spore evolution

Chapter 174 Logging

Chapter 174 Logging
"Of course not. A house for 4 people has been calculated. A house for 2000 people needs 500 houses. How many points do you have to redeem?" Chen Tianhua was also defeated by Chen Tianhao's plan to prodigal, "And it's just you The current number of people in the tribe, there will be more people in the future, do you want to exchange them all?"

"Of course not, Brother Tianhua, do you have any suggestions?"

"Now you are asked to prepare a large amount of wood, just to build a house after the research is successful." Chen Tianhua paused for a while, then continued, "The most important function of research is to unlock. After you succeed in research in the research center, let Your clansmen can build these buildings by studying them. Except for some necessary buildings, I suggest you use points to redeem them, and some ordinary buildings should be built according to ordinary methods.”

Chen Tianhao nodded and said: "So that's the case, and there's this reason here, so is their learning to build buildings the same as studying and researching?"

If you can still use the method of testing research skills, it will not be too convenient.

Chen Tianhua shook his head and said, "Of course you can, but don't overthink it. The previous test in the research center was just for your convenience, and the system provided a free operation. If you still want this learning method, you need to spend 100 points Let a tribe learn this method of construction."

"I'll go, it's a waste, isn't it similar to exchanging it with me directly? Isn't there a free learning method? It's okay to take a longer time."

Knowing the pitfalls of the system, he didn't expect such pitfalls. Every step requires points. Looking at the pitiful 500 points, Chen Tianhao's head is about to explode.

"Yes, after you establish a school, you can learn this knowledge from the school for free, but for now, it's too early for you, you should rest assured to fix the location and wood, and get through the present Let's talk about the predicament." Chen Tianhua suggested.

There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to acquire knowledge quickly, you must pay a corresponding price.

With the help of the system, you can quickly acquire knowledge, even if you spend more points, it is worth it.

The research on residential housing has just begun, and it will take some time until the successful research is completed.

Chen Tianhao opened the holographic map, he needed to find a better location as a residential area.

Having a good urban planning will make life more beautiful.

The holographic map is very convenient to operate, just like the previous sci-fi movies, you can zoom in and zoom out with just a flick of your hand.

Chen Tianhao chose the right side of the tribal center, where there is a large flat area, it is not a problem to place tens of thousands of houses, and it also provides a place for adding houses in the future.

Let Chen Er call 200 people, take the bone axe, and go to the place to be dealt with.

The bone ax is made of the forelimb of the bone lizard with a wooden handle.

The forelimbs of the ancient lizard were natural bone knives, just like the lightning beast that Chen Tianhao worshiped in the desert. The bones of the ancient lizard were very hard, harder than most stones, and comparable to ordinary bronze wares.

Chen Tianhao's tribe made various tools from the bones of ancient lizards. Now it is difficult to see the existence of ancient lizards around the tribal territory, and traces of ancient lizards can only be seen in farther places.

Chen Tianhao stood on the right side of the tribe center, pointed to the trees in front, and said proudly: "Brothers, cut down all the trees in front."

Then he walked to a nearby open space and said, "After removing the branches, bring them over here."

If it is just to clean up an open space, using electric balls is the best way, just like when building the tribe center before, one electric ball went down and the trees in the entire area were burnt.

Now that the wood is needed to build a house, it is natural that this barbaric method can no longer be used.

Following Chen Tianhao's order, 200 people each looked for their targets and began to cut down trees and clean up the site.

Chen Feng had no one to play with, and saw that his younger sister could help his father, but he had nothing to do, so he picked up a bone ax from somewhere, walked to Chen Tianhao, looked at Chen Tianhao with hopeful eyes and said, "Dad, I'm going to chop it too. Tree."

"Go get it."

Chen Tianhao patted Chen Feng's head and said to him with a smile.

He also took a bone ax himself, went inside, found an empty tree, and chopped it down.


Chen Tianhao used great force, and the ax sank deeply into the tree, leaving a deep scar.

Pull out the axe, the bone axe is very sharp, without any scars.

This tree is very big, almost one meter in diameter, and no one can hug it. This scar is just a small scar to this tree.

In this primitive era, most of the trees grew very tall, and this tree is just an ordinary one in this forest. There are thousands of such trees here.

In Chen Tianhao's plan, at least nearly 1000 trees need to be cut down to provide enough space for 500 houses.

Chen Tianhao's body was very strong, and he swung the ax effortlessly.

With his hard work, he finally cut off more than half of the tree roots.

Quickly let the person next to him leave, and after they left, Chen Tianhao pushed hard.

The big tree shook a few times, only to hear a "pop", and the scars on the tree continued to expand, and went up from the root for a few seconds.


Chen Tianhao cut down the first big tree.

This is not over yet, the branches on the big tree need to be divided and transported to the designated open space, which needs to be processed in the future.

Chen Tianhao was busy again for a long time, and finally finished dismantling the big tree.

As for the final removal, several people were found to carry it together before the first log was completely removed.

"I'll go, I'm exhausted. This is just the first root." Chen Tianhao sat on a tree root.

He estimated his own speed. According to this speed, 200 people felled together and felled less than half of it in 3 days. After all, not everyone has his speed.

For ordinary people, it is not bad to be able to cut down one tree a day and clean them up.

"Brother Tianhua, is there anything to increase the cutting speed?" Chen Tianhao asked.

If you want to increase the cutting speed, you can only rely on the system at present.

"There are many things that can increase the speed of felling. For example, building a lumber camp. The speed of specialized loggers is far faster than that of ordinary people." Chen Tianhua has been following Chen Tianhao, and when he heard Chen Tianhao's doubts, he immediately answered.

Chen Tianhao knew about the lumber camp, but the living quarters hadn't been finished yet, let alone the lumber camp, which didn't show.

Of course, Chen Tianhua knew about Chen Tianhao's current situation, and immediately said: "I suggest you now that the main purpose is to earn points. Only with a large number of points can you achieve rapid development. And after three days, the study of the living quarters will be completed. When you build, you build slowly. Nothing happens overnight."

Chen Tianhua felt that Chen Tianhao had gone astray, always thinking about getting things right at once.

(End of this chapter)

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