spore evolution

Chapter 169 Tribal Center

Chapter 169 Tribal Center
Most of the updates have been checked, and finally the task system is checked.

The task system has not changed much, there are still only two tasks under the task bar.

Main task: lead the race to become an existence that can break through the barriers of the universe, no matter in any way (including but not limited to individual strength, technological ability or other abilities)
Horde stage main task:

Mission name: Form a country.

Mission description: To become the overlord of one party, you can develop better only if you have enough territory, enough population, and a stable regime.

Mission requirements:

1. Conquer other nearby tribes and make the territory controlled by yourself reach 100 million square kilometers.

2. Have a stable regime.

3. The ruling population in the territory reaches 100 million.

Task rewards: can be overfulfilled, the more the excess, the better the rewards, and the specific rewards will be issued in the next stage.

Before looking at the mission conditions, Chen Tianhao had already made some mental preparations. Establishing a country would definitely not be an easy task.

But when he saw the mission conditions, he was dumbfounded.

100 million square kilometers, how big is this area.You must know that the territory of China in the previous life was only 960 million square kilometers, and 100 million square kilometers has already reached one-tenth of the territory of China in the previous life.

Don't underestimate the 100 million square kilometers, which is enough to cover several provinces, much larger than most countries on earth at that time.

"Brother Tianhua, isn't this a scam? The territory has reached 100 million square kilometers. There is also a population of 100 million. Now there are only 2000 people. When will we get there?"

Chen Tianhao couldn't help complaining that neither of these two mission conditions could be completed easily.

"Calm down, it's not for you to complete this task at once, there will always be time to complete it slowly." Chen Tianhua said lightly, "You are used to the previous system that omits time for you, and now you are asked to develop step by step. I can’t take it anymore. Besides, there are so many buildings to help you, go conquer them, their territory will become your territory, and the mission requirements will be met soon.”

Chen Tianhao's eyes lit up when he heard that, yes, why didn't he think of it, he always thought that he would develop slowly, if he conquered other races, he would definitely improve a lot faster.

Of course, the premise of conquest is to have enough powerful force, without the guarantee of strong force, everything is imaginary.

No longer obsessed with the difficulty of the task, the overall update content has been checked, but Chen Tianhao feels like he is missing something.

Chen Tianhao forgot that he was still on the branch, he chopped off his foot abruptly, and shouted loudly: "I know where it is, reward."

The branch, which was already unbearable, was broken from the weak point with a "pop" under Chen Tianhao's stomping.

"Ah, boy, what are you doing?"

Chen Tianhua didn't pay attention, and accidentally fell from the branch. Fortunately, he had a flying function, so he wouldn't fall directly to the bottom of the tree.


The broken branch finally fell under the tree after several collisions. At this time, no one was playing under the tree, and no one was hit. If it was later, like before, those little guys were playing under the tree, I am afraid it would not be so simple up.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Brother Tianhua, I suddenly thought of an important thing."

Chen Tianhao hurriedly flew to Chen Tianhua's side to apologize.

"What's the matter? I was surprised."

He didn't continue to stand on the branch and flew back to the ground.

Chen Tianhao asked suspiciously: "Brother Tianhua, why is there no reward for this system upgrade? Like before, there were rewards."

"Why are there no rewards? My being able to come to the real world this time is one of them."

"You count this as a reward?" Chen Tianhao's eyes widened, but under Chen Tianhua's glaring, he compromised, but he grabbed one of them just now, "Okay, forget it, what about the other rewards? Why didn't I see it. "

"You're blind, do you think that holographic map was given to you for free?"

"Okay, this is also counted, is there any more?"



After understanding the entire upgrade, I didn't care about other functions. Some things still have to wait for actual use to get accurate information.

The two returned to the cave and prepared breakfast. After breakfast, Chen Tianhao's tribal development officially started.

Chen Tianhao first exchanged for the tribal center, and a message popped up immediately.

"Please choose a place to build."

A holographic map appeared in front of Chen Tianhao's eyes, a lifelike map appeared in front of his eyes, and this map was a real-time map, as if there was a satellite that was always running in the sky.

No, it is much more powerful than satellites. Chen Tianhao is no stranger to this state. His mental detection is like this, as if he has 360-degree eyes, but this map is much larger.

However, this map is not unlimited. Now Chen Tianhao only sees the place where his tribe is located. This place is about five kilometers in radius. The map beyond this range is all gray, just like playing a game. There was a fog of war.

After many times of understanding, Chen Tianhao also probably knows the general rules of this holographic map. Only the territory belonging to him will be displayed. As for the resources mentioned by Chen Tianhua, he has also found them, but the above only shows wood, so it should be necessary to find the corresponding resources. only then.

Where should I choose?

It is actually the center, so we must choose a flat place.

Chen Tianhao found a relatively flat place not far from the cave, and put it down.

"Warning, there are trees in this place, please clean it before building."

Let me go, it needs to be cleaned up before it can be built. I thought the system could directly turn this place into a tribal center.

Chen Tianhao immediately organized some clansmen to clear the trees where he needed to build the tribal center.

Fortunately, the area occupied by the tribal center is not particularly large. Under the attack of the electric ball, the area was cleaned up at once. Of course, this cleanup only means that there are no trees in this area. The scorched land cannot be called "clean".

Chen Tianhao opened the holographic map again and placed the tribe center at the designated location. A green box appeared at the bottom, which indicated that it could be built here.

After putting down the tribal center, a virtual tribal center appeared at that position, which was exactly what Chen Tianhao saw on the system interface.

There is a faint green light around the center of the tribe, and then it is being built at a speed visible to the naked eye. There is no board by board, but it is slowly presented from the bottom to the top, just like a teleporter, just build up Good buildings are teleported to this designated location from other places.

Everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them. They all looked at Chen Tianhao with admiration. Sure enough, after the legendary feeling came, the race would undergo a major development. The ancients did not deceive me.

All of this happened after Chen Tianhao came, and those clansmen also knew that the miraculous building before them was brought by the latest chief.

Chen Tianhao was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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