buildings is that they have a certain storage space and a certain defense function. When people enter the building, all attributes will be increased by 10%.

According to Chen Tianhao's previous experience in playing games, this tribal center must be the most important building and must be well protected.

R&D Center: Exchange price: 100 points.

Description: The main source of other buildings.

The introduction is very simple, but its name reveals that it is not simple, but the specific use effect, you have to wait for the specific use to slowly ponder.

I took a rough look at the other buildings. Chen Tianhao, who has game experience in his previous life, saw the names of the buildings and already knew their functions, but he was worried and checked again.

After all, a game is a game. Although this world is also like a game, but he has lived here for so long, everything is so real, and he is afraid that something special will happen.

After reading it, I feel okay, everything is still familiar to him.

In fact, it was Chen Tianhao himself who was overthinking. The system has always provided some help according to the interface he is familiar with. Even the interface is in the Chinese language he is familiar with, but he has not paid attention to it, and replaced it with other people to carry out this test. , must be another appearance.

Personal system:

Name: Chen Tianhao
Sex: Male
Constitution: 15 (human race standard value: 10)

Spiritual power: 13 (human standard value: 10)

Strength: 15 (Tyran: 10)

Dexterity: 15 (Tyran: 10)

Active Skills: Lightning Magic, Corrosive Liquid, Demonization, Gathering
Passive Skills: Charm, Telepathy

Possessed props: authenticator, all maps

Possess points: 500 points

"Brother Tianhua, there doesn't seem to be anything special about the personal system, it just isolates the previous state."

Chen Tianhao found that apart from the conversion of some data and the addition of a prop for a whole series of maps, nothing special happened.

Chen Tianhua spread his hands helplessly and said with a wry smile: "You can't become a fat man in one go, everything develops slowly, the whole map alone will give you a great help, think about having a map, where are the resources, You know it all, isn't it enough in this day and age?"

"That's enough, but if there are more, that would be even better." Chen Tianhao said with a sneer.

"Greedy enough, be careful that the system will take all these back, and then rely on yourself to develop slowly." Chen Tianhua glanced at him, and continued to appreciate his beautiful scenery, as if he wanted to impress this beautiful scenery deeply on his heart. In his mind, perhaps this scene has long been recorded in his memory.

Seeing that Chen Tianhua ignored him, Chen Tianhao continued to browse other updated content.

Task system, point system, skill system, achievement system, mall system, these systems are generally similar to before, but they have become more in line with the development of the tribal era.

For example, in the shopping mall system, the items in it have been greatly updated and divided into several categories, but most of them are blueprints, such as residential buildings, military camps, logging camps, mining farms, etc. in the building system. drawings.

It turns out that these buildings need blueprints to be built, but these blueprints can be exchanged for a lot of points. The exchange price of the cheapest residential house blueprints requires 100 points.

For Chen Tianhao who only has 500 points, 100 points has already reached 20% of his total assets, which is not a small amount.

These 500 points are the points he got from teaching humans to make simple pottery. I don’t know if the points in the biological age are shared with the present. At that time, the points were used completely, and now I don’t see any connection. .

But according to the past situation, it probably won't matter much.

It is said that it is a living house, it looks like it, it is simply surrounded by wood, and then some unknown grass is added on the top, a simple thatched house.

Such a thatched cottage blueprint actually needs 100 points to exchange, and it needs to be researched and developed in the R&D center, and more points are needed for research and development.

Chen Tianhao felt that it was impossible for him to be so prodigal to get such a living house. The points are very useful, and they must be used for other places that are more needed.

But when he saw the properties of this living house, he immediately abandoned his previous idea, thinking that he had to figure it out first.

Living house: It has the effect of warming in winter and cooling in summer, and humans live in this house, and injuries will be slowly recovered.

In this era of urgent medical care and a small cold can take away a fresh life, treatment is the most important.

Owning this living room can greatly improve the survivability of human beings. Of course, this survivability does not refer to the invasion of other organisms, but mainly refers to the troubles of injuries and diseases. Evolved from single cells.

Temporarily suppress the mood of building a living house immediately, continue to read other information, the more you read, the more difficult it becomes, and it is really useful.

Other buildings basically have special functions, but the specific functions can only be tested when they are used.

Looking at the exchange prices of those buildings, each price is a fortune for him now.

The system pit is a bit pitted, but generally speaking, it is relatively friendly, the price is higher, and the performance must be quite good.

Looking at the skill column again, the skill column is also different. It is not purely harmful skills, but also divided into many types, such as: auxiliary skills, administrative skills, social skills, etc.

But these skills are currently empty, there is not a single skill, and they need to wait for Chen Tianhao to discover.

(End of this chapter)

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