spore evolution

Chapter 175 Triggering Missions

Chapter 175 Triggering Missions
the next day.
On the right side of the tribal center, there was a lot of heat, hundreds of people wielding bone axes and happily chopping down trees.

Except for some people who needed to fetch water and breed, Chen Tianhao added the others to the logging brigade.

With the addition of these people, the logging speed has increased a lot.

After Chen Tianhua's wake-up call yesterday, Chen Tianhao also realized his negligence. He really should focus on earning points, and other less important things, just ask his clansmen to do them.

What a leader of a tribe needs to do is to control the direction for the whole tribe, instead of doing those subtle tasks in person. It’s not that it can’t be done, but the cost-effectiveness is too low, and the development of the whole tribe is a big deal.

The reason for the increase in cutting manpower this time is because a task was triggered yesterday.

It was this task that made him decide to increase his manpower, and also made him feel that it was the best choice to get rid of the state of lumberjack.

Just yesterday, shortly after Chen Tianhua finished speaking, the long-silent task bar finally triggered a new side task.

Task name: Logging tired.

Task Description: Logging is very hard and tiring. Manually cut down certain trees to experience the hard work of the loggers.

Task requirements: cut down 500 trees.

Task rewards: Points: 1000 points, a blueprint of the logging camp.

This task is like sending charcoal in the snow, not only has 1000 points, but also a blueprint of the logging camp.

Chen Tianhao went to the mall to see the price of the blueprints for the logging camp. Like the tribal center, it is the lowest-level building and requires 500 points.

It was necessary to cut down enough trees, but now I just encountered this task again. It is like killing two birds with one stone, not only clearing the place, but also earning points.

I don't know if the timing is right, after triggering this task, Chen Tianhao got another 500 points from logging, which was obtained from the achievements.

In order to complete this task as soon as possible, the next morning, early in the morning, let all the idle people join in the completion of this task.

A large number of manpower has increased, and the speed of logging has increased a lot.

Seeing that the logging work was on the right track, Chen Tianhao didn't stay there any longer, but wandered to other places, hoping to trigger some tasks or achievements from other places.

What is worth mentioning is that after entering the research center, Chen Ling, a child, was actually immersed in the research. Chen Tianhao even brought in the meals, let alone sleeping, and stayed in the research center all the time.

Chen Tianhao was also worried for a while, whether the long-term study would have any bad influence on her. After all, even adults can't stand it without rest for a long time, let alone she is only a child over three years old.

But when he heard it from Chen Tianhua, it didn't bother him.

But he was still a little worried. He had been in the research center at night and went back to sleep very late. When he got up this morning, she looked good, so he was relieved. He guessed that this should be the reason for the building provided by the system.

It seems that this research center still has a lot to discover.

In order to earn more points, Chen Tianhao now wanders here and there.

Needless to say, he really earned a lot of points and triggered two missions again.

When he went to the place where all kinds of animals were kept in captivity, he triggered the animal husbandry achievement and got 200 points.

The most important thing is that he also triggered a new mission here.

Task Name: Captive

Mission statement: To improve the quality of life, meat is an indispensable daily necessities, and more kinds of animals should be kept in captivity.

Task requirements: Keep five kinds of animals in captivity, and the number of each animal should not be less than 100.

Task reward: Points: 1000 points, a blueprint of the livestock farm.

The task was completed instantly when it was triggered.

This is the fastest completion time among Chen Tianhao's missions, in seconds, it will not be completed in such a fast speed in the future, at most it will be the same as now.

The ability to complete the task in an instant this time was due to the fact that Chen Tianhao had formed the habit of keeping animals in captivity a long time ago.

There was another task that was triggered when he walked up to the soil eater. At that time, he was checking the soil eater. Facing this sudden task, he was also dazed.

I don't know how this task was triggered. Logically speaking, this place is still a place where animals are raised in captivity, and the soil eater is also one of the animals he raises in captivity.

After he checked the mission and thought about it carefully, he realized what was going on.

Mission Name: Bronze Ware
Mission description: Copper is a kind of metal, using bronze to make tools.

Task requirements: Create ten bronze wares.

Task reward: Points: 1000 points, a blueprint of the mining farm

The soil-eating beast is the first captive creature Chen Tianhao raised in the biological era. This creature is very magical.

His food is neither vegetarian nor meat, but the soil under his feet.

The soil-eating beast devours the soil, and after digesting it, it excretes all kinds of metals. In other words, the soil-eating beast eats soil, but what it pulls out is metal.

At that time, Chen Tianhao didn't think of using these earth-eating beasts for anything, but subconsciously kept them in captivity.

It seems that apart from the effect of digging caves, the other tribesmen don't know what these soil-eating beasts are used for, but the habit of keeping animals in captivity began at that time, and the soil-eating beasts were also kept in captivity by them.

Anyway, these soil-eating beasts are easy to feed. In this captivity, there are at least hundreds of soil-eating beasts here.

Logically speaking, even if hundreds of soil-eating beasts digested slowly, there should be a lot of metal here, right?

Why is there only a little bit of metal here?

The soil-eating beasts were kept in captivity in the cave. At first, Chen Tianhao thought that the metals would be in the innermost part, but after his endless exploration, he did not find that there were a lot of metals in the cave, most of them were scattered in the cave. On the ground, these were clearly digested recently.

Chen Tianhao looked around, but found no one nearby. In other places where animals are kept in captivity, there are special people responsible for the animals' eating, drinking and lazing, but here there is no special person in charge.

After a while, I found an adult coming here with a round pottery about [-] centimeters in diameter.

Chen Tianhao walked over, pointed at the earth eater and asked, "Do you know where the excrement pulled by the earth eater goes?"

It's not that there is no special person to manage the earth-eating beasts. The person Chen Tianhao asked is dedicated to managing the earth-eating beasts.

Earth eaters are easy to take care of, and they don’t need to be as troublesome as other animals. Their food is everywhere in caves and on the ground. Just control the direction and prevent them from devouring the caves they live in.

Others just need to clean up their excrement on time, just now he dumped the excrement of the soil-eating beast to other places.

I just came back and heard Chen Tianhao's question. Although I was very surprised why Chen Tianhao asked such a strange question, I immediately pointed to the direction he just came from and said: "Patriarch, it's in that direction."

(End of this chapter)

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