spore evolution

Chapter 173 Living House

Chapter 173 Living House
"Ling'er, would you like to go to this place with Uncle Chen Yi today?" Chen Tianhao held Chen Ling's little hand with his right hand and stood at the entrance of the research center. Behind him were Chen Yi and two others with intermediate research skills. people.

As the first task of the research center, apart from Chen Yi who has advanced research skills, the other three candidates all chose teenagers as researchers, and the youngest of them was his daughter Chen Ling, who was only a little over three years old.

According to the previous life, a child of this age is still acting like a baby in the arms of his parents.

Of course, now Chen Ling spends most of her time acting like a baby to Chen Tianhao, but since the system has determined that she has intermediate research skills, he wants to try to see if such a young child has any research effects.

If so, that would be cool, most of the people with research skills are young.

Research skills are not static. After successful research, he will gradually improve his ability. This means that he has a large reserve of talents. This will not prevent some research from being unable to continue after one person is missing.

The other two teenagers, one is 13 years old and the other is 15 years old. The 13-year-old is named Chen Baiyun, and the 15-year-old is named Chen Shitou.

Human beings at this time did not have the concept of surnames, but in this tribe, everyone habitually used Chen as their surname, and then used some common names as their own names, which became their names.

At this time, Chen Baiyun and Chen Shitou were standing behind Chen Tianhao excitedly. When they passed the basic test yesterday, they were fascinated by the things inside. When they left, they were still reluctant to part, wondering when they could go again. in.

Unexpectedly, the patriarch would let the two of them be the first batch of researchers. When Chen Yi went to tell them, they were still having breakfast. When they heard the news, they were stunned.

Putting down the food in his hand, he followed.

"Okay, that's great. I've wanted to go there for a long time." Chen Ling replied bouncingly.

Apparently she understands research work as playing. In her world, all these things can be played, including various tools inside.

Chen Tianhao turned around and handed the blueprint in his hand to Chen Yi, and said, "I'll leave this blueprint to you. You lead the three of them to research this, and the livelihood of the tribe depends on you."

This blueprint was exchanged by Chen Tianhao from the mall this morning. He always thought that the exchanged blueprint should be the same as before, and it can be used directly in the research center.

Unexpectedly, the blueprint exchanged was really a blueprint, and it was a paper architectural drawing, which shocked him.

After looking at the drawing, it is indeed an ordinary drawing. The drawing is very simple, and it tells how to build a wooden house.

He doubts that just such a blueprint can really make people who are illiterate and have few concepts learn to build houses?

According to Chen Tianhua, as long as you throw these things to them, the system will naturally have a way for them to learn, and they are far smarter than imagined.

"Okay, I will definitely research this set of blueprints and let the clansmen live in this kind of house."

Chen Yi took the blueprints calmly. In fact, compared with research, he prefers fighting, but he also knows that his own research skills are the most advanced in the clan, and this burden must fall on him.

And living in the damp place of the cave, he also hoped that everyone could live in a clean house, so he didn't refuse.

Chen Yi and the other four had just entered the research center, and the system immediately popped up a message prompt.

Research Mission: Residential Premises

Research Explanation: It is the lowest living house, and the wooden boards on all sides give you the most secure protection, and it is your warmest home.

Number of researchers: 4 people

Estimated completion time: 3 days

Estimated success rate: 100% (original success rate 70% + bonus success rate 50%) (more than 100% must be successful.)
After Chen Tianhua's reminder last time, Chen Tianhao reset the message reminder, and all the information was filtered by Chen Tianhua before being delivered to him.

Chen Tianhua was originally an assistant assigned by the system, and now it's a trivial matter to deal with these problems. After Chen Tianhua's layer of filtering, Chen Tianhao will neither miss some important information nor be covered by some spam information.

Seeing the information prompt, he knew that this research was bound to be successful, and as he thought, Chen Ling was also effective in the research process.

The benefits of having advanced research skills can even be seen from this information.

The residential housing project is a low-level project with an original success rate of 70%. If there are four people with primary research skills to study this project, the success rate of the entire project will become 90%. The success rate of 90% It seems high, but there is still a possibility of failure.

But now it's different, for Chen Yi and the others who have intermediate and advanced research skills, they can directly increase the success rate to 100%, which means success is guaranteed.

No wonder Chen Tianhua said that he was very lucky. This 100% success rate saved him a lot of worry. He may not be able to see anything in the low-level projects now, but when he studies the high-level projects or even more advanced projects, this will be obvious.

It takes 100 points to study once, and if it fails, another 100 points are needed to re-study.

Chen Tianhao has already foreseen that his points will be very scarce in the future, so he can save a little bit.

The research task has been on the right track, Chen Tianhao didn't continue to pay attention, and only waited for the success of the research in three days.

"Tianhao, I suggest that you first obtain a large amount of wood in the next three days, and find a location for the house to be built." Chen Tianhua walked aside and suggested.

"Lots of wood?"

Chen Tianhao understands how to find a good location for building a house, but why do we still need a lot of wood?
Chen Tianhua stared at Chen Tianhao with wide eyes, and involuntarily raised his voice, "Do you want to use all the points to build a house?"

Chen Tianhao replied in surprise: "Isn't it?"

He always thought that after successful research, he would need to redeem points, just like building a tribal center and R&D center street.

He was still worrying about how to get more points. A house with 2000 people is not a matter of two rooms. There are few people now, but when there are more people, no amount of points will be enough.

He even planned to teach them to build some houses to live in first. He didn't understand exquisite houses, but simple wooden houses were still possible.

Hearing Chen Tianhua's question at this time, he knew that something must have happened that he didn't know about.

This is how the system is fucked, most of the information is hidden, and only when you meet the trigger conditions will it give you a certain reminder.

(End of this chapter)

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