spore evolution

Chapter 170 Completed

Chapter 170 Completed
There is no timing tool now, and it is impossible to accurately grasp the time.

However, according to Chen Tianhao's own estimate, after about 5 minutes, the green light dissipated, and a simple thatched cottage appeared in front of Chen Tianhao's eyes.

The tribal center is dilapidated, at least on the outside. There is a plaque on the wooden door that says "tribal center" in Chinese characters, indicating that the building is a tribal center.

A gust of wind blew by, and the messy wooden planks around the thatched cottage were blown creakingly. Chen Tianhao was afraid that if the wind was stronger, it would fall off from the top.

Suddenly the wind picked up a lot, and the plank shook even more. What Chen Tianhao was worried about didn't happen, and the plank was still hanging firmly on it.

Chen Tianhao took the lead to come to the main entrance of the tribal center. He said it was the main entrance, but it was actually separated by a simple wooden board.

Pushing open the door, the inside is empty, there is nothing inside.

Chen Tianhao keenly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with this space, and turned his head to Chen Tianhua who was beside him and asked, "Hey, brother Tianhua, the space inside is much bigger than it looks."

"You found out that it is indeed larger than it looks from the outside. The ratio of the space inside to the occupied area is 2:1. Now it is just the most common and lowest-level tribal center. It can be upgraded in the future. After you upgrade, you will There are larger proportions."

I don't know if it was Chen Tianhao's illusion, but he felt that after the system upgrade, Chen Tianhua actually answered his questions honestly. In the past, he was always reluctant to answer directly when things related to the system.

Hearing Chen Tianhua answer his own question, Chen Tianhao took advantage of the situation and said, "Brother Tianhua, this house is empty, what is the specific effect?"

Chen Tianhua didn't know what his plan was, but he still explained: "You can treat him as an ordinary room, or as an office, empty, and you can arrange the furniture by yourself. As for the effect, besides In addition to the information you have seen before, it is still a tasteless thing for you now, that is, this office area can provide work efficiency."

"Improve office efficiency? Well, for a tribe with a population of only 2000, it is indeed a tasteless thing, but there is not a task condition in the task, which needs to establish a stable regime. At that time, this was a good thing."

When Chen Tianhao and the others were discussing, the people on the side also rushed in, looking at this house happily. This house was much better than the dark and cold cave they were in.

As soon as you enter this house, you will feel cool and bright, which is a rare and good place.

These people have lived in the cave for too long, and when they saw such a good place, they were all envious, and even the miracle of the tribal center just built was forgotten by them.

"Hey, don't touch it, this is not a place to live."

Interrupted one of them was very curious and was about to try the walls of this room with his fist.

After driving out the people in the tribal center, Chen Tianhao closed the door and told the people around: "Without my order, no one is allowed to enter this room in the future."

The things produced by the system are still guaranteed, but who knows which bastard will suddenly come to this tribal center, it will look good, it’s better if the room is harder, if someone accidentally breaks it, it will be safe at that time. There was no place for him to cry.

This tribal center is the top priority of everything, and there is no corresponding architectural drawing in the mall, and there is no place to repair it if it is broken.

Everyone responded, "Okay."

After everyone answered, they all looked angrily at the person who angered Chen Tianhao just now, that was him, otherwise they could have stayed in that room for a while longer, the comfortable feeling made everyone unforgettable.

Chen Tianhao still has prestige in this tribe, so after giving orders, he doesn't have to worry about any reckless people coming here.

"Points, I need a lot of points. Brother Tianhua, how can I get a lot of points?"

After experiencing the magic of the Tribal Center, Chen Tianhao immediately wants to build other buildings, but he only has 500 points, and the construction of the Tribal Center requires 500 points, which has already cost all his property. This is because the Tribal Center does not need to buy blueprints , otherwise, it is not enough to build a building.

At this time, he was extremely eager to obtain points.

Compared to Chen Tianhao's eagerness, Chen Tianhua seemed very leisurely. He got a flower from somewhere in his hand, put it to his nose and sniffed it, and then said slowly: "It's very easy to get points. Currently, there are two ways to increase points." .”

Chen Tianhao's eyes glowed: "Which two ways?"

I don't know if there is anything special about this flower, Chen Tianhua has been holding that flower and refuses to let it go, "Complete the task and get the achievement."

mission accomplished?Achievements?
Chen Tianhao also knew about these two ways. In the age of creatures, these two ways were used to earn points. However, when I checked before, there were only main tasks in the task column, and there were no other tasks.

Is the only way to get achievements?
It's just that this achievement system is different from what he imagined. It doesn't tell you how to get it. Only when certain conditions are triggered, you will get the achievement, and then deduce the unexamined achievements based on the existing achievements.

He used to rely on this method to obtain achievements, but most of the time he obtained points by completing tasks, and the achievement points were just incidental.

Chen Tianhua saw that Chen Tianhao hadn't responded for a long time, so he put down the flower in his hand, "Hey, what are you thinking? Why are you still standing there?"

The two have communicated in the editing space for a long time, and they are already used to their own communication. Chen Tianhao does not regard Chen Tianhua as a robot, but as a brother, and Chen Tianhua is the same. As long as the information is not limited by the system, usually The situation will still be disclosed to Chen Tianhao on his own initiative.

"Ah, what's the matter?" Chen Tianhao was also in a daze, unable to hear what Chen Tianhua said.

"I said, you should develop a good habit of checking the system interface. Now you have enough points to continue building the R&D center." Chen Tianhua was about to die of anger. He didn't feel that Chen Tianhao was so stupid before. Nothing will happen.

"Really?" Chen Tianhao's eyes lit up, and he quickly opened the system interface.

Under normal circumstances, the system interface is hidden in a corner on one side. Only when necessary, it will reappear on Chen Tianhao's retina when summoned. This is more convenient and safer, and it will not appear suddenly during battle Create an interface.

Checking the system information, it turned out that when the Tribal Center was built, an achievement was completed and 500 points were obtained.

It may be intentional by the system, the construction points of the R&D center also need 500 points, and the 500 points obtained by completing the tribe center just become the points for building the R&D center.

As for how to build buildings, Chen Tianhao already has experience in building tribal centers.

He built the R&D center next to the Tribal Center, where the previously cleared area was large enough to not need to be re-cleared.

Under everyone's gaze, another thatched cottage was built, its shape was about the size of the tribal center, the difference was that the door plaque said "R&D Center".

(End of this chapter)

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