spore evolution

Chapter 172 Research Skill Classification

Chapter 172 Research Skill Classification

The speed of the test is very fast, from entering the research center to leaving, it takes about 1 minute.

After testing all the people around the research center, it took a while before people came over one after another.

The people who came from behind were still waiting for Chen Tianhao's announcement. Chen Tianhao pulled them over and stuffed them into the research center for testing.

Because, at most, only four people can be provided for the test at the same time. The basic test of 2000 people made Chen Tianhao busy from morning to finish, so busy that he even settled for lunch at the entrance of the research center.

After seeing off the last batch of testers, Chen Tianhao was so tired that he lay down on the table. In fact, in this research center, under this special effect, the physical exhaustion was not so severe, and the main reason was physical and mental exhaustion.

Chen Tianhao straightened his body and sat on the chair, rubbed his temples with both hands, and asked wearily: "Brother Tianhua, how did the test go?"

After Chen Ling and Chen Feng finished the test, they also came in and sat on the chair next to Chen Tianhao. They also finished the test early. Obviously, the comfortable feeling of this room made them unforgettable.Seeing that there was no longer a test, the two hurried over.

Chen Tianhua also likes Chen Ling and Chen Feng very much. When he saw the two of them coming, he got up and hugged them to sit on the chairs, and then replied: "The result of this basic test is beyond my expectation. It is better than I imagined." much more”

After a pause, Chen Tianhua continued: "Among the 2000 people, one person with advanced research skills was discovered, 20 people with intermediate research skills, and 100 talents with elementary research skills."

It sounds like the proportion of people with research skills is not much, only about 10% of the entire race, but when Chen Tianhao knew that under normal circumstances, 1% of the people with research skills is considered very remarkable, he felt that he Really hit the jackpot.

In particular, he also possesses an advanced research skill, which is not easy to possess. This person is a genius in the research world, the Einstein of the research world.

Through Chen Tianhua's introduction, Chen Tianhao has roughly understood the usefulness of research at all levels for research.

Primary research skills can increase the success rate by 5% for ordinary research affairs. If there are four people, it can increase the success rate by 20% now. Of course, the research beyond the limit of ability, primary skills can not get any help.

Intermediate-level research skills increase the success rate by 5% for intermediate-level research tasks, and have a success rate bonus for low-level research tasks, which can reach a 10% success rate.

Advanced Research Skills Increases the success rate by 5% for advanced research affairs, and increases the success rate by 10% and 20% for intermediate and low levels.

The difference between advanced and elementary and intermediate is that advanced research skills are no longer ineffective for the research of affairs beyond their own level, but have a certain success rate, which is specifically related to the researched items.

In other words, if you let someone with advanced research skills study computers, there is a certain chance that they will be able to research them, but the premise of all this is that he needs to understand the corresponding pre-technology, or he will not be able to research it until he dies. .

More advanced research skills have not yet been obtained, and Chen Tianhao does not know the specific effect at present, but I am afraid that the effect will not be too small.

The information of 2000 people has already been entered into Chen Tianhua's information, and Chen Tianhao can already query these information through the system.

Find out who the person with this advanced research skill is.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

It turned out that this person with advanced research skills was actually Chen Yi. It was completely unexpected that Chen Yi, a tall and mighty warrior, would have such talent.

He changed Chen Tianhao's definition of a simple mind with well-developed limbs.

What surprised him even more was that his daughter, Chen Ling, also had intermediate research skills, but his son was not interested in research, and didn't even have elementary skills.

Taking a closer look at the people with research skills, it was found that most of the people with intermediate research skills were children or teenagers, accounting for nearly 80%, while adults accounted for only 20%.

Young people have a relatively high acceptance of new things, while adults have a little understanding of the world, and their acceptance of new things is relatively low.

But this is not the only possibility, there are more reasons, the specific impact is not known.

Perhaps for research, they are not interested, for others, they may behave very well.

"Ling'er, do you like it here?"

Chen Tianhao patted Chen Ling's head and asked gently.

Chen Ling raised her head and replied happily: "I like it, Ling'er likes this place the most."

"It's good if you like it, then you can drum up what you have learned during the day, okay?"

"Hee hee, okay!" Chen Ling replied happily.

Chen Feng, who was at the side, saw that his sister could stay in this comfortable place, but he didn't get permission, so he said coquettishly, "Father, I want to play here too."

He was not particularly interested in those tests during the day, he thought that his sister Chen Ling was in this comfortable room for playing, and thinking of being able to play in this comfortable room, he also wanted to stay.

"Hey, I'll take you to play in another place. Can I give this room to my sister?" Chen Tianhao didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't refuse his little request, but asked him to turn his attention to another room. place.

The tribal center, which is currently empty, also has the effect of warming in winter and cooling in summer, and it is a place to play.

"Okay." The small request in Chen Feng's heart was satisfied, he jumped off the chair, and ran around happily.

It was getting late, so Chen Tianhao made a simple dinner. With pottery in hand, he cooked a pot of soup and a pot of porridge, so he could settle whatever he wanted.

Today, two buildings were built. Thinking of the empty space in the tribal center, Chen Tianhao felt that it should not be wasted. He brought Chen Feng and Chen Ling and some furs to the tribal center to spend the night.

Chen Tianhao thought that the tribal center would be completely dark at night, but when he came here, he found that the tattered wooden plank could emit a weak light, making the tribal center look like daytime.

The happiest ones belonged to Chen Feng and Chen Ling, they both wanted to be here a long time ago.

No matter the two of them were alive and kicking in the room, Chen Tianhao continued to observe the mission through the long night.

Now he feels that it is imminent to improve the living environment of the tribe.

After the research center was built, the system awarded another 500 points, and 100 points were used to purchase architectural drawings of residential buildings in the mall.

However, if you want to build a living house, you need to spend 100 points in the research center to research the living house, and then use 100 points to build it.

That is to say, it takes 300 points to build a new living house, but the advantage is that after research, only 100 points are needed to build a living house.

Look at the two people who are tired from playing around, lying on the ground and sleeping.

"Turn off the lights."

The light at the center of the tribe disappeared from the darkness, and the forest fell into darkness again.

(End of this chapter)

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